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complesso residenziale - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio

Fedi nuziali - Paola Cantoni


FEdi nuziali realizzate a mano Lavorazione Artigianale


Gioielli realizzati a mano Lavorazione Artigianale Paola C. Gioielli Fine Jewelry and Art www.paolacdesign.com

Paola C. Gioielli Fine Jewelry and Art www.paolacdesign.com

Rilievo 3D dell’area archeologica di Magdala - I.SI. Engineering s.r.l.


L’Ente Missione archeologica Magdala Project, patrocinata dallo Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Facoltà di Scienze Bibliche e Archeologia di Gerusalemme e sponsorizzata dalla Custodia di Terra Santa, nel corso delle campagne di scavo stratigrafico 2007-2011, ha esposto l’intero compound portuale, l’impianto termale e parte del quartiere residenziale della città ellenistico-romana di Magdala/Tarichaee sul Lago di Galilea (Israele) con fasi di occupazione dal II sec. a.C. al IV sec. d.C. e un monastero di epoca bizantino-islamica (V-IX sec. d.C.)


Less more architecture design landscape. Le vie dei mercanti. X Forum internazionale di studi

Magdala Project ha attivato nel 2012 un progetto di collaborazione scientifica finalizzato a: 1.1) rilievo 3D, mediante tecnologia laser scanner, dell’area archeologica di Magdala, nel corso di un’unica campagna di acquisizione da effettuarsi tra i mesi di Gennaio e Febbraio 2012; 1.2) elaborazione dei dati acquisiti in un modello digitale 3D;

Magdala Project ha nominato coordinatore della missione di rilievo e di elaborazione la I.SI. Engineering s.r.l. nonché responsabile scientifico della missione il Prof. Cesare Cundari, del Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno, Restauro dell’Architettura dell’Università“Sapienza” di Roma

casa sm - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio

Wikiarchitettura 2.0 - Sveva Bancale, Laura Mottola


La proposta presentata prende atto delle problematicità del sito e si propone di restituire alla città uno spazio-piazza razionale, in cui le funzioni siano precisamente localizzate e indipendenti tra loro, con l’intento di scoraggiare l’uso improprio e sregolato degli spazi. La genesi del progetto nasce dalla frammentazione-integrazione in un sistema di blocchi che sembrano emergere dallo suolo, diventando essi stessi arredo urbano: i singoli elementi si adattano allo spazio assorbendo i diversi salti di quota, risolti attraverso rampe accessibili anche ai disabili. Tale soluzione permette di creare un spazio unico e compatto, evitando, così, il ricorso ad elementi di arredo urbano preconfezionati, che difficilmente riescono ad inserirsi nel contesto e a far emergere le caratteristiche proprie dell’ambiente che vanno ad integrare.








Studio di fattibilità ampliamento edificio commerciale - Manuela Lastrico


Studio di fattibilità edilizio, urbanistico e sociale per edificio commerciale monopiano prefabbricato. Sono state valutate e redatte varie ipotesi di ampliamento e riconversione dei locali esistenti, tenendo conto delle normative in vigore e della conformità del terreno. Lo scopo era quello di riqualificare un’area in disuso, ma in un punto strategico per il territorio comunale, inserendo attività private ed altre al servizio della cittadinanza.


Studio di fattibilità e progetto di ristrutturazione per edificio monofamiliare - Manuela Lastrico


Lo studio di fattibilità e il progetto per residenza in edificio di tre piani in pietra aveva come fine l’ottenimento dell’agibilità e la vivibilità. Date le dimensioni ridotte delle stanze e la loro distribuzione su più livelli i progetti architettonico e degli impianti sono andati di pari passo tra loro e con lo studio dell’arredo ai fini di migliorare igienicamente, energeticamente l’abitazione e di renderla effettivamente fruibile ed abitabile.


Temporary pavilion in Mexico - david bravo salvà, Carmen Cabrer


The aim of this contest is the construction of a temporary pavilion, enlarging the range of activities offered by “Architecture and Design Archive”, and opening doors to the neighborhood, with a multiproposal and flexible building trough which the citizens will achieve a rapprochement with architecture and design matters.


interior view

The “eccentric” proposal grows from the target of respecting Barragan’s gardens. The mimesis between the pavilion’ s architecture and a modern period architecture is not an available option for us, as long as we agree that i5 not the right interpretation that should have a new building in such a respectable context Unlike that, our proposal i5 a pavilion able to establish a contemporary dialog with the archive building and the backyard garden.



