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Art Pavilion - Metro Arquitetos Associados


This project is composed by three structures placed in a 2200 sqm garden, in a residential neighborhood in São Paulo. The main construction is a pavilion for the exhibition and storage of an important private contemporary and modern Brazilian art collection.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

It is a simple volume, with 5.5 m wide by 28 m long, made by two concrete walls and a steel structure as a roof. Besides a central rounded skylight, a gap between the roof and the walls allows for natural lighting. The pavilion has two different floor-to-ceiling heights.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

The second structure is a concrete cube that houses a guest room in two levels.
As a complementary structure there is an irregular wooden grid covered by glass, supported by only three steel columns, that covers an area of 80 sqm.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Art Pavilion

MOBILE LIBRERIA - dino antonio coringrato

SFERE IN GEOLITE - dino antonio coringrato



dino antonio coringrato — SFERE IN GEOLITE

Nestlé chocolate factory - Metro Arquitetos Associados


The main intention of the design for Nestle factory’s visiting areas was to create a landmark in the generic landscape of the highway that connects São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, revealing the existence of a public and accessible space. This visibility is achieved by the installation of two steel framed glass towers, which are connected to bridges that roads and wraps the existing building, granting access to the elevated walkway inside the factory. This way, visitors and services traffic are kept away from each other. The structural geometry and the materials used were designed as to trigger a sensorial and perceptive experience and to contribute to the comprehension of the information about the history and production of the chocolate throughout the visitation. This work is an intervention inside the existing Nestlé chocolate factory. Built in the 60’s, it was designed to receive the public, but in a very precarious way and without any museological attribute.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

The design solved the major issue witch was the organization of visitors and production flux, transforming the simple visitation circuit in a museum with interactive content and that also adds a strong character to a building which was, until then, ordinary. Two external towers and footbridges were created. Each tower houses stairs and an elevator and the shortest bridge serves for the entrance, and a longest one, for the exit, both parallel to the highway.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

The steel structure of the towers and footbridges is made up by tubular pieces, making up also for the support for the glass and expanded metal sheet panels. The floors made up of perforated metal sheet contribute to the natural ventilation and draining; the roofs are made of a steel panel with an EPS core to improve its thermo-acoustic perfomance. The structure is made up of non-coplanar triangular meshes 2.5m high and which repeat every 10m. That shape, besides making the structure more rigid and more slender, makes the glasses reflect different parts of the landscape. Footbridge I, supported by metalic columns and beams with varying sections, has 10m spans between the supports and a 27.5m span between the last column and the tower. Footbridge II has 15m spans and a 5m cantilever to the building.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Inside the circuit, 10 thematic cores were designed, based on the production of the factory, from the raw materials, going through the different stages of production until the final packaging phase. Circular windows were opened in strategic spots. Each core has specific colours and materials, as well as soundtracks and scenography.

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory

Metro Arquitetos Associados — Nestlé chocolate factory



Il progetto mira alla ridefinizione del disegno delle due facciate prospicienti gli spazi pubblici al fine di apportare un miglioramento ad una zona del centro storico particolarmente degradata.


Muri e territori del vino - Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco


La griglia con lato pari a tre chilometri riportata sullo schema territoriale del Monferrato ed aree limitrofe mette in evidenza le caratteristiche di scala del territorio considerato. In particolare si nota il tipo di densità insediativa presente formata da un gran numero di nuclei abitati, ognuno dotato di propria microstruttura urbana, collegati fra loro da una fitta rete di strade provinciali. L’osservazione a scala più ridotta del territorio rileva nel paesaggio vitato la presenza dei muri di contenimento del terreno in cemento armato come fattore di disturbo visivo. I muri, tuttavia, mettono semplicemente in risalto il carattere “trattenuto” del terreno che già l’ampia superficie vitata nei suoi metodi di allevamento a girappoggio, cavalcappoggio o a rittochino denuncia. Il paesaggio in questione è un perfetto esempio di naturalità artificiale in cui la qualità visiva dell’insieme è determinata e mantenuta dal costante lavoro dell’uomo intento a regimare il dilavamento da precipitazioni atmosferiche e mantenere stabili i pendii in un disegno di trama regolare fatto di allineamenti rigorosi di viti che sottolineano la teoria di colline. La presenza diffusa dei manufatti in cemento armato è considerata in positivo come dotazioni, insieme di supporti per realizzare una rete di “accessori da terra”, oggetti, manufatti, allestimenti, installazioni con cui decorare, vestire, modificare in modo sorprendente il terreno e il paesaggio.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

