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Micro-Yuan’er - Standardarchitecture


Cha’er Hutong (hutong of tea) is a quiet spot among the busy Dashilar area, situated one kilometre from Tiananmen Square in the city centre. No.8 Cha’er Hutong is a typical “Da-Za-Yuan” (big-messy-courtyard) once occupied by over a dozen families.

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

These add-on structures form a special density that is usually considered as urban scrap and almost all of them have been automatically wiped out with the renovation practices of the past years. In this project the architects tried to redesign, renovate and re-use the informal add-on structures instead of eliminating them. In doing so, they intend to recognize the add-on structures as an important historical layer and as a critical embodiment of Beijing’s contemporary civil life in hutongs that has so often been overlooked. In symbiosis with the families who still live in the courtyard, a nine-square-metre children’s library built of plywood was inserted underneath the pitched roof of an existing building. Under a big ash tree, one of the former kitchens was redesigned into a six-square-metre mini art space made from traditional bluish grey brick. On its exterior, a trail of brick stairs leads up to the roof, where one may delve into the branches and foliage of the ash tree. With the small-scale intervention in the Cha’er Hutong courtyard, the architects try to strengthen bonds between communities, as well as to enrich the hutong life of local residents. A child may stop by after school, pick out a favourite book, and read in his little niche before getting picked up by the parents. Or the kids may climb up onto the roof, sit in the shade, and engage in a cosy conversation with the elderly in a familiar but new space.

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Standardarchitecture — Micro-Yuan’er

Pisa, il restauro di un Palazzo - Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti


Il Palazzo fu edificato intorno al XVII-XVIII secolo. E’ ubicato nel centro storico della città, nel quartiere di Kinzica difronte alla chiesa medioevale di San Martino. Il Palazzo, in origine, aveva stretti legami con il monastero di San Martino che lo davo in usufrutto a mercanti e artigiani del quartiere; si possono ancora osservare resti medievali nel vano scale al piano terra.

Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — Pisa, il restauro di un Palazzo

prospetto su via san Martino

Il restauro Le lavorazioni hanno interessato la copertura e i prospetti, operando sia in termini conservativi che strutturali. La struttura della copertura è stata completamente mantenuta ed integrata con elementi antichi (legno e manto di copertura). I prospetti sono stati integrati con malta di calce antica nelle parti mancanti e rintinteggiati nelle antiche colorazioni ritrovate nel sottogronda. Qualsiasi cavo presente in facciata è stato occultato tramite passaggio di tubazioni poste sopra i marcapiani al fine di lasciare integro nella sua originarietà il prospetto.

Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — Pisa, il restauro di un Palazzo

angolo su via la Tinta e prospetto posteriore

Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — Pisa, il restauro di un Palazzo

prospetto su via san Martino, precedente ai lavori

Nuovo edificio bifamiliare in località sant'Ambrogio - Architettura e Paesaggio

CASA D'AM - graziella


Abitazione che si articola su tre elevazioni. La scala , rivestita in iroko, ne fa , l’elemento principale della casa. Il bianco è il colore che caratterizza gli spazi, i tramezzi, e i compiti, dall’entrata, capeggiato da un portone in ferro e legno, segue un percorso che si articola, a chiocciola.

graziella  — CASA D'AM

la finestra sul cielo

graziella  — CASA D'AM

parte storica della casa

graziella  — CASA D'AM

Pro-ject - Alessandra Vellata

la casa dell'avvocato e del medico - Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti


Ubicata nel centro storico di Pisa, si tratta di un’abitazione situata al primo piano di un palazzo storico vincolato. Il restauro ha visto il ridisegno della distribuzione interna e funzionale il disegno e realizzazione degli arredi su misura.

Missing image


Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — la casa dell'avvocato e del medico


Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — la casa dell'avvocato e del medico

Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — la casa dell'avvocato e del medico