Its location in the deep end garden and the fact of being surrounded by several walls made irreproachable its circular geometry, in order to avoid issues between the backyard enclosure and the pavilion, allowing a fluent peripheral circulation. Curved geometries have already been found in the archive building and the backyard garden original design, represented by the ramp and some vegetation areas. So the pavilion should gather its influence when materializes.


axonometric view

One of the key aspects of the proposal is to bury the building 1m, so the ground becomes 75cm lower, in the inner ground, allowing the specially designed work-tables and shelves to be bound to the ground on the outside and thus create a visual interior-exterior continuity, bringing to the pavilion a close relationship with the garden and a new perspective view of the archive building. This will also get a larger internal headroom (3.5m highest point and 2.75m lowest) to give a rich and versatile space, taking out any domestic resemblance.


The pavilion is pierced by a circular courtyard in order to illuminate the interior and create a more pleasant atmosphere. The eccentric position of the courtyard separates the pavilion program in two parts, first one, the coffee bar area with kitchen-store and second one, a multipurpose space to shelter activities such as conferences, concerts, workshops etc. The roof is corrugated by a ruled-surface to give more headroom in this space (3.5m) and allow more light and some interesting sky visuals as well as the garden trees visuals. The bar’s deck descends to give better scale for its environment


The construction is raised by a timber structure, to be recycled after its construction, and easy to disassemble. Also using the best materials of HunterDouglas and MASISA sponsors in order to be as economical as possible. The deck, soil and special furniture pieces are MDF made and the opaque facade segments are coated with UVELINE.


Once the pavilion has been removed, it is predicted to refill and restore the plot’s land and going back to the original state of the garden and erase all evidence of the previous existence of such a construction.


exterior view


Pristina Central Mosque,Kosovo - david bravo salvà, Carmen Cabrer, Alfonso Comas, Marta Jiménez, Aina Traverso


The mosque has been designed in order to achieve the symbolic expression of the Islamic identity and the values of the Islamic traditional architecture and to reflect the modernity of the society in the city of Pristine.


All the traditional elements of a mosque (Portico, Mahfil, prayer hall, Kiblah, Dome and Minaret) are present in the design, having been interpreted to configure a contemporary architecture design which will stand on the time.


The design consists of a monumental volume, visible from afar to create a landmark in the city, which contains the mosque itself and a base, which supports this volume and responds functionally to the program related to the cultural center and commercial areas. The natural slope of the plot and the terraced configuration of the project allow to perceive the main volume of the Mosque as an unique and independent building from the Boulevard while the base is not noticed from this point.



The volume of the mosque has a schema with a classic geometric basis based on the kiblah guideline and is topped by a dome with an innovative design that creates an overwhelming atmosphere where not only is a place for religion but for the meeting.



This principal volume has been generated from the Kiblah wall and the prayer hall behind it, since the entrance must be on the opposite side of the Kiblah wall. This allow us to free up as a green area the south east corner and emphasize the importance of the Kiblah.



Based on the fact that it will be the city’s main mosque, the minaret position is intended to highlight the allocation of the mosque making it visible from along the boulevard and the skyline of the city and remarking the direction of the principal entrance to it.



Interiorly the prayer hall has been created as a great unified space with natural light coming from the roof, made of a sequence of timber beams which at the same time configure the dome and makes the light come into the prayer hall in a dramatic way inviting to the meditation.



The interior design makes clear reference to the classic Ottoman architecture and ornamentation, with traditional Islamic latticework, wooden paneling and classical hanging lamps.



Urban context: The design of the mosque has been solved in order to free the plot area as much as possible creating public spaces and adapting the program to the terraced plot which generates a sequence of itineraries across the green areas and the building making the mosque accessible from all the surroundings and giving to it the sense of an open and inviting place for the society.



The integration of the platforms with the urban environment enable a clear and sharp understanding of the mosque volume despite the complexity of the program. On the top of the base, on the same level as Boulevard Dëshmorëve, has been created a public area right at the entrance of the mosque as a place of reception for the faithful. A waterway accompanies prayers to the entrance to the mosque.