La rete è costruita da punti di eccezione, ornamenti che assumono compiuta definizione in diversi periodi dell’anno in occasione di momenti pubblici specifici o eventi artistico-ludici che si possono all’uopo programmare. Ogni “accessorio”- muro- assume una caratterizzazione in rapporto alle suggestioni del singolo luogo o agli eventi che nel luogo si svolgono. Il riferimento formale è ai manufatti in ferro, inferriate, balconate, pergole sempre abbinate all’elemento vegetale che sia una serie di piante in vaso o un rampicante. Accessorio da terra come struttura tutore che sostiene il verde che in questo modo acquisisce spessore e corpo, materialità diventando forma urbana, paesaggio. L’idea di percorso che si propone non è associabile ad una linea aperta o chiusa con un inizio ed una fine stabiliti ma ad una rete di punti di interesse visibili/raggiungibili/visitabili durante il normale spostarsi per crue e abitati. Durante l’anno, in modo più strutturato, potranno essere organizzati eventi specifici che comprendano una serie di muri.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

GRAZZANO BADOGLIO La struttura metallica è pensata come un giardino verticale urbano che avvolge il muro esistente lasciato a vista; il bordo del piazzale è azzerato dai muretti esistenti e risolto con le strutture del giardino che si concludono in forma di lunga balaustra affacciata al paesaggio.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

MONCUCCO Il muro esistente è considerato parte integrante del giardino dell’Abbazia. La vegetazione in esso presente deborda dal chiostro e discende sulla superficie guidata dalla struttura filiforme in barre di Corten. La struttura non è semplicemente ancorata al muro ma ne fuoriesce essendo concepita come se appartenesse al terrapieno con le radici che perforano il muro stesso.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

PIEA Il muro circolare è rivestito da una struttura di aste da 18-24 millimetri di varia lunghezza inclinate fra loro e recanti a diverse altezze anelli di varia grandezza saldati alle barre. La struttura funge da supporto per la vegetazione e, periodicamente, durante la festa della Zucca è utilizzabile per realizzare una installazione di zucche decorative che, alla fine della festa, verranno vendute all’asta.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

TECNOLOGIA/MATERIALI La struttura degli accessori da terra è prevista in Corten nelle forme di barre, tondi, lamiere tagliate opportunamente calandrate secondo i disegni sviluppati in riferimento allo sviluppo della Vite e a piantumazioni rampicanti/discendenti. Le strutture metalliche prenderanno forma e disegno compiuto dalla ripetizione di moduli semplici ribaltati in senso verticale e orizzontale in modo da costruire sequenze variabili. Queste “seconde pelli” dei muri verranno ancorate al cemento armato con semplice tassellatura meccanica.

Giorgio Teggi, Antonella De Nisco — Muri e territori del vino

MANUTENZIONE La manutenzione degli accessori consisterà nelle seguenti operazioni: - cura del verde; - verifica periodica degli ancoraggi strutturali; - verifica di eventuali parti danneggiate da sostituire; - azioni di manutenzione poetica L’impiego dell’acciaio Corten rallenta di molto il degrado delle parti metalliche; l’ossidazione superficiale, infatti, interviene a formare una patina protettiva. Il disegno stesso delle superfici è concepito per essere mutevole e variabile per la presenza della vegetazione. L’onere di mautenzione per strutture del medesimo tipo è molto limitato nel tempo. Per i casi presi in esame si possono ipotizzare, di massima, i seguenti costi manutentivi strutturali annui:

Artist’s House and Atelier - MoDus Architects


Perched atop a ridge on the outskirts of the historic city-center, the house splits into two interlocking volumes to open up and look out over the valley of the South Tyrolean town of Castelrotto. A bifurcated concrete plinth negotiates the sloping site from which the twin wooden elements rise up on a stilted timber structure to free up the view across the site at the ground level. Tightly wedged between the house that the artist Hubert Kostner grew up in and a neighboring traditional house, the constricted site prompted a more vertical solution where the roof plays a dominant role.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

Joined together at the hip with a spiral staircase, the constituent programs of the atelier and the house pivot outwards and elbow their way into one volume or the other like two cantankerous siblings. The work spaces of the artist’s studio, along with a small gallery, are located in the basement level and are accessed by a ramp to facilitate the loading and unloading of unwieldy materials and artwork. One of the work spaces is a double-height, north facing studio with an even, indirect sunlight ideal for artistic production.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

