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Studio notarile - Giuseppe Di Vita


Ristrutturazione di un immobile da destinare a studio notarile


sala stipula


sala stipula


sala stipula


corridoio - galleria d'arte


front office



Casa del clero - Giuseppe Di Vita


Ristrutturazione di un immobile destinato a residenza di sacerdoti


Vista del portico


Vista del portico


vista interna


vista interna


la cappella


la cappella


antico tabernacolo

Hope City - OBR Open Building Research


HOPE city is the acronym of Home Office People Environment. It is the cluster for RLG ICT Park, focused on Information Communication Technology, as initiative of Mr. Roland Agambire, Chairman of RLG, in collaboration with the Government of Ghana, as part of the national development policy framework, turning Ghana into a knowledge-society and an active player in the global economy. In HOPE city will work 50,000 people and will host 25,000 inhabitants. The cluster is articulated on a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 1,200,000 sqm, for a total built area of approximately 1,500,000 sqm. HOPE city is designed as a vertical city composed by towers linked together by a system of bridges at different height, including common activities and amenities. They create an interconnection between private and public functions, thus combing vertical mobility with horizontal sociality. The design investigates an alternative to the typical campus scheme, where single buildings are dedicated to specific functions, toward a new urban centrality with the same functional and social complexity to the city. The towers are not a series of separated objects in the landscape, but define together a unique compound as a new urban polarity in the widespread cityscape, creating a very effective urban life based on easy and sustainable interconnectivity and visual-physical communication between people. The cluster is composed by circular towers of different heights (270m, 216m and 152m) disposed to recreate the same layout of the typical Ghanaian compound-house, which generates an inner space for the community. A triple height podium defines a central Piazza with and inner garden, which becomes space for social interaction. HOPE city is intended to promote – through Architecture – the sense of Community, sharing common values in common space.  







View from the plaza



Ecoffices Lima Proposal - Eduardo Jung, Joana Penso




Ecoffices Lima - Street View


Ecoffices Lima - Entrance


Ecoffices Lima - Ground Level


Ecoffices Lima - Auditorium


Ecoffices Lima - Office


Ecoffices Lima - Office


Ecoffices Lima - Flat Floor


Ecoffices Lima - Posterior Street View

Right to Energy - OBR Open Building Research


In a time when it is our duty to investigate alternative non-oil based energy sources, Smart Grid represents the most sustainable model in environmental, energetic and economic terms. The nodes in the energy grid will be the power stations of the future: intermodal and social centers, in which we will be able to exchange energy and data, and interact socially as if we were in a market, or rather in an energy mall. In these energy malls we will switch from “volumetric” vehicles for long-distance travel (flights, trains, cars) to “corporal” equipment for short-distance movements (electro assisted and automated individual devices that are an extension to one’s body). The bicycle is a perfect example of a corporal device (still unrivaled in terms of energy efficiency): I use my body to move in the space, truly experiencing the surrounding environment and accumulating energy that I can then reuse for other purposes. A new Smart Grid mobile will encourage sustainable, individual energy production. The project investigates the space where energy exchanges take place, from extra urban to urban, from collective to individual, with the objective of enhancing the landscape The purpose is to reveal the landscape and promote a renewed sense of community. We imagine a new form of democratization of energy. Everybody can transform and exchange energy, which will be finally accessible to all.







Le Multiplexe - Giulia Agostinelli


The idea of the plan was conceived from the analysis of the existing predominant lines of the site, characterized by the presence of an historic hospital. The concept consists of a regular mesh that merges existing buildings and the hospital itself.



The aim is in fact to trace a series of urban tissues that refers to existing building features, such as the strong closure on the north street side, the minor density of buildings on the south and the consequent presence of a surrounding green belt.


ground plan

The multiplex was conceived from the fluxes developing on the sites: the idea is based on a wide distributed space, spread enough to allow the integration of all cinemas and functional spaces inside itself. Theaters are in fact realized as autonomous nodes both on terms of functional program and structure: the constructing technique is a self supporting cage made of steel.


plan 1st floor

On the contrary, the distribution space that connects each unit is mainly in glass, not only to increase natural illumination but also to underline the symbolic value of spaces themselves: on one side, theaters are solid and opaque items, and on the other side, distribution spaces that flow through theaters, are transparent and permeable.


plan 2nd floor


roof plan






front south






model photo


model photo


model photo

Changing Habit - Giulia Agostinelli


Operating in the field of temporary constructions, the aim is to develop a project that excludes the idea of a completely defined module (which implies a huge waste of resources) choosing instead to develop a system with changing and adaptable configurations.