la camera padronale con la scala contenitore in primo piano ed il bagno

Maurizio Andruetto & Monica Deri Architetti — la casa dell'avvocato e del medico

Gold - Alessandra Vellata

Private Apartment_BO - cristiana vannini | arc


private apartment _ renovation and interior design

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

cristiana vannini | arc — Private Apartment_BO

Oasi di relax nel verde - Antonella Negri


La casa e l’ex fienile oggetto del progetto di ristrutturazione e recupero si trovano sul dolce pendio di una collina piacentina, immersi in un giardino ricco di fiori e alberi da frutto. L’intervento si è svolto nell’arco di alcuni anni e ha visto prima la ristrutturazione della casa principale e poi il recupero e la trasformazione del fienile. La tipica architettura semplice e rustica della casa di campagna ,rispettata in ogni particolare, dialoga con armonia con i nuovi interventi essenziali e dallo stile contemporaneo. La scala in ferro e legno, realizzata su disegno della progettista, è il nodo principale e collega i tre nuovi livelli: la ex cantina a piano terra ora locale di relax e svago, il piano primo che ospita la cucina con l’antico camino luogo di grande convivialità, ed il sottotetto destinato a camera principale con guardaroba. Il recupero del secondo edificio si è articolato con le stesse caratteristiche di essenzialità e armonia tra rustico e contemporaneo. Il progetto ha previsto uno studio-biblioteca a piano terra dove c’era la stalla, di cui si è mantenuta una porzione della vecchia pavimentazione, e una sala di lettura al piano superiore, dove una volta veniva accumulato il fieno. Come nella casa principale anche qui la linea contemporanea delle vetrate e della scala in ferro micaceo convivono in armonia con la struttura rustica del complesso e la valorizzano. Le grandi vetrate permettono un’ampia vista sul giardino e sulla vallata, non alterano la struttura originale in legno del tetto e il volume del fienile.

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Antonella Negri — Oasi di relax nel verde

Two Houses in Ponte de Lima - Eduardo Souto De Moura


A very bend site.
Two houses with the same program.
Two themes to essay:
- To be enveloped by the landscape, where the gave from the inside is low, leveling, imminent.
- To raise of the pendent where the look is high, distant, in depth until the mountain.
Two houses, one program, two essays, that have no meaning if separated.
As F. Távora used to say in his classes: “…in architecture the opposite is also true”.

Structural consultants: Lello & Associados
Electrical consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados
Mechanical consultants: Ventarco, Lda.
General contractor: Coelho Construtores (Estruturas); Empalme – Sociedade de Construções, Lda (Acabamentos)

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Two Houses in Ponte de Lima

Residential building overlooking the river Seine - Ameller, Dubois & Associés


Located on the left bank of the river Seine, this mainly residential building will be of the tallest housing projects in the center of Paris.

Ameller, Dubois & Associés  — Residential building overlooking the river Seine

The students home is located in the left wing.

It consists of two shops and business levels, topped with a ninety-appartment “tower” and ninety more studio flats for students on the side.

Ameller, Dubois & Associés  — Residential building overlooking the river Seine

Cross section.

Ameller, Dubois & Associés  — Residential building overlooking the river Seine

Cross section.

Ameller, Dubois & Associés  — Residential building overlooking the river Seine

The complex as seen from the opposite bank.

Ameller, Dubois & Associés  — Residential building overlooking the river Seine

Mass plan.

House in Bom Jesus - Eduardo Souto De Moura


This large house is composed in a series of broad terraces that extend off a natural knoll. Each level of the house corresponds to a level of the terracing. The walls are all of board-formed concrete, whether merely a retaining walls in the landscape or a wall of the house itself. The roof of a lower level becomes the earth-covered terrace for the level above. The heavy concrete construction and rough, windowless surfaces give the impression of a low-slung 19th century military fortifications.

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Subtle banding is made in the rough surfaces of the exposed concrete through a change in the direction of the boards. Its north side (entry side) has been left almost entirely windowless while the south façade has large banks of glazing, particularly at the living spaces where a continuous wall of glass allowing one to pass between the two dining rooms, the living room, a sitting room and the office. At each wall end there is a pocket door that can be pulled out to meet the exterior glass wall.

Structural consultants: S.G.P.E.
Electrical consultants: Fernando Ramos
Mechanical consultants: Matos Campos
General contractor: Sá Machado & Filhos

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Eduardo Souto De Moura — House in Bom Jesus

Planalto House - Flavio Castro


The way of appropriation of the 800 square meters available for the establishment of the house (20×40m) is quite clear. Two large perpendiculars volumes mark the territory and categorize the uses and functions of other areas of the land.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

A rectangular prism, perpendicular to the street, contains the intimate features of the house on the upper floor, occupying only half of the land and releasing the other half for recreation and landscaping.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

Serving as a support and focused only on the main floor, another rectangular prism, but in different proportions, contains the service and social functions of the house.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

The upper volume seems to rest on the main floor, which creates a series of statements that reinforce the architectural propose. Main floor and upper floor are implanted orthogonally. Exactly on this single point of contact, there is the vertical connection between them.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

The metal beams on the edge of the volume parallel to the street, reinforce the idea of independence between the volumes and reveal the structural functioning of the house. The residence has a mixed structure of pillars and metal “I” beams and massive slabs of concrete with 20 cm thickness.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

The main access platform, located under the front overhang on the main floor, provides access to the corridor 1.80 m wide running through the house, connecting various environments. After passing through the service area, we come to the point of access to two key areas: the social rooms (like an indoor pavilion) and the barbecue area (recreation).