At the ground level, the zigzag of the timber structure makes for a porticoed walkway that wraps around the retracted glass perimeter where one can look down into the double-height studio or step into the small office. The front entry is marked by the widening of the covered walkway to provide a spacious transition from outside to in. The private quarters for the artist and his family are located on the upper levels: the kitchen, living room and main bedroom occupy the first floor while two separate rooms with adjoining bathrooms and separate staircases are nestled below the pitched roofs. The kitchen and living room share a south-facing terrace that serves as the entryway overhang below.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

With exception to the concrete stair core, the building above-ground, inside and out, is characterized by its material construction of unfinished, industry grade wood and combines light-frame and cross-laminated timber (CLT) building systems. The concrete base below, on the other hand, is finished on the outside with a reddish brown plaster that reflects the native porphyry bedrock and on the inside the perimeter concrete walls are left unfinished. In contrast, the cylindrical concrete stairwell offers a smooth polished surface and is punctuated by a few pinewood doors and a small wood-framed window.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

The “V” timber structure is pulled up into the elevations, dividing the larch wood, paneled façades into an expression of its very structural system to give a flattened interplay between structure and cladding. The façade is also a site of artistic intervention whereby Kostner has incised two “tattoos” of his very own house, communicating not only the close collaboration between architect and artist throughout the design process, but also signs the façade as the beginning of a new canvas, transforming the house itself into a work of art.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

As a final note, in building a house and atelier for the artist in his touristic yet scenic hometown, Kostner persistently engaged us in a bantering dialogue of irony between tradition and tourism, structure and ornament, that which is necessary and that which is not—to name but a few—while demanding that we hold steadfast an expression of architecture where no detail was left unturned, where everything was neither standard nor frivolously custom made. This way of working applied not only to the scale of the building, but also to the scale of all the things, objects, and surfaces within the building. For example, while much of the cabinetry and furniture is made specific for the project, an eye for simple but surprising solutions along with a limited budget kept the design process in check.

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

MoDus Architects — Artist’s House and Atelier

Leehan Headquarter - Pune 2014 - Francesco Mottini


Progetto di interior design di un ufficio direzionale a Pune in India. Avendo come base di progetto un layout molto denso, con spazi destinati alle percorrenze assai limitati si è optato su uno modello ispirato ad un alveare. Gli ambienti si susseguono con un disegno fluido e senza interruzioni. I colori sono chiari e l’illuminazione è studiata per integrarsi con l’arredo in un gioco continuo di flussi e colori.

Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014

Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014


Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014

Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014

Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014

md cabin

Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014


Francesco Mottini — Leehan Headquarter  - Pune 2014


Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center - MoDus Architects


The project is the winning entry of an international competition issued by the city of Bolzano for two new school buildings and a public square located at the center of a new residential neighborhood planned on the southern outskirts of the city. The preschool, kindergarten and family center is the first of the two schools to be completed and is equipped with a large kitchen at the lower level, serving all the kindergartens within the area. The local city governance, aware of the inherent challenges of forging a new neighborhood within the city, made a concerted effort to cast the school complex as a meeting place for the local residents. Over the course of the years and as the neighborhood began to take shape, the project underwent a series of evaluations in efforts to best tailor the building at the center of this new quarter.

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

Taking its cue from the regulating masterplan which outlined at once a curvilinear and rectilinear footprint, the two-story building bends and sways to accommodate the three programmatic functions into one structure and opens up on the inside with three outdoor courts of varying sizes. These bamboo-lined courts make for a transparent, light-filled interior and provide a common buffer-space between the various schools that delineates each program with their own distinct, dedicated areas. The preschool (ages 0-3) occupies the orthogonal, west facing side of the building while the kindergarten (ages 3-6) occupies the east-facing, curvilinear side of the building with 4 classrooms located on the ground floor and 6 activity rooms on the first floor. At the head of the building is the double-height space of the children’s center along with a small office and kitchen used not only to accommodate support services to the community and their families but used also as an open workshop dedicated to reinforcing social ties within the new residential quarter.

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

n dialogue with the various stakeholders of the building, particular attention was paid to the intersecting discourse between pedagogical and architectural considerations and as a result, the design proposes a number of strategies to stimulate the interchange between the spaces of the school and the various didactic approaches. First and foremost, visual connections are designed to promote participation between the three programs, and are conceived to sustain a continuity across the formative years as the children move from one school program to another as they grow older. Secondly, the project offers a diversity of spatial configurations (indoor and outdoor) in an effort to stimulate a child’s incredible sense of space. Sectional changes in height, together with variegated natural lighting solutions provide not only different scales of spaces but also different qualities of those spaces. The courts themselves are closed rooms open to the sky that affirm all kinds of learning possibilities. On one occasion one of the courts was transformed into a rabbit habitat where the kids could tend to them. Furthermore, many surfaces within the activity rooms are themselves sites of exploration for the children, offering different ways in which to engage the senses of touch, sight, and sound. This variation of spatial and surface conditions works at the didactic level in many ways, providing places of solitary-parallel and/or cooperative play.