While the base lower level where the bazaar is placed opens to a great public green area which is directly connected with the planned square shown in the regulatory plan of Dardania and with the commercial pedestrian route on the east-west axis of the plot. This area can be used as an extension of the mosque during the Islamic festivals.

A great stair has been placed in the pedestrian route along the west-east axis in order to emphasize the importance of this path as a connector between both levels as well as generate a secondary entrance to the portico from the south side of the plot.


Functionality: Mainly it has taken into account the large capacity that has to cover the prayer hall and consequential flows of people, so the prayer hall has been divided in four levels, two for each gender (a main one and a secondary storey for Fridays and festivals) with a previous ablution area at each level and a vertical communications core which connect the mosque with the cultural center and with all the levels below. It is important to note that all the itineraries are separate for men and women in the access to the prayer hall.


The cultural center and all related areas are on level -1, with the main entrance on the south facade and an interior connection with the level below ( level -2 – bazaar) within a great double space.


The restaurant is set in two heights and is formally part of the base, but with a functioning independent respect the other areas and facing the park, from where is the access.


Construction / materials The main structure is made by reinforced concrete walls that encloses the principal volume of the mosque. There is a structural firewall between the level -2 and -3( first parking level) that allows to change the structural direction. Those walls are covered with a ventilated façade made with local sandstone and a high efficiency insulation layer. The same sandstone is used to solve the public pavement of the project in the building levels. The use of timber slats and frames for the openings is a rule to create a warm aspect to the monumental mass of the building.



The Kiblah wall is configured with fine alabaster which filters the daylight and interiorly generates a mystical atmosphere while during the night as it is backlit keeps the focus on it. The roof of the main volume is made from cross laminated timber which gives to the space flexibility and the possibility of having the whole space without any column.


The choice of this material responds to the idea of sustainability and bio-construction since the primary material comes from certified renewable forests. Another highlight is the simplicity of the installation and the fact that does not generate waste. Also is a durable material in time and requires low maintenance. It is self-cleaning and satisfies the requirements against the fire without any additional treatment As wood is much lighter than steel or RCC requirements in structure and foundation dimensions will be less and will have a positive impact in the total cost of the building construction.


Energy efficiency / Sustainability Our proposal goal is to raise as many effective passive measures so energy losses will be reduced. The thermal comfort systems are based on the geothermal science taking advantage of the excavation that should be done for the four levels of parking. While the heating system for the prayer hall would be solved with an underfloor heating system. This will be able to work independently for each storey in case of less people influx or acclimatize by levels the entire hall on Fridays and festivals.


Traditionally underfloor heating system won’t be a suitable choice for heat this huge space but we develop a stratified system of heating in where the big space will conceptually be divided in four smaller levels easier to acclimatize so the summary of all of them confers an appropriate level of warmness and the concentrated perimeter of the prayer hall and the thermal inertia of the walls help to keep it.


The dome glazing between the timber beams will be able to be opened in summer time to generate cross ventilation. Using of wood also helps to save energy along the life of a building due to its cellular structure which provides an excellent thermal insulation, 15 times better than concrete and 400 times better than steel. Wood also has a low environmental impact and thanks to the carbon sink effect of the forest, has negative CO2 emissions.


Rainwater will be stored on several tanks placed on the basement floor, safe from low temperatures, which will be used for sanitary requirements, and then sent to a digestive tank where methane may be generated, to produce electricity.



THiiiNK Design! Images - Ana M Jaramillo Hopkirk , THiiiNK Design

Casa. Erre2 - Rino_ C. Bertolone

Leisure Center Sesc Santo Amaro - Elito Arquitetos


Designing a unit for SESC (Commerce Social Service) means to work for the promotion of culture, sports and leisure, as this is the largest and best provider of such services in Brazil. Our responsibility as authors of the project increases because of the complexity of this type of urban equipment, which is used with intensity and must maintain its quality over time.


Besides, it’s also important to understand the wide range of user profiles and of activities to be offered.


The project of the SESC unit in Santo Amaro, located at Rua Amador Bueno, neighborhood of Santo Amaro, São Paulo City, Brazil, proposed an urban and compact unit, given the dimensions of the ground, 7,588.32 m2, and the constructed area, 14,610.00 m².