The concept phase brings to the design of an assembly kit composed of a limited number of simple elements, and that, considering the whole life cycle, is characterized by low costs, reversibility, recycling or reuse of the entire structure or of some of its elements.



Finally, the project, called Changing Habit, consists basically of a two-dimensional mobile frame, formed by bars and connections: thanks to few linear elements characterized by small size, it is possible to obtain a structure that is replaceable into different kinds of spaces and that can assume multiple configurations.



The aim is to achieve the minimum complexity with a system that, using the least possible amount of material, can convey multiple and variable spaces, with very few movements. Moreover, Changing Habit can be employed in different cases of temporary situations: in fact, the system is based on a structure that is mobile itself, in its parts, in its different configurations.




plan simplex


simplex fronts


plan duplex


duplex fronts




temporary textile


temporary solution

aMODus - Giulia Agostinelli, Stefano D'Acri


The design is based on the use of a single module, formed by steel bars and intersections: thanks to few linear elements, it is possible to obtain a structure that is repeatable into space.



The module is made by a square element geometrically divided in triangular surfaces. The aim is to achieve a multiple solutions system, capable of assembly a bench with multiple scales and configurations: the design consists in a reticular structure made of steel tubulars, easily mountable and dismountable, characterized by reversibility, recycling and reuse.






other objects






prototype photo







studio per una promenade con giardino - Simone Utzeri


Siamo in piccolo comune dell’interno della Sardegna, Villasalto(CA), caratterizzato da delle splendide case in pietra tradizionali e delle viste mozzafiato sul Gennargentu.


studio per una promenade con giardino

L’obiettivo è di superare un dislivello di 2,5 m senza l’utilizzo di scale per rendere facilmente accessibile il giardino dalla casa costruita in pietra all’inizio del XX secolo.


Il progetto propone di recuperare il tracciato di una scala preesistente per poi andare a toccare i punti presenti sul luogo. Si crea cosi un percorso che parte dalla migliore vista sull’entroterra sardo, per poi scendere per livelli,attraverso alcune aiuole che seguono lo stesso pendio della promenade fino ad arrivare al giardino di essenze mediterranee, quali lavanda, rosmarino, salvia.

La promenade è pensata come un elemento che segni un percorso sicuro e contemporaneo in apparente contrasto ma di grande valorizzazione della parete in pietre locali della casa.

La casa del Maestro - Salvatore Cusumano


Restauro conservativo, parte di un baglio delle campagne della provincia di Palermo, nel territorio di partinico.




particolari grondaie e pluviali in terra cotta


pavimento originale


la scala ritrovata


sezione di studio


schizzi per la scala


pavimentazione in basole di travertino

Habiter le port : Marseille retrouve la mer. - ORSINI Alicia, DE ROCCA SERRA Michel, TRAMONI


Aujourd’hui, dans un souci d’étalement urbain, les réflexions sur la ville évoluent et la recherche de foncier exploitable demeure au cœur des débats. La ville de Marseille a de tout temps été une ville tournée vers la mer et le port a joué et joue encore un rôle de premier plan dans l’histoire de la ville. Or La côte marseillaise se trouve aujourd’hui occupée dans sa majeure partie par le port autonome, entité privée et totalement imperméable, représentant une surface immense en plein centre ville. Le projet vient ainsi s’emparer d’une situation exceptionnelle à forte valeur symbolique: le port autonome de Marseille, dans une optique de construire la ville sur la ville, une urbanité suspendue comme une nouvelle strate sur la ville. Du fait des nombreuses contraintes techniques de ce territoire, le projet aborde alors le thème de densifier la ville dans la verticalité où différentes fonctions seront superposées et le thème du “vivre ensemble” sera le fondement du projet.


La multitude des portiques permet de former la structure mais aussi de créer brise-soleil et brise-vue dans les logements.