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

In other initiatives, the corridors have become vibrant places of exchange and learning. The spacious corridors ebb and flow along the perimeter of the courts to provide spill out spaces for small groups and special activities. Niches within the walls separating the hallway from the activity rooms are carved out for the children’s changing area and ample space is also given over to the parents to promote inclusion and participation.

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

The interiors of the three constituent programs use a palette of warm hues and materials to create a “quiet” and comfortable environment in both visual and acoustical terms. The corridors are clad with an oak-paneled wainscoting below and a series of textile-clad, sound absorption panels. This wood wainscoting is threaded throughout the building and in combination with acoustic gyp-board and acoustic textile-clad discs, the school remains a comfortable place with radiant floor heating and radiant cooling in the exposed concrete slab construction of the ceilings.

square meters: 5.245 m²
volume: 18.966 m³
competition: 2004
design: 2005-2009
construction: 2009 – 2012

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

Missing image

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

MoDus Architects — Preschool, Kindergarten and Family Center

Landmann Farmhouse - MoDus Architects


A farmhouse, abandoned years ago and surrounded by uncontaminated fields, woods and orchards, themselves left untended and uncultivated, are the first striking impressions of a site visit with the client wanting to transform and bring back to life this alpine settlement.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

In these places, in those rooms, time stood still and one felt catapulted back in time 60 years. In this idyllic and almost paralyzing state, the task was to jump start the time machine and weave together a new narrative of different voices: the obdurate visions of the new residents, the bold reverence of the architects, and the skillful stubbornness of the local artisans.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

Landmann farmhouse whose origins date back to the 1600s is comprised of four hectares of predominantly terraced ground with dry-stone walls and two flanking structures of the characteristic pairing together of house and barn. The house is a plastered stone construction with an imposing wooden roof while the barn is an all-wood construction atop a stone base.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

The intervention had to therefore take on the vastness of the site and the fragility of the existing structures. The house was renovated to become the main living quarters for the core family and to accommodate the client’s wheelchair accessibility needs, while the barn was demolished to become in its place a new multi-generational, multi-unit house.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

The decision to separate the longstanding siblings (framhouse and barn) and establish a new fraternal relationship was the most difficult aspect of the design, solved by a new timber construction that followed the slope of the terrain, taking cues from the original barn house, but accentuating its characteristics to become something of its own.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

The new construction is an all wooden construction, with a wedge-shaped wooden roof that conjures all that swirls around monomaterial construction only to reveal its main elevation as a flat profile outlining the house—an iconic mask of the image of the pitched roof house, and in dialog with the wooden roof of the old, flanking farmhouse.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

A new rural building with the necessary stall and storage space was built nearby the original nucleus and connected by a subterranean passageway carved into the bedrock and accessed by a double tiered, underground parking garage. These three structures are connected aboveground by a series of ramps, stairs and terraces all realized in the natural stone quarried from the site.

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

MoDus Architects — Landmann Farmhouse

LE FOIN-BAS - Jamie Falla


Starting out as a dilapidated late 1950’s villa, the redevelopment of this 4 bedroom dwelling on the south coast of Jersey was addressed with the primary aims to open up and increase the living areas connected to a re-landscaped garden, reduce the resulting carbon emissions, and take advantage of the potential views over the bay. We successfully achieved this by dismantling a significant section of the house, opening up and creating open plan living with the kitchen at its heart, while incorporating environmentally passive design techniques and loading the house with cutting-edge technology.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

The clients saw development possibilities due to its unique location overlooking St. Brelades Bay when purchasing the house in early 2000. They approached us in the spring of 2005 to initially look at extending the house to potentially accommodate their extended family. After many schemes and studies, the project developed from a modest side extension to a substantial demolition of the house and 2-storey extension.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

A highly conservative planning authority together with a unique design approach, resulted in an 8-month pre-application advice period followed by an 8-month application period, ending in May 2008. During which time an archaeological dig was required due to its historically sensitive location.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