We designed a predominantly horizontal building, where the user has total visual and sensory control of its different areas and of the activities developed in them, facilitating and stimulating different objects of interest for different types of users and allowing to integrating culture, sport and leisure.


The concept of transparency and mobility was also developed when defining the sealings and furniture, with large colorless transparent glass planes internally dividing areas when needed, and on the façades green screenprinted laminated glass, functioning as transparent sun sun-breaks.


The unit consists of a basement which occupies the full extent of the land, with concrete structure and pre-tensioned slabs; a longitudinal block of in situ concrete structure on which there is a ground level and two floors where there are the areas which require isolation, such as kitchen, theater, fitness rooms, dance, dental clinic, administration, art workshops, cafeteria, help center and multipurpose rooms; and adjacent to this block there is a large steel covered area three times higher where there are the coexistence area, semi-olympic pool, which also works as a large water mirror, the indoor sports court, dressing-room and squares.

















Proyecto Roble - Équipe voor architectuur en urbanisme


“Proyecto Roble” by young office Équipe is a grass roots project, a building embedded in the local context in the rural south of the Netherlands. The client, owner of landscaping firm Van Helvoirt Groenprojecten, had a vision for his headquarters to be a flagship model of sustainability. This was to be a key project where sustainable innovations replace money-issues as the bottom line.


The building is a custom designed environment with no standard details. The project was undertaken as a research into the potentials for creating a positive workplace. Key themes were broken down into components and expressed in the design. “Feel Good!” was the catchphrase coined that encompassed the different themes as renewable energy, passive climate control, abundance of natural light and the relationship to the external landscape, which was to be a showpiece of healing environment garden.


Sustainability was thus been payed attention to in all stages and all scales. From a period of studying what ‘sustainability’ actually means to making sure everyone on the building site understands and embraces these principals. A.o. a new way of tendering was used, called the Building-team Plus and a new formula was invented to document decisions on materiality and techniques.


The new extension immediately catches the passing motorist’s eye, a sleek red form in the agrarian landscape, replete with a fully integrated photo-voltaic-panel roof and a green roof. The green roof transcends its cosmetic role, and is a testing ground for emerging water filtration technology. In the beginning of the 20th century Tilburg was re-known for its textile industry, collecting the workers pee in pitchers for using it as a bleach. Now this project goes back to this tradition inventing worlds first sloped constructed wetlands. Urine is separated from the black water using it a as a nutrition ingredient for making fertiliser in the clients landscaping activities. Further the grey water runs through the grass roof leaving it as clean water that can be used in the building again. This is only one of the multiple innovations in this project that has been designed to the smallest detail: from building to garden, from the bicycle shed to the bespoke interior and signposting.


The building consists of two parts, connected by the clay stove. Heated with prune wasted from the greenery’s own business, this element brings together the office-employees and the outdoor workers. Thus connecting the new extension to the traditions of the family business. Besides the pleasant indoor atmosphere the clay stove also brings technical advantages. The air heating pump could have less capacity and in addition the heater is used as a hot water boiler.


The north part of the building consists of offices. The linearity of the building is emphasised by the interior elements, that are placed on the coloured pathways. By using red linoleum on different areas of the floor and furniture the interior keeps a coherency to the exterior looks of the building. The southern part of the building is a oversized foyer that connects all spaces. This multipurpose lobby, used for bigger and smaller, organised and spontaneous meetings, provides a green and transparent link to the outdoor world. The play of lines has been made expressive by folded raw aluminium lighting trays that float the length of the building.


The facades are made of open detailed, wooden slats painted red with water based ‘nature paint’ thus creating different transparencies between inside and outside. The structure of prefabricated cross laminated timber elements is left unfinished, the imperfections of the timber adding to the natural serenity of the interior. The timber imbues the internal spaces with a positive connection to nature, something which contributes to the landscaping firms green image. All interior elements, apart from second-hand chairs and desk LED lamps, were custom designed. They are specifically designed in consultation with the personnel.


Chairs and table carriages are second hand, like all kinds of smaller parts in the interior design: the door handle of the employees entrance (a re-used banister), the magazine stand (heating pipe) and the fruit boxes in the sample cabinet. Also in the furniture low environmental impact products were used. Special research was done to investigate what material could be best used in what elements and how should these materials be connected. Just like for the exterior the ‘decision document’ was used to explore the considerations in the building team plus and to be able to document conclusions.


