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Mosque in Village Tupalla - Arber Sadiki


The intention was to create comfortable spiritual space for prayers with minimum financial cost by using local materials such as stone and earth.

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Arber Sadiki — Mosque in Village Tupalla

Cloud Garden - D.O.T.S.


Cloud Garden is a series of soft “cloud-like” clusters arranged in the landscape to encourage playful interaction amongst its visitors. Developed by Design Office Takebayashi Scroggin [DOTS] for participation in the Festival des Architectures Vives (FAV) at La Grande Motte, these constructs explore the festival’s theme of “Sensuality” by allowing visitors to play in, on, and around the voluptuous shapes or simply relax and engage in conversation on the large soft bodies. Each “cloud” is comprised of an aggregation of inflated vinyl spheres wrapped in translucent nylon mesh producing a variety of playful figures situated underneath a canopy of trees within the courtyard of Église Saint-Augustin.

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

D.O.T.S. — Cloud Garden

Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim - Arquitetos Associados


The building is organized in three levels, with access through the intermediate level, which houses a covered plaza and support facilities – sanitaries and cafeteria. From this level, stairs and lift allow access to an exhibition space downstairs, defined by a square room formed of 11.7 and 11.7 meters by 7 meters height. This room is visually integrated with the entrance level through a transparent plan that allows crossed views through the room. From the entrance level another staircase leads to to the upper floor, housed in a closed corten box, with large flexible exhibition spaces, amplifying the curatorial possibilities while accommodating a large variety of rooms. While the inferior room provides a visual interaction with the surrounding landscape through the transparency of its upper glass panels, the upper rooms define an introspective ambience, with clear differentiation from the outside environment. Zenital openings were conceived, providing indirect natural light in three of the four sides of the main room. The staircase also has natural light, reinforcing its role as a transitional space with a strong public character.

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Complete the functional spaces loading and unloading area with access to upper floor, central utility room, water reservoir, air conditioning rooms, pump house and cleaning supplies.

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Motivated by an image presented by the artist – a huge stone inserted in the natural landscape of the park – the main built element floats on the terrain as an abstract steel volume, without architectural attributes, resting over the landscape like a carved stone. In order to reach this image, the terrain was redesigned, concealing the inferior room, that is carved on the site and avoids the definition of a built volume, while organizing the main entrance area as a void.

In order to enhance the mineral character of the main block, as suggested by the artist, its construction uses steel structure with steel seals with natural patina finish as the external walls. The patina favors subtle variations in color and texture of the surfaces of the main volume, marked by time and weather. To reinforce this characteristic, the project sought to minimize the presence of traditional architectural attributes, such as doors, windows, walls, roofs, dealing with the deliberate abstraction of the built element and manipulating the volume with subtle deformations defined by the various inclinations of the exterior steel seals.

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim


”Inhotim is a unique site that offers a broad ensemble of art works, displayed outdoors as well as in both temporary and permanent galleries, all located inside a Botanical Garden of extraordinary beauty. The landscaping was originally inspired by famed architect and landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (1909-1994), and rare plant species are distributed in an esthetically pleasing manner throughout an estate which also sports five lakes and a preserved forest area.

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Instituto Inhotim, decreed a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, offers, in addition to these areas of artistic enjoyment and entertainment – which make it stand out among similar institutions – develops environmental research work, educational actions and an important program of social inclusion and citizenship for the local population.” (www.inhotim.org.br)

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Arquitetos Associados — Miguel Rio Branco Gallery - Inhotim

Casa RJ - Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto



Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ

Alessio Lo Bello | Architetto — Casa RJ



Projetado para um jovem publicitário esta casa para os finais de semana, localiza-se em São Francisco de Paula, região serrana do Rio Grande do Sul a 100km de Porto Alegre. Com inverno rigoroso acompanhado muitas vezes por neve, a região se destaca ainda pela preservação em suas bordas do que restou da mata atlântica e da floresta de araucárias.


Nesse cenário, num terreno de 1600 m2, a casa surge como um refúgio de metal e madeira inserido na natureza. Desenvolvida em estrutura leve e suspensa do solo, a casa é formada por dois volumes retangulares de diferentes texturas que se interceptam, gerando um espaço de distribuição definidor de duas alas ao mesmo tempo em que propõem a transição do meio natural verso artificial, apostando no diálogo por contraste. Implantada no centro do lote, rodeada pela mata, a casa vence um suave declive, apoiando-se sobre uma laje em concreto armado afastado do solo de modo a não interferir no perfil natural e livrá-la da umidade ascendente.