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

We could consider them as areas, although defined, diffuse it provides a series of possible uses in addition to which they were designed.

Flavio Castro — Planalto House

The same type of access is provided on the upper floor, where the monotony is broken by bays of double height (stair and the fireplace room) and isolated pillars.

A garden-terrace covers the main floor block of the garage and recreation area. It can be accessed by the stairs at the recreation area. It is a space of multiple functions.

The characteristics of the materials used in this residence as chromaticism, texture and transparency were carefully chosen because of the intentions pursued in each space. While the transparence integrates, the concrete do the opposite. The concrete walls divide the space, while the large sliding glass doors bring the landscape into the house. The materials are sincere. The concrete, glass, wood and steel are shown in its essence, without intermediaries.

The Planalto house was conceived as a urban house for a couple with 02 children and could be considered as exemplary of the current Brazilian contemporary architecture.

Casas guardabarrera - Francisco Cadau


Emplazado en el cuadrante suroeste del casco urbano y próximo al borde de la cuadricula fundacional, el proyecto se desarrolla a partir de la necesidad de transformar una casa de inicios de los años 70´ en una vivienda multifamiliar de 4 unidades funcionales. La antigua construcción de una sola planta, con muros portantes y cubierta plana, se disponía conformando los bordes de un pequeño lote de esquina con frentes al norte y al oeste. El proyecto, retoma el modelo tectónico-material de las tradicionales casetas de guardabarreras, organizando la ampliación a partir del montaje de una estructura ligera sobre la edificación muraría. La antigua casa se subdivide mediante la escalera de acceso a la ampliación superior y se reorganizan los servicios en torno a un patio compacto sobre el que se extiende el revestimiento vítreo de baños y cocinas. Una viga-asiento de hormigón armado resuelve, a la manera de cornisamento, la transición entre lo existente y lo agregado acotando el desarrollo del nivel superior e introduciendo la característica proporción de las casetas ferroviarias de predominio de lo murario respecto a lo montado. La estructura metálica de planta alta se compone de parantes de tubo estructural que se repiten regularmente sobre el perímetro y cabriadas y correas de perfil ¨c¨ de hierro que soportan una cubierta cincada en doble mariposa que dinamiza los espacios interiores. El cerramiento perimetral se resuelve disponiendo alternadamente, entre los parantes estructurales, ventanas de aluminio natural o paneles de chapa sinusoidal galvanizada. El ritmo regular de la parte superior se extiende a lo existente reorganizando llenos y vacios a partir de la disposición de nuevos vanos sobre la albañilería perimetral. Esta coordinación vertical se ve acentuada por los elementos de control visual y solar de las ventanas, postigos de chapa perforada en planta baja y toldos de lona en la planta alta, que introducen continuidades cromáticas entre los dos niveles y refieren a los tradicionales colores de las construcciones inglesas del ferrocarril. Por otra parte el revestimiento, de listones de ladrillo rojo, aplicado sobre los muros complementado con los granitos rústicos, de vanos y esquinas, y las veredas de hormigón de piedra lavada refuerzan el carácter tectónico y terreo de la planta baja a la vez que enfatizan el contraste de colores y texturas respecto a la paleta lisa y fría de la parte superior, caracterizada por el aluminio y el zinc, que con sus tonalidades grises y celestes aluden a una condición leve y aérea.

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Planta Baja

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Planta Alta

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Vista Longitudinal

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Vista Transversal

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Vista Patio

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Vista Medianera

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Vistas Desplegadas

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Detalle de Estructura Metálica

Francisco Cadau — Casas guardabarrera

Detalles Constructivos

The painter's house - Augusto Angelini


The small house is built on a hillside in Curacavi, on the outskirts of Santiago.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

Painter's house, night photography

It is a unique space illuminated from above by a large skylight, that in the night becomes a lamp.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

Painter's house plan

During the day this hierarchical element of the skylight, diffuses indirect natural light, while in the night spreads artificial light.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

Painter's house drawings : Sections and Elevations

Moreover, as in the exhibitions of Carlo Scarpa, this skylight hat, is the frame not only of the light but the space of the painter.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

The building on stilts built on concrete foundations and the structure was made of wood while the coating with panels of fiber cement and glass.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house


Scanning elements between opaque and transparent facades wants echoed the density of light and shadow of the surrounding forest.