This proved to be a very useful tool that helps making choices that exceed standards or norms. During the whole process norms were never leading anyhow. Choosing consciously prevailed following scores. (Nevertheless all calculated scores are excellent) F.e. were passive house theories and Dutch energy performance norms may lead to small windows in the north facade, this building has high windows from floor to ceiling that provide the employees with a view to the landscape and lots of northern light.

















Archivo Pavillon - Federico Colella


The wardrobe is filled with linen / There are even moonbeams which I can unfold. André Bretón


panel 1

A lot of contradictions enrich Mexico D.F. and make that we love this city, Barragán’s gardens show double nature of the capital. A space for meditation next to one of the most chaotic roadway in the city. For Luís Barragán cultural heritage is a basic element to understand Architecture. And Nature is an inspiring source of knowledge. We think that these two factors, culture and nature, could produce a regeneration in a neighborhood community for a new development of the city. This new cultural institution “Archivo de diseño y Arquitectura” would offer services and a place to meet, to socialize and to share, increasing level of citizen consciousness. Natural environment and beauty of Gardens before everything; project doesn’t consider this space as an empty to fill, but as an alive place. We think that beauty of this space could increase socialization and the participation. We chose to transform pavilion into a little part of the garden, like a Xochítl, a flower that opens up in the tomorrow’s first hours and closes itself at the night. Pavilion wants to be ephemeral and totally rejects the idea of becoming an added architecture or an amplification. First of all temporary and light, and also flexible. It is very interesting in a city like Mexico give us a chance to generate spaces that are ephemeral, but outstanding and useful for community.


panel 2

We try to design a building which helps citizens to recognize the space of garden and to change it for different way of use. We convert garden in a domestic landscape. Project also consider exterior as an interior space through processes of colonization. A central nucleus, a “yellow room” is built with a special care in materials, lights and colors. This shelter is protected by an external metal skin that wraps space and that could be opened to exterior. Space among the two boxes contains technical systems and facilities to develop different activities. Pavilion becomes an infrastructure offering services and experiences, a small Wunderkammer, one of these fantastic spaces full of objects that amazed people of Renaissance age. Pavillion offers its services through its contraction and dilation mechanisms, facilitating at the same time until six types of different activities. building can also reduce its size and occupy a surface of only forty-five square meters establishing a more intense dialogue with the environment like a “small toy in the Forest.” the beautiful paint of Alberto Savinio. A very strong contrast between the artificiality of the object and the amazing Mexican nature, an overgrowth in which pavilion wants to get lost. As soon as this building totally opens it allows to be crossed creating a continuity with exterior space. As in the streets of Mexico sometimes, a small food kiosk generates around a very interesting and full of life spatiality where people can feel closer. Recreating in the garden this beautiful sensation of “informal freedom” would help to increase participation and socialization. Closed, as much in the night as in the day, pavilion becomes a “lantern”, a light effect generated by perforated wooden panels: a contemporary frieze inspired by nature, and the geometry of flowers.


panel 3








Campus universitario USI/SUPSI a Lugano – Viganello - Tomas Caloprisco Architetto, lorenzo guzzini, andrea molteni, Valeria Bellora