With our guidance and organization, local building contractors worked with specialist glazing manufacturers, roofing contractors, and render suppliers from South England, while using basic and well testing building methods.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

Ground source heat pump provides pool heating in the summer and ample space heating during the winter. The large south facing glass façade provides solar gain during the winter, and with the doors and the roof lights open, provides effective ‘stack’ ventilation to all areas of the house during the summer. The project was on site for 12 months and was successfully completed on time and in budget.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

Wanting to emulate traditional island buildings that celebrate their completion with date stones, our clients asked us to have a fresh look at the idea. We did this by setting out smaller private windows onto the public façade of the house using Morse code to spell out in the fenestration; the name of the house, the year and our clients initials.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

The original house was a clumsy mixture of various extension resulting a maze of small and unusable rooms. The proposed design partially demolished the existing house and simply linked the retained parts using the latest in cutting edge materials and building techniques. Keeping the bedrooms in the east wing of the house allowed each room to have a spectacular view over St. Brelade’s bay. The Master Bedoom and balcony to the south has a unique and elevated position over the lap pool and uninterrupted views of the coastline. The kitchen and dining space form the heart of the family home with every room opening onto this double height space.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

The result is a distinctive building to the island, which fulfilled the client brief, responded to its context, and is a truly unique family home.

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS

Jamie Falla — LE FOIN-BAS



Come andare a relazionare l’esistente con nuove linee contemporanee? questa è la domanda che ogni architetto si fa nelle ristrutturazioni e riqualificazioni e molte volte senza mai arrivare ad una risposta. In questo caso la risposta è arrivata utilizzando linee contemporanee… figure geometriche degli esterni, riprese come un quadro di kandinsky. Le giuste proporzioni, i giusti colori e lo sfruttamento dell’orientamento… il tutto per risvegliare l’emozione umana mentre “vive” anche gli ambienti esterni.






Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA - MoDus Architects


The project is the result of an invited competition that called for the refurbishing of, and addition to the administrative and logistical headquarters of the wood-building company Damiani Holz&Ko located in the light industrial zone of Bressanone along the Isarco River. The competition brief outlined the need for a structure that embodied not only the company’s activity but also the company’s philosophy; the company designs and develops building systems in wood and pursues the use of environmentally conscientious wood-building products and techniques. As a result, the addition uses multiple construction systems in wood and showcases the use of ‘raw’, industry-grade wood as a finished material in many different forms.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

The building is a compact, wooden monolith resting upon a black concrete base. The façade is a vertically oriented wooden brise-soleil that is punctuated by the three large apertures of the main entrance, and the two large windows on the upper floor. The irregular, jagged outlines of the wooden slats pull together the draping second skin in an undulating rhythm that wavers between an impenetrable, solid construction to then dematerialize into a light and airy volume depending on one’s vantage point. This double reading and binary use of wood as heavy and light, robust and delicate, static and dynamic accompanied the design process in both its architectural and technical conception. Moreover, the inherent dependency between the concrete base and the wooden building is also played-out in the technical and tactile symbiosis of concrete and wood. For example, the inherent repercussions of conceiving wood as a prefabricated product is mirrored in the design approach to the prefabricated, sandwich concrete paneled walls of the underground functions of the garage and service spaces. Similarly, the form-work used for the cast concrete of the base encode in the surface of the concrete the grain and type of the wooden formwork: OSB, wooden studs of varying dimensions, and sanded 3-ply panels.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

Programmatic organization
The office addition is a five-storey building with two entrances split between the upper entry for visitors from the street side and the lower entry located in proximity to the production facilities and stockpile yard of the company. The underground level houses a parking structure for 40 cars and a series of service and mechanical spaces while the ground level houses the commercial (purchasing and sales) department. The entrance from the street gives onto a small reception area from which visitors access the design and engineering offices of the company that connects to the existing building with a glass pavilion housing the informal meeting point for the employees. Administrative offices are found on the first floor followed by the open seminar and event-space of the top floor.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

Wood Structure
The wooden structure is comprised of two load-bearing wall systems: a perimeter, light-frame construction and two cross-laminated timber structural cores (the central service spaces core and the stair and elevator core) that rise from the concrete base at the lower ground level 3 floors to the wooden roof. The various floor constructions are characterized by one or more structural solutions, showcasing not only the versatility of wood engineering, but also the very malleability of wood itself. All elements used in the flooring systems are strictly structural.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