O volume maior revestido com chapa ondulada, abriga o setor íntimo com as duas suítes dispostas em lados opostos o qual pequenos vãos iluminam os ambientes. O segundo volume, em madeira e mais transparente, atravessa o pavilhão metálico configurando o setor social e de serviço. Do transpassar desses volumes, um deck em madeira se projeta sobre a mata, atravessando o corpo principal da casa exercendo a função de acesso, hall de distribuição e varanda. Nesse espaço de articulação, a cobertura é translúcida e uma porta corrediça permite que a paisagem permeie o projeto.


Buscando fidelidade ao desenho e considerando a previsão de custos, a casa foi pensada a partir de uma lógica estrutural simples, com módulos de 1.20×1.20m, fixados em perfis metálicos, steel frame. Painéis de madeira (OSB) forrados por membrana permeável que impede a umidade e permite transpiração da madeira, complementam a estrutura externa. No interior, placas de gesso acartonado cobrem as paredes e forro, seguidas pela lã de rocha ocupando o vazio entre as superfícies proporcionando isolamento térmico. Uma caixa em blocos de concreto, semi-enterrada, recuada em relação a laje, conforma as fundações da casa abrigando no maior desnível um depósito. Tanto esse volume como a laje foram seccionadas na projeção do deck, permitindo o escoamento natural das águas da chuva. O projeto procurou responder as necessidades do programa desejando delimitar o espaço construído, sem mimetizar ou camuflar-se, mas apropriando-se da paisagem sem competir com a mesma.












studio legale - maria claudia di bello, Guido Puchetti



maria claudia di bello, Guido Puchetti — studio legale

Restauro di ex fattoria - gianni rigo, carlotta rigo


L’ex fattoria di villa Grimani-Morosini detta Ca’ della Nave, futura nuova sede di una banca, doveva accogliere uffici, spazi commerciali, museali, sale convegni, un ristorante e un parcheggio interrato. Con l’occasione si sarebbe potuto riconfigurare il vuoto urbano della corte interna restituendolo alla cittadinanza, preservando ruralità e bellezza di uno dei primi esempi di costruzione protoindustriale di cemento armato e laterizio. Il progetto non ha cercato compromessi o mediazioni: si è scelto di conservare e consolidare filologicamente, anche a costo di sofisticate soluzioni tecnologiche, ma anche di rendere l’intervento contemporaneo riconoscibile e autonomo, per accrescere l’interesse per il preesistente e la riscoperta dell’intero complesso. Sono stati adottati materiali nobili e poveri, ma tutti con la prerogativa della durevolezza per evitare di intervenire su un edificio antico con materiali o strutture destinate a degradarsi in breve tempo, rivolgendosi spesso alla cultura veneta: dai tenui marmorini interni ed esterni, al terrazzo alla veneziana. Esigenze funzionali (scale, ascensori, corridoi) sono state risolte con interventi diventati a loro volta preziosi oggetti architettonici che preservano la continuità dell’edificio storico e della vista della corte grazie alla trasparenza. Così il tunnel di vetro è stato studiato in funzione della leggibilità del manufatto esistente, la cui visione non viene impedita, scoraggiata o prevaricata, ma si offre la possibilità a chi lo percorre di vedere la facciata da vicino, di farne un’esperienza tattile e di instaurare con la corte un nuovo rapporto visivo. Nella piazza l’acqua, da sempre presente nelle ville venete, decora, ma anche protegge e commenta i vari oggetti architettonici, sia nuovi sia antichi, donando a tutto il complesso un tocco di venezianità. Sul sedime della vecchia cortina muraria del fronte principale, lato sud-est, è stato eretto un nuovo muro di trachite bocciardata e levigata, che prospetta la parte nuova edificata dove prima c’era una superfetazione. La nuova costruzione ha volutamente adottato un linguaggio architettonico astratto ed essenziale, in cui la semplicità del prospetto meglio si rapporta con l’articolazione e l’abbondante varietà delle facciate dei manufatti esistenti. L’omogenea superficie di mattoni del nuovo muro a 5 teste non si interrompe nemmeno in corrispondenza delle aperture, trasformandosi piuttosto in un grigliato: si ripropone in chiave contemporanea la tradizionale “gelosia”, presente nel resto dell’edificio, utilizzando i mattoni interi anziché le “mezze”. L’apertura verso sud diventa un segno progettuale forte proprio in rapporto al tema dell’affaccio sul resto del paese e i due alti setti di mattoni faccia a vista, costruiti in continuità con l’edificio retrostante, imprimono una chiara direzionalità al percorso e invitano all’ingresso. Il restauro ha riguardato anche l’oratorio della villa, sul lato sud-ovest, risalente al XVI secolo e in avanzato stato di degrado: è stata effettuata la revisione e la pulitura a mano di altari, balaustre e statue lapidee, e realizzato il riscaldamento a pavimento previo lo smontaggio e ripristino dei quadri di marmo. Il sagrato esterno, col tempo assorbito dal marciapiede pubblico, è stato riproposto seguendo le indicazioni ricavate da una mappa storica, delimitandolo con colonne posizionate a emiciclo, uguali alle 2 di pietra d’Istria rimaste ai lati della facciata e protette da una sfera di trachite.