Il progetto esalta le caratteristiche del luogo in cui si inserisce. E’ il termine di un sistema di edifici di grande scala; si colloca in una maglia urbana esistente; si innesta lungo un parco fluviale lineare; è vicino al vecchio Campus USI. Gli elementi che formano il nuovo Campus sono quegli elementi già presenti e caratterizzanti la città di Lugano, quali il verde, l’ acqua, la corte e la piazza. Qui si crea l’ occasione per concettualizzarli, rielaborarli e restituirli sottoforma di progetto unitario, secondo una nuova chiave di lettura, consapevole, rigorosa e rispondente alle esigenze di incontro e confronto socioculturale del Campus, attraverso una chiara distribuzione delle funzioni e dei suoi collegamenti: al piano terra le funzioni aperte alla città, al piano primo quelle comuni alle due facoltà e sopra di questo le due teste contenenti USI e SUPSI. Volumetricamente si tratta di una piastra sospesa su corpi che contengono funzioni pubbliche, dalla quale fuoriescono i blocchi gemelli delle due scuole. Lo spazio sottostante la piastra è lo spazio pubblico del Campus, accessorio a queste funzioni e totalmente permeabile alla città che lo circonda. L’ampliamento previsto dell’ USI si svilupperà sulla parte retrostante, lasciando intatto il parco fluviale, integrandosi con la logica volumetrica e urbanistica dell’ insieme. L’ intenzione è quella di creare al piano città una distribuzione delle funzioni per tutta l’ area di progetto concessa , rispondente alla logica di composizione urbana esistente e alla sua scala. Così si agisce in atteggiamento opposto ai volumi delle scuole lungo-fiume più a nord, che creano una barriera tra la città e il fiume. In questo modo si ottiene uno spazio pubblico di qualità, inteso come continuazione del parco fluviale lineare del Cassarate e della maglia urbana in cui si inserisce. Il lotto è il luogo di incontro di due geometrie urbane, l’ una al di qua del fiume, l’altra al di là di esso. Questo è stato il pretesto per fondere le geometrie nella composizione dei volumi e nell’organizzazione spaziale. Al piano primo il volume della piastra forata collega tutti i corpi sottostanti, ospitando al suo interno le funzioni accessorie e comuni alle due facoltà, USI e SUPSI. Le due scuole si sviluppano in due volumi identici, a pianta quadrata e corte centrale che, appoggiandosi a terra con i due rispettivi atri di ingresso, si fondono con la piastra attraverso lo spazio centrale dedicato all’accoglienza e all’expo, luogo d’incontro delle persone delle due facoltà. Sono questi due volumi che, appoggiati sul “podio-piastra”, simboleggiano il nuovo Campus formato dai due poli che, pur non toccandosi, mettono parte dei loro spazi in comune e si guardano e si confrontano costantemente. In corrispondenza dei buchi delle corti sospese della piastra, al piano terra, si ha l’ occasione per inserire del verde e dell’acqua, entrambi elementi che vanno a modificare, in modo naturale e sostenibile, la percezione della luce e del calore. Le alberature schermano il sole negli spazi interni e ombreggiano lo spazio pubblico sottostante, mentre l’ acqua raffresca d’estate gli esterni e il suo posizionamento studiato fa sì che rispecchi la luce solare che riceve, illuminando gli spazi non direttamente illuminati che si formano sotto la piastra. A differenza del vecchio campus USI, il nuovo non lascia il verde perimetralmente al suo complesso ma lo ingloba e lo rende funzionalmente ed esteticamente protagonista. Il rapporto con il vecchio polo universitario è dialettico e virtuoso. Iniziando come già detto dal diverso peso dato allo spazio pubblico, “L’erba del vicino è sempre più verde” risponde alla logica della simmetria riguardo alla composizione volumetrica del vecchio Campus utilizzando i due elementi uguali dei blocchi delle scuole, ma non si irrigidisce secondo arbitrari disegni geometrici di specularità, viceversa risponde alla logica della maglia urbana esistente. Alla varietà dei trattamenti di superficie dei corpi del vecchio polo USI, il progetto del nuovo Campus risponde con un linguaggio strutturale e di facciata coerente e unitario dando maggior importanza all’immagine di sè come unicuum. Questa maglia portata in facciata ha ruolo di schermatura ai raggi solari soprattutto sui fronti più critici, est e ovest. Il ritmo dei pieni e dei vuoti si inverte a seconda degli spazi che incontra per esaltare attraverso la vibrazione della facciata la composizione volumetrica.











complesso residenziale - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio



Located in the attic of a 19th century apartment house, the hidden space of BUREAU A represents the bureau’s activities. It is neither a commercial space nor an industrial loft. Somewhere between a domestic and old craftsman workshop typology, the attic is an introverted volume lighted by an enormous original skylight. The presence of the roof structural wood beams contributes to the slight piranesian feeling of the space. The entrance is ceremonial: either through the old elevator that opens directly in the space or a going up the rustic wooden stair with a greenhouse atmosphere.














casa cl-l - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio

casa du-m - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio

riqualificazione centro storico - Giovanni Bassani, roberto di gregorio, luca mapelli

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