Finish materials and furniture design
The structural concrete floor slabs are finished with a polished concrete floor while the wood floor systems are finished with a wooden subflooring and a naturally stained solid oak flooring. Both the pre-fabricated concrete panels and the poured concrete remain exposed while the perimeter stud-walls are finished with the 3-ply sanded formwork panels painted white. All the furniture was custom designed and built with the exception of the chairs with a careful chromatic study of the various surfaces.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

Energy and Environmental design
Among various energy design strategies, the project uses a biomass heating and cooling system whereby energy production exceeds energy consumption and a mechanical ventilation system with a high coefficient of “recycled” heat. The project obtained the highest category of energy efficiency awarded by the local green building council with the CasaClima Gold title along with the stringent certification of Casaclima Nature for the use of ecological materials and renewable energy sources. The building has also been awarded the CasaClima Work&Life certification for sustainable workplaces.

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

MoDus Architects — Office Addition, DAMIANI HOLZ&KO SpA

NORMA - Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni


“Il riposo delle polpette”, scrive l’autore nella prefazione, “assomiglia molto a quello che succede nella nostra mente quando elaboriamo le idee. Le idee sono il risultato di esperienze, incontri, riflessioni, suggestioni. Tanti ingredienti che si mettono insieme e poi producono pensieri nuovi. Ma prima che ciò accada è utile far riposare quegli ingredienti, dargli il tempo di depositarsi, di amalgamarsi, rassodarsi. Il riposo delle polpette è come il riposo dei pensieri, dopo un po’ vengono meglio.” tratto da “Il riposo delle polpette” di Massimo Montanari Norma è la prima polpetteria artigianale di Torino (www.polpetterianorma.com.

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Stefano Toscano, Emanuele Zaniboni — NORMA

Inside Outside Vaasa - Mandaworks, Hosper


Grown out of an ambition to create a modern town, Carl Axel Setterberg’s 1860’s plan utilized a simple grid to achieve connectivity, hierarchy & diversity. The power of Setterberg’s grid has eroded as the city has expanded. Today, modern infrastructure and large complexes have cutoff the city center’s grid from the surrounding neighborhoods. Our proposal Inside-Outside looks to build from Setterberg’s grid to create a contemporary framework that connects the site to its context, sponsors diversity within the block, and takes on the 21st century’s challenge for holistic sustainability.

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Our proposal is connected to the southern edge of the city center by extending the city’s historic grid into the site. The grid’s dimensions are formed from Setterberg’s plan, then adapted to fit the local context and maximize connectivity. The smart grid adapts to connect to the city center via Klemetinkatu, the waterfront via existing bicycle connections, and the green spine to the east of the site via the strengthening of the existing forest. The extended street network is developed around a street hierarchy that organizes public transport and car traffic to prioritize safe pedestrian movement. The main street, Klemetinkatu, links the neighborhood to the city center and is a place where pedestrians, commerce, and vehicles mix to create a vibrant street life. Rantamanntie is modified to integrate parking for the sporting events and create a qualitative environment for a mix of functions. And, local streets are defined by their green character while the alleyways organize parking access and services.

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Klemetinkatu connects to Vaasa’s existing city life to form a vibrant year round public space. Diagonal bicycle and pedestrian paths cut through the blocks to provide shortcuts that connect the site to the existing recreational paths. The proposed bicycle network takes advantage of the 3 existing underpasses to link the site to the water, to connect to the adjacent sport facilities, and to bind together the site’s key public spaces.

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Collectively, the urban structure creates a series of urban block’s that create a unique town character and allow for flexibility and diversity to emerge. Using the grid framework & diagonal cuts, a variety of plot sizes bring possibilities for architectural diversity and for a range of actors to take part in the development process. Bigger plots along the main streets allow for commerce and apartments, while smaller, narrow plots allow for a variety of housing typologies & a socio-economic diversity to emerge. The strong structure of the grid also brings possibilities to extend the grid into the context as future scenarios emerge and the city center grows south. In the long term perspective, the grid would emerge as a strong building block for potential transformations of the surrounding sport complexes and valtatie 3 (the highway). In these future scenarios the grid would form an extendable structure, a connective urban tissue, and a flexible platform for development.

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Mandaworks, Hosper  — Inside Outside Vaasa

Brioni Boutiques Worldwide - Park Associati


The men’s high fashion Italian brand, of group Kering , has entrusted to Park Associati the implementation of the new concept for the interior design of the international boutiques. The distribution of the various product areas expresses in this space the classical division , designed by Park Associati to maximize the brand’s products , and correspond to the expectations to welcome the customer in an elegant and linear space, in which the materials enhance their classic taste of a brand that was born in the city of Rome , the heart of European classicism.