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

fronte principale in una foto d'epoca

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

la stessa vista dopo l'intervento

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

vista dalla strada laterale prima dell'intervento

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

la stessa vista dopo il restauro

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

la piazza interna prima dell'intervento

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

la stessa vista dopo l'intervento

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

© Paolo Monello

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

gianni rigo, carlotta rigo — Restauro di ex fattoria

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy - Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa


Progettazione e ristrutturazione Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Project concept arredamento by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Arketipo Design Italy - www.arketipodesign.it, Marco Rosa — Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI) Italy

Ottica BONDONI, Magenta (MI). Project Concept by ARKETIPO DESIGN Italy. www.arketipodesign.it

Health Sciences Faculty - Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña


The new Health Faculty of San Jorge University is located on a campus on the outskirts of Zaragoza city. Although it is a rural campus, the nature in it is scarce. The forest along the campus is the result of a man created operation. The surrounding buildings, the Rectory and Communications Faculty, respond to a contemporaneous architecture that lives besides that nature.

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

south east view

The Health Faculty joins the development of that little nature to reinforce the place where the existing buildings rest and where new buildings will do. The new faculty is not only another building; it becomes part of the new place. Architecture is thought as part of a new nature.

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty


The building program is organized in three concave lines. These white and scaled lines unfold on the campus as part of its landscape. Inside, on two floors, classrooms and laboratories are organized for teaching and research. Each scale catches the light needed for each room. The dimensions and shape of rooms allow a big variability of use. Consequently, it is possible an academic reorganization in an easy way. Light coming through scales can be controlled, so digital technologies can be used inside rooms. The minor creases of each line contain the most public rooms of the new faculty: cafeteria, conference room and multipurpose rooms.

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

north view

The three lines enclose a big room open to the sky. All the access corridors to laboratories and classrooms face this big room. The square gives access to the three lines. Lines look at each other through the square, which discovers the inside of this mineral complex. The inside and outside relation of the faculty gets inverted. The concave outside happens to be the most interior room, and the convex inside becomes the most exterior place.

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

north west view

The mineral nature of this faculty in San Jorge University offers a new landscape of white scales breathing light on the outside, and it offers a big room opened to the sky on the inside.

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

west view

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

east view

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

south west view from rectory square

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty


Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

interior corridor

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

interior corridor

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

north view

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty


Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty

ground floor

Taller Basico de arquitectura, Javier Perez Herreras & Fco Javier Quintana de Uña — Health Sciences Faculty


soltojo - Rocco Borromini


Ristrutturazione e cambio destinazione d’uso. Un edificio adibito a mulino per la macinazione del grano passa ad abitazione privata e poi a ristorante.

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Il progetto ruota intorno alla torre in pietra a vista che ospita il corpo della macina, alla ruota che ne è il motore e alla cascata che ne garantiva il funzionamento. Lo sforzo progettuale verte a preservare questi tre elementi e l’approccio il più delicato e rispettoso possibile.

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

La parte di abitazione costruita a metà degli anni sessanta è invece stata completamente demolita e ricostruita.

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

Rocco Borromini — soltojo

CASA G.F. - arch. Franco D'Orlando


Il progetto prevede la ristrutturazione di un edificio d’epoca in zona di ambito paesaggistico, mantenendo le caratteristiche esterne della ruralità carsica seppur con una completa ridefinizione degli spazi interni.

arch. Franco D'Orlando — CASA G.F.

La zona giorno al piano terra si apre verso il giardino con un’ampia vetrata sul patio esterno previsto in listoni di larice.

arch. Franco D'Orlando — CASA G.F.