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

model 1:20 scale

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

Augusto Angelini — The painter's house

Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio - Scotchcarta


Progetto arch. Tommaso Matino. Scotchcarta si è occupato esclusivamente del modello. Tutte le indicazioni che forniamo sono quindi relative al plastico. Materiali usati: legno, balsa, cartonlegno, cartoncino, plexiglass, materiale plastico di recupero per le alberature, mordente per legno e bomboletta spray per la differenziazione cromatica delle varie aree.

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Scotchcarta — Riqualificazione ex zuccherificio

Museo di scienze naturali - Scotchcarta


Scotchcarta si è occupato esclusivamente del modello. Tutte le indicazioni che forniamo sono quindi relative al plastico. Materiali usati: legno, cartonlegno, plexiglass satinato, mordente per legno per la differenziazione cromatica delle varie aree.

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Scotchcarta — Museo di scienze naturali

Metro do Porto - Eduardo Souto De Moura


The poet Pablo Neruda, upon receiving the Nobel Prize, included in his speech of thanks a short quotation from Rimbaud: “… at dawn, armed with an ardent patience, we shall enter the splendid cities”.
In the morning, when going down the República Avenue coming from St. Ovídio, and crossing the Luís I bridge, “… armed with an ardent patience, we shall enter a splendid city, Porto”.
Even if NORMETRO doesn’t have a primary poetic vocation, it set out to include this component in its project for the surface metro system.
Although initially it seemed “almost” impossible to match the rigorous technical specifications that determine the system with the dramatic topography of the old city centre, we gradually became convinced of its feasibility. With the development of the project, something that might have seemed an obstacle, a closed and troublesome system, turned out a motive to redesign the city.

Foundations and Structural Consultants: CENOR– Projectos de Engenharia, Lda.; COBA– Consultores para Obras, Barragens e Planeamento, S.A.; CJC– Engenharia e Projectos, Lda.; VIA PONTE– Projectos e Consultoria de Engenharia, Lda.
Hidraulic Consultant: FASE– Estudos e Projectos, S.A.
Construction Consortium: Normetro ACE
Civil Construction (Project + Execution): Transmetro (Soares da Costa, Somague, Impregilo)
Power and Electrification: Balfour Beatty Rail
Rail Signalling System and Vehicles: Bombardier Transportation
Management Operation and Maintenance: Transdev
Concept Engineering: Semaly

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Eduardo Souto De Moura — Metro do Porto

Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico - A+B2 architettura


Nuova biglietteria e info point con relativo autosilo interrato sviluppato su due livelli.

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

A+B2 architettura — Biglietteria e info point, San Domenico

Two Tabernacle Street - Piercy & Company


This distinctive workspace scheme focuses on providing high quality, contemporary office space, while maximising lettable floor area and floor to ceiling heights within the constraints of a tight urban site. A list of planning constraints, including the conservation area context, complex rights to light requirements and limited access to the L-shaped site further defined the framework of the project.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Following a fire in March 2010 the burnt out shell of the original building was all that remained on the site.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Contained on all sides by five neighbouring buildings, with the sole access point on Tabernacle Street, the L-shaped site provided an opportunity to reshape the building volume; maximizing daylight within, while preserving the amenity of surrounding properties.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Following extensive discussions with the planners Piercy & Company attempted to preserve the unusual characterful façade carefully measuring and cataloguing the details of the surviving features of the Victorian façade to Tabernacle Street. This elegant period elevation was then painstakingly reconstructed in keeping with the surrounding Victorian warehouse character, using the highest quality masonry and stone and reusing the original brick where possible.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

The resulting architectural form is largely hidden from the street, revealing itself as you travel through the reconstructed Victorian entrance into the contemporary new spaces beyond.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Folded and angled roof planes, the result of the complex rights to light constraints, are clad in Tecu brass; a material evocative of the area’s industrial heritage.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Old and new elements have been contrasted in both the external treatment and the interior spaces.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Victorian details, such as external imperial brickwork and stone cills,cornices and capital combine with the ceiling roses and moulded cornices which feature in the double-height reception.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Beyond this space, the traditional interior gives way to a series of contemporary and flexible workspaces with refined detailing and minimal finishes.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

The building culminates in a dramatic top floor office space with a deeply pleated ceiling and a large slot rooflight that floods the interior with daylight.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

The office floors are typically serviced via a central bulkhead running down the centre of each space. Containing the services in this way creates a generous floor-to-ceiling height either side of over 3m measured from the raised floor to exposed concrete soffit.

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

Piercy & Company — Two Tabernacle Street

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