Dans cette optique de reconquête, le Hangar portuaire J1 s’est présenté comme étant un lieu de projet riche de par sa localisation, son histoire et ses dimensions. En effet, cette avancée sur la mer de plus de 250 mètres de long édifiée en 1939 avait pour vocation d’abriter les pratiques maritimes commerciales et de transport. Aujourd’hui, il s’inscrit dans la dynamique de revalorisation du patrimoine marseillais et sa particularité réside dans le fait qu’il abrite un musée sur les deux niveaux supérieurs mais continue à abriter les activités portuaires au sol. Ce sera dans la continuité de ce principe de superposition des usages que s’inscrit le projet de logements.


Vue du ciel.

Le J1, édifice remarquable, est constitué aujourd’hui d’une structure poteaux-poutres en béton armé au rez-de-chaussée et premier étage, et de poteaux métalliques au deuxième étage soutenant de grandes fermes métalliques. Le système constructif de l’extension vient utiliser la structure existante Et vient s’y greffer. En effet, chaque cellule de logement est constituée d’une structure autoportante métallique formée d’une multitude de profilés créant des portiques reliés entre eux, à l’image de la charpente marine. Ces éléments viendront se glisser entre les fermes métalliques existantes. Ils seront tenus par des poutres accrochées aux poteaux métalliques existants et contreventés en partie haute par une fixation aux fermes. La répétition de ces éléments permettra de rigidifier la structure résultante.


Vue intèrieure.

Cette situation particulière d’investissement d’un hangar sur le port autonome de Marseille pourrait être une stratégie utilisée à l’échelle de la ville ou encore dans d’autres villes portuaires de France…


Vue de Nuit.




Schéma d'implantation.






Riqualificazione funzionale e ambientale di Piazza S. Anna di Palazzo in Napoli - Pier Manuel Scarpato, Daniele Longobardi


L’idea compositiva si basa sul tema dei “livelli” visti come un susseguirsi di gradini che opportunamente separati tra loro danno corpo al progetto e alla funzionalità dell’intervento. Il primo livello è quello “privato” in cui il fruitore accedendo alla piazza può vivere lo spazio aperto liberamente, sfruttando l’ampia seduta presente e la schermatura ottenuta dall’ aiuola che va a riempire l’angolo opposto, punto in cui è maggiore il flusso creato dalle attività commerciali presenti. Il secondo livello invece è quello “pubblico” in cui ci si riprende la vita sociale, attraverso la fruizione dei punti commerciali in piena tranquillità e sicurezza. Il motto scelto è“chi non si ferma è perduto!” scelto proprio per dar forza a quel “ripensare al concetto di sosta” su cui sia il bando proposto che il nostro progetto ha il suo fondamento principale.



tavola 1


tavola 2

Helsinki Central Library - Walter Dejana, Renata R.C. Fiamma, Michele Brunello, dontstop architettura, DEJANAFIAMMARCHITETTI


FAHRENHEIT reflects on the collective dimension of learning by creating conditions to support the new dynamics in which the knowledge flows. FAHRENHEIT is an artificial morphology, a landscape of knowledge that through an ongoing exchange of ideas, information, experiences, draws closer to culture and cultures. A territory to conquer, feeling free to explore its places, constantly different in terms of contents, events and people. FAHRENHEIT is a flexible living space, to be discovered each time through different experiences, meeting new people or staying more isolated, making new stories, practices, habits. Every kind of support and media, tangible or intangible, sustained or instant, finds its own environment to be distributed, exchanged and discussed. FAHRENHEIT is a public civic space, a place for the promotion of relationships, the encounter between generations, the connections between otherwise distant realities. Ground to be crossed, fertile of contents, actions and dynamics. It is an indeterminate space but also a significant network of places. FAHRENHEIT is a contemporary landmark, a horizontal volume. Big, but simple. A smart and bioclimatic machine is a declaration in favour of a sustainable future of the contemporary city (to do not build formally complex an architecture is today a much more radical decision). A place for collective gathering and at the same time is a solid legacy for future generations. An open landmark enters into relationship with the city and its inhabitants. FAHRENHEIT creates a layer of high intensity. The project is structured in a system of space at different heights, sometimes highly specialized other more indeterminate. These sites are spread throughout the project allowing a flexible and multiple use of the entire structure for the different activities. FAHRENHEIT explores new ways of living, several spatial conformations, different and sometimes- neighbouring climate zones, different ways and degrees of intimacy or relation. FAHRENHEIT multiplies the public space potential of the site by multiplying and overlapping the public activities of the library, rather than consuming urban land or creating an additional one. FAHRENHEIT provides a protected area but visually still open. The large living space creates intermediate climatic living environments during all the seasons, maintaining a close relationship with the nature, the city and the surrounding open spaces. FAHRENHEIT is a hyper-connected machine. The project constantly connects the different levels, both vertically and horizontally, through various types of connections (escalators, ramps, traditional stairs with different shapes and sizes). All systems are working together to connect the various and diverse programs, allowing visitors to use in a dynamic way the space in its entire le ngth