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Brioni Boutique Frankfurt photo Andrea Martiradonna

The new Brioni Concept Store worldwide, designed by Park Associati in collaboration with the creative director of Brioni , Brendan Mullane, declines the classic masculine elegance of the brand through a language , taking inspiration from the great masters of Italian design as Franco Albini , Gio Ponti, Carlo Scarpa Carlo Mollino , combines formal elegance and modernity. It was deliberately chosen to use fewer materials as Travertino marble, ‘cannucciato wood’, Eramosa marble, with careful attention to detail in order to communicate a discreet luxury and precious. In the VIP Room , the concept of elegance and exclusivity that characterizes the brand is emphasized by the presence of a lounge area fitted out with unique furniture aimed to the Su Misura. A large closet opens up to show all finishes and fabrics used for customizing clothes . The wooden ceiling is decorated with a series of glass lamps on ribbed design . The atmosphere is made even more exclusive by finishing that, even in continuity with the shop area , emphasize the craftsmanship of the work . Park Associati realized the concept of all newly opened Brioni boutiques worldwide.

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Brioni Frankfurt Boutique Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati realized the concept of all newly opened Brioni boutiques worldwide: Rome, Frankfurt, Zurich, Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Prague and Courchevel in Europe; New York, Palm Beach, Dallas, Las Vegas, Houston in the USA; Santo Domingo in the caribbian area, Beijing, Singapore, Bangkok, Macau, Seoul, Phnom Penh, Jeddah, Doha in Asia; Johannesbourg in South Afrika.

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Brioni Frankfurt boutique Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati (Filippo Pagliani, Michele Rossi)

Design Team
Andros Atzeni, Alexia Caccavella, Alice Cuteri, Andrea Dalpasso, Guido Gazzaniga, Giacomo Geroldi, Irene Nocerino, Leonardo Porciani, Elisa Taddei, Davide Viganò, Marinella Ferrari, Fabio Calciati (rendering)

Lighting Design
Metis Lighting, Milano
Marinella Patetta
Daniela Tava

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Brioni Frankfurt Boutique Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Locations and Project teams
Alte Rothofstrasse 9, Frankfurt am Main, Germany – 2013
Davide Viganò (project architect), Alexia Caccavella, Alice Cuteri, Giacomo Geroldi

Sankt Peterstraße 11, Zürich, Switzerland – 2014
Davide Viganò (project architect), Giacomo Geroldi

Neuer Wall 84, Hamburg, Germany – 2014
Davide Viganò (project architect), Giacomo Geroldi

Maximilianstrasse 15, Munich, Germany – 2014
Andros Atzeni (project architect), Alice Cuteri

Kadewe, Tauentzienstraße 21-24, Berlin, Germany – 2014
Andros Atzeni (project architect), Alice Cuteri

Espace Diamant, Courchevel 1850, France – 2013
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Guido Gazzaniga

Bergdorf Goodman, 730 5th Avenue #2, New York, USA -2013
Davide Viganò (project architect), Alice Cuteri

251 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, USA– 2013
Davide Viganò (project architect), Guido Gazzaniga

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore – 2013
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Guido Gazzaniga, Giacomo Geroldi

Gaysorn Mall, Bangkok, Thailand – 2013
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Irene Nocerino, Guido Gazzaniga

Venetian Mall, Grand Canal Shop, Macau, China – 2013
Andros Atzeni (project architect), Leonardo Porciani

Shop M2014, Shin Kong Place 87, Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China – 2014
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Irene Nocerino

Lagoona Mall, Doha, Qatar – 2014
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Guido Gazzaniga

Blue Mall, Santo Domingo, Repubblica Dominicana – 2013
Andrea Dalpasso (project architect), Irene Nocerino

Brioni Johannesburg, Southafrikan Republic – 2014
Davide Viganò (project architect), Giacomo Geroldi

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Brioni Frankfurt Boutique Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Park Associati — Brioni Boutiques Worldwide

Photo Andrea Martiradonna

Link the land! - Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino


The particularity of Amarone wine is to select the grapes before the harvest and to make the grapes dryed before they become wine. The project of the guided tour starts from vineyards, place of excellence of man’s work. Through a pedestrian walkway the existent link between human activity and production process is restored entering in the wine cellar, inside the telescope, where the museum gives a look to the wine making process and another one to the land around. The purpose is to preserve the several parts of the wine cellar, redistributing the internal spaces without forgetting the production needs and thinking to the external skins, using wood and stone, which they envelop, conform and characterize the preesistence. Wood and stone are traditional materials, thinking to the vines which are born from clay soil and to the barrels which invade the surrounding area.