Il portico in legno, acciaio e vetro riprende l’immagine del pergolato. Il vetro satinato di copertura assicura trasparenza e leggerezza ad una struttura funzionalmente necessaria e formalmente integrata al fabbricato.

arch. Franco D'Orlando — CASA G.F.

arch. Franco D'Orlando — CASA G.F.

arch. Franco D'Orlando — CASA G.F.



L’intervento di recupero si è reso necessario per creare una sala polifunzionale a disposizione per le recite scolastiche, le attività coristiche e le assemblee delle associazioni.


L’intervento è stato approvato all’unanimità assembleare come alternativa alla completa demolizione e ricostruzione. Il progetto prevedeva infatti la conservazione delle partiture murarie e della struttura lignea primaria della copertura. Il rinforzo strutturale è dato dalle colonne binate interne in acciaio.

SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition - Keywow Architecture


Rather than an ordinary metal clad building in the industrial park which there are so many in Taiwan, “New Shuter Green Sustainable Factory” is like a green hill grow and blend into “Banshan” (half mountain) landscape. A man-made ” Eco Hill ” with natural breezes, gentle sunlight, soothing greenery, and relaxing waterfall sound. We envision a 21st century factory space should be open, continuous, and transparent to enclose varied functional requirements. Space should be homogeneous and no specific function to achieve the most efficiency and flexibility; easy to adapt any future changes. Traditional factories are built to house the machineries. 21st century factories should be the exact opposite since human resources are far more valuable than the machines. This principle coincides with Shuter’s people oriented company culture. 21st century factory should be an airy space with no clear boundary between indoor and outdoor. By carving canyon and funnel like features, we saturate the space with sunlight, breeze, and greenery. Vegetation walls and gardens are used in various ways to let workers and visitors experience nature. Green chandelier like skylights and air funnels are integrated with vegetation wall system to filter air, sound, and sunlight. Location of these special devices are placed deliberately not following any grid system to imitate generative order of nature. Creating a dynamic visual effect while allowing light and air to flow through the space more naturally. To achieve this, building program is first stacked and organized to a mega block in a bubble diagram like fashion. Then the mega block is dispersed into smaller blocks creating in between spaces. We group these smaller blocks to 5 major blobby volumes accordingly to ensure the core values of a factory would maintain. The resultant in between spaces are filled with nature; becoming more powerful and meaningful than program itself. To maximize the dynamic and futuristic aesthetics, a sinuous and seamless facade membrane is created. Encouraging human contact with nature to generate higher creativity and productivity.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

Traditional factories are built to house the machineries. 21st century factories should be the exact opposite since human resources are far more valuable than the machines.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

To achieve this, building program is first stacked and organized to a mega block in a bubble diagram like fashion. Then the mega block is dispersed into smaller blocks creating in between spaces.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

Green chandelier like skylights and air funnels are integrated with vegetation wall system to filter air, sound, and sunlight.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

Roof and wall is one integrated piece, like a big banyan tree wrapping the entire envelope in a skin tailored to the conditions of Nantou's climate.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

Breaking down the boundary between building envelope and nature. Creating a dynamic visual effect while allowing light and air to flow through the space more naturally.

Keywow Architecture —  SHUTER International Architectural Design Competition

We envision 21st century industrial building would bring nature in. These green infusion become the most meaningful spaces in the building.

House GL - estudio ODS


Located between the city center and the rural area in the Algarve, a original storehouse built in the 90’s with no use meet the requirements to be adapted for a home and office for a young couple. The project responds to the growing need for adaptive reuse of existing structures and also meets the restriction of a limited budget without compromising comfort. The building fits on the hill revealing only the south facade; this condition hint the new interior organization to seek for natural light throw a couple of skylights and a small patio. The white walls contrast with the plywood furniture and the polished concrete floor that holds the winter sun to warm the building in the colder months. Outside big steel shutters colored in green inspired in the local agave plant, dialogues with the natural surroundings of the garden planted only with native Mediterranean vegetation.

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL

estudio ODS — House GL


Casa P_1 - Rosalia Di Vittorio


Progettazione di una villa unifamiliare a San Nicola L’Arena

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Rosalia Di Vittorio — Casa P_1

Area a parcheggio con punto di sosta - Alessandro Trabucco

New Ateliers for Les Oliviers Foundation - Background Architecture


Edificio a programma misto, uffici e produzione artigianale. Si inserisce in un tessuto urbano ibrido, residenziale ed artigianale a nord di Losanna.