Helsinki Central Library - Daniele Durante studiobv36, MORQ


A city’s fragment The image of a city traditionally consists of a complex reality of spaces which express the potential of human creativity through time. It can be a familiar image for all of those who inhabit it, and a mysterious and intriguing image ready to be discovered for all of those who visit it. A single yet multiple physical reality that fosters the interaction of different cultures. Our ambition is to engage with the complexity of this image. It is an attempt to interpret the interaction between urban perceptions, scale and experiences and to condense them into a building. Like a city’s fragment, the HCL is the expression of this complexity of perceptions and experiences. Like a city’s fragment the HCL aims to convey multiple and open stimuli. Our proposed building engages simultaneously with the complexity of Helsinki-city-center (surrounding urban fabrics and landscape, vistas to and from the library etc.) and with a more intimate human scale. It defines the public library as an open organism capable to house traditional facilities as well as more flexible and high technology spaces for multi-cultural events. The identification of an urban landscape is a characteristic of this project: the HCL expresses its parts as well as blending them into a coherent system that holds together visitors and program. A structure that gives the users the freedom of choice by offering the initial basis for gaining and sharing knowledge. The HCL aims to contain the components of a city that could be defined as: identity, structure and meaning. It has a precise spatial and physical relationship with the user and its surroundings, it engages with the visual and emotional perception of both the individual and the community. The HCL articulates a wide range of experiences. It generates a continous interaction between inside and outside through its spatial articulations and its opening towards the city. It is an open building ,adaptable to change, that allows the user to understand and arrange his own reality within it. The building is thought as an URBAN CONDENSER, a juxtaposition of piazzas, pathways, parts of urban fabric and landscape. The variety of urban experiences has been condensed into a structure. The building can be circulated freely, allowing one to experience the spatial articulation of visual relationships, colours, textures and technology. The HCL is composed of three fundamental elements that relate to three different scales: The Urban Plank, the Micro-architectures and the Library Block.


external view

Urban Plank The Plank is conceived as a large indoor-outdoor plaza: it connects the building with the ground and it hosts the heterogeneous part of the program. It is the portion of the building that relates to the human scale and the park. The plank offers piazzas, pathways, double and triple heights. It is slightly raised, creating a transparent plinth with two main entrance halls, café, exhibition spaces, bookshop, and multi-purpose hall. This is not a closed box, but an open and inviting building full of vitality; palpable and visible from the TÖÖLÖNLAHDENKATU STREET and the MAKASIINIPUISTO PARK. The main entrance hall hosts a continuous coming and going of people and visitors that come from both sides of the site. The public moves freely through the foyer and the different functional areas without losing contact with the external space. Informal stages can also be created indoors through the open and flexible layout around the central escalators hall. A versatile “layered basket” can be used as a stage for performances, as informal sitting area, and as a stairway to reach the next level, which contains the learning and doing areas. Cinema and multi-purpose room are located on the northern side of the Plank, close to the cafeteria that opens up towards the park and far apart from the main entrance to avoid possible circulation disruption. These two volumes define the north elevation: the solid box of the cinema consists of a multimedia screen that projects to the outside the ongoing events within the library. This solid façade is counteracted by the transparent presence of the multi-purpose space. This double-height facade offers the opportunity to see from the outside the activities within the space. Depending on the activity hosted by the multi-purpose space, acoustically insulated sliding panels can guarantee different degrees of privacy. The Plank is topped by a “roof plaza” with easy and direct access from the site through ramps and external galleries. This area acts as a multi-space for outdoor summer events and activities.


external view

Micro-architectures On the northern side of the roof plaza a group of small buildings is found: the micro architectures. A restaurant, a sauna and small theme gardens. The restaurant overlooks the park and the surrounding city, whereas the sauna is a closed intimate volume which offers outdoor spaces within its structure. The roof plaza also acts as a ground floor for the library building.