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Roberto Currado, Alice Destefanis, Simone Modica, Luca Paseri, Silvana Pellerino — Link the land!

Padiglione Nazionale del Libano, - Vincenzo Casali


In Occasione della Biennale d’Arte del 2007, viene recuperato ad uso espositivo uno dei magazzini della ex birreria Dreher alla Giudecca, Venezia. Gli spazi vengono liberati ed i piani collegati da una nuova scala in metallo, il cui parapetto prosegue a protezione dell’affaccio del piano superiore. In accordo con i curatori, il contenitore è lasciato allo stato grezzo ma ripulito, mentre il nuovo allestimento sia permanente (la scala) che temporaneo come i nuovi volumi, viene eseguito e rifinito con estrema cura. A rappresentare lo stato di un Paese, il cui contesto fisico è tuttora in rovina, mentre la gente riprende la propria vita e si riappropria degli spazi e dei contesti, con determinazione.

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

La mostra “Foreword” raccoglie cinque artisti, il cui lavoro comprende numerose pratiche artistiche: narrative dell’intimità, incentivi alla testimonianza, raccolta di testimonianze, che passando attraverso gli stravolgimenti politici e gli eventi storici, arrivano a parlare delle tematiche più intime. Gli artisti commissionati per il padiglione del Libano provengono da formazioni differenti, lavorano con media differenti e sono a diversi stadi delle loro rispettive carriere.

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

Una serie di proiezioni raccoglie diversi lavori in video realizzati in Libano che rivelano la vitalità culturale che persiste e contamina il Paese, a dispetto di una situazione socio-politica difficile e apparentemente asfissiante.

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

L’ingresso del Libano alla Biennale di Venezia è stato possibile grazie alla collaborazione di un gruppo di appassionati promotori dell’arte contemporanea libanese e Nuova Icona, un’ONG italiana che ha la sua base a Venezia, aperta alle più diverse pratiche artistiche contemporanee e da anni attenta al panorama artistico Medio-Orientale.

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

Vincenzo Casali — Padiglione Nazionale del Libano,

CASE A SCHIERA - via carducci - ARS ENGINEERING s.r.l.

Piano rete ciclo-pedonale di Predazzo - Giorgio Pantaleo, Giulia Materazzi


Il concorso è ambientato nel comune più a monte della Val di Fiemme, lì dove le catene montuose si distaccano le une dalle altre e formano una vallata molto ampia. Predazzo, diciassettesimo comune per popolazione della Provincia di Trento che conta circa 4.500 abitanti, è insieme al paese di Cavalese, uno dei due centri principali e il più popoloso ed esteso delle Valli dell’Avisio, torrente trentino e affluente dell’Adige. È situato alla confluenza del torrente Travignolo, proveniente dal gruppo dolomitico delle Pale di San Martino, nel fiume Avisio, proveniente, invece, dalla cima della Marmolada. Le piste ciclo-pedonali oggetto di concorso sono destinate ad un’utenza di tipo stagionale che locale. Si è, quindi, puntato all’attrattività dei percorsi mediante l’uso di materiali innovativi e pattern tattili. Particolare riguardo è stato destinato ai residenti realizzando piste e percorsi ciclo-pedonali sicuri e riconoscibili per un uso quotidiano negli spostamenti casa – scuola – lavoro. I percorsi ciclabili di progetto hanno l’obiettivo di collegare il comune di Predazzo con la pista ciclabile Fiemme – Fassa, la quale costeggia il torrente Avisio, collegando Alba di Canazei con Molina di Fiemme con una media di passaggi ciclabili annui di circa 40000. Tre sono i punti di accesso al comune trentino, dislocati a Fol, Coste e Travignolo, dove sono attesi punti informativi che invoglieranno la mobilità turistica della Valle di Fiemme e di Fassa a scoprire le attrattività di Predazzo attraverso i quattro percorsi ciclo-pedonali.

Giorgio Pantaleo, Giulia Materazzi — Piano rete ciclo-pedonale di Predazzo

Tav.1 Planimetria di inquadramento

Giorgio Pantaleo, Giulia Materazzi — Piano rete ciclo-pedonale di Predazzo

Tav.2 - Proposte progettuali

Giorgio Pantaleo, Giulia Materazzi — Piano rete ciclo-pedonale di Predazzo

Tav.3 - Proposte progettuali

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