Background Architecture — New Ateliers for Les Oliviers Foundation

Background Architecture — New Ateliers for Les Oliviers Foundation

Maison du Livre et du Patrimoine - Background Architecture, Marc Sonego

Wine Culture Center - Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai


The architectonic transformation of the Valpolicella Negrar wine cellar develops and integrates the themes related to tradition, technical processes and knowledge, which have resulted in the Venetian Area being recognised as one of the most important Italian symbols connected to wine manufacturing over time.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The view of the vines, which can be seen from the inside of the building, and the impression it creates on clients/visitors became the fulcrum of the design, the objective of which is to create functional and multifunctional areas where the wine, the true protagonist, is shown in all its different forms (from bunches of grapes to bottled wine), without affecting the current production process and storage, which are fundamental to wine-manufacturing.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The fruit warehouse is the core of the business, all the other activities are carried out and developed around it: it is a symbolic temple which provides atmosphere and where the first stage of fermentation takes place. In this way, the fruit warehouse becomes a courtyard from where the fermentation process of the grapes, that will become one of the four most important productions of Negrar wine cellar, can be followed.This area remains the fulcrum of the building all year round, being used for exhibitions, concerts and cultural events when it’s not used for storage. Its constant presence and its central position can be noted from various points when visiting the museum, owing to the glass roof which covers the entire building,making it an iconic symbol in the area.
 All the internal spaces and departments face one another, thanks to the supporting frame which has an organic natural shape, almost like supporting trees, and whose full splendour can be seen in the two-level fruit warehouse. The whole building becomes a big ecosystem in this way: a macrocosm whose life-substance is wine.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The multiple architectural shapes of the existing building are joined together by the multisided cover which is composed of different materials. As the semi-transparent organic cover is made up of different parts, it softens its aesthetic appearance and shows what goes on inside. The first structure rests on and is anchored to a second wooden structure that covers and contains all parts of production, giving the building a unifield and clearly recognisable image.
The undulating shape, the transparency of the glass, and the changing light recall the action of the sommalier who, using the reflecting light, can distinguish different wines, judging them by their body and texture.
The cover described changes its shape and consistency depending on the point of reference in the plan, becoming an organic and dynamic element wherein each part fullfills its own function, be it as a container, as a support for energy producing solar panels, as a sunshade, and as a support for climbing plants, or as a filter for sunlight to light up the inside of the building.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The layout of the inside components is organized to take advantage of the potential of the building’s existing shape without changing the layout of the production department, on the contrary the objective is to maximise their interaction. Every area is part of the whole area and the layout is linear. Visitors are encouraged to discover this business / museum / winery and eatery while moving through ordered areas and components which interchange naturally: in the same way that time naturally works on the grapes during fermentation.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The use of informative display areas plays an important part inside the wine cellar, which is located in an area with a vast culture of food and wine, where tradition continues and is important for artisanal companies and agriculture. Basically, the didactic and exhibition area is like a museum visit, whose path follows all parts of the production process and from where the fruit warehouse can be seen, thereby involving the visitor in an integral part of the company. The large glass windows look out onto the rich vineyards and emphasise the link between the land and its produce.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

The arrival point is in the northern part of the buildings, where the didactic area / laboratories and the restaurant are located, thanks to which the visitor can directly interact with real life and the contents of the museum thought experiments and wine-tasting.
Whatever the reason for his visit, the visitor will find himself walking through this architectonic “forest” which holds the secret of how wine is made.

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

Davide Corti, Valentina Bandera, Luca Benassai — Wine Culture Center

CPF - ACA Amore Campione Architettura


Il progetto di ristrutturazione della villa a Favignana nasce dalla volontà di recuperare e rinnovare l’abitazione esistente con l’aggiunta di elementi architettonici che ne migliorano la funzionalità e l’estetica, mantenendo il carattere minimale. Nasce così una casa che si articola su due elevazioni con una grande terrazza panoramica. Due grandi verande coperte proteggono dal sole e riparano dalla pioggia grazie ad un sistema di grondaie nascoste, invadono fisicamente il giardino esterno contenendo un’ampia seduta monolitica e un blocco barbecue lineare. All’interno, l’ambiente centrale si arricchisce di ombre con due tagli di luce che danno enfasi al camino esistente. Le camere, in puro stile isolano, presentano letti in muratura e nicchie portaoggetti. Nella parte posteriore dell’abitazione, una pendenza naturale conduce fino alla doccia esterna e a un locale di servizio.

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

 ACA Amore Campione Architettura — CPF

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