Library Block The tower stands as a cultural beacon in the city and rests on the urban plank. A translucent functional tower with a flexible open plan layout. It offers spectacular views across the city. Visitors may choose to enter the library in one of two ways; via the stairs into the main lobby and via the roof plaza. The library interior features large 1200 m2 floor plates with connecting vertical voids that create a sense of openness without compromising flexibility. The southern façade of the library block can become a screen for projection performances. The Library Block ends with a double height top floor. The vast, almost magical views from this two-story space gives visitors the feeling of being in a large skybox, being a spectator of the city’s life. During the warm season a series of terraces offer cozy outdoor nooks to read, feel the sun and overlook the main buildings around the site. From afar its theatrical lighting at night draws in the audience. The solar heat-gain is controlled through a façade system that combines low-emission glass with polycarbonate panels positioned between two layers of glass and a shading device made of vertical louvers. This solution allows for the natural light to reflect consequently reducing excessive heating. The façade system also offers a range of visual permeability from translucent to transparent giving the library block a textural and volumetric density with a vanishing effect from the ground to the sky.


urban program

Interactive and digital domains The concept goes beyond the dimensions of physical space, and opens up the processes of the library to the contemporary scenarios enabled by digital technologies. Three main strategies have been conceived: – real-time information ecosystem – ubiquity – natural interaction Every space and activity of the library is capable of generating and representing information. Borrowing books, participating to events, studying, researching and having fun, all can produce information and benefit from information produced by others. This ecosystemic approach acts in real-time, and is coordinated with the many forms of expression which users can perform in the library. Interactive surfaces, facades and other digital devices and applications all access the ecosystem and show real-time visualizations, creating data-narratives of the life of the library and of its users, creating insights and awareness about the themes, issues, emotions, visions and approaches, in their physical and virtual manifestations. This behaviour is pushed even further in the idea of ‘ubiquity’. The library is, literally, everywhere. The use of technologies such as QRCodes, RFIDs and Augmented Reality open up the processes of the library to the rest of the world. The walls of the library become permeable thanks to the flows of digital information created by customers, who can use the services of the library to turn the planet into a personal knowledge and information curation tool: associate publications, sounds, videos and other information to places, buildings and objects; create your personalized knowledge ecosystem; integrate the information you produce into the general information landscape. In each instant, this project called “Aivot”, collects all the most recent relevant information from the library’s ecosystem and visualizes it using info-aesthetic representations. Aivot is Open Source in philosophy. Even the central info-aesthetic visualization of Aivot’s diffused intelligence will be implemented in this way, and each year a competition will be made for visual designers, hackers, academics, architects, makers and other profiles to invent the most significant information visualizations to be generated and displayed at the heart of the library, using its ecosystem and real-time Open Data coming from all over the planet. This intelligence is made ubiquitously accessible through the many features of the library and its digital ecosystem. Aivot is a contemporary landmark: it is a dynamic, everchanging, emergent monument to information society.


ground floor


second floor plan




roof plaza


park view


digital domains

Ostiglia Ciclabile: esplorazioni progettuali - Michele Perissinotto, Marco Di Gregorio, Michele Ventura


“Passando nuovamente sotto il ginkgo, dissi al signor Okeda che nella contemplazione della pioggia di foglie il fatto fondamentale non era tanto la percezione d’ognuna delle foglie quanto la distanza tra una foglia e l’altra, l’aria vuota che le separava. Ciò che mi sembrava d’aver capito era questo: l’assenza di sensazioni su una larga parte del campo percettivo è la condizione necessaria perché la sensibilità si concentri localmente e temporaneamente, così come nella musica il silenzio di fondo è necessario perché su di esso si stacchino le note.”


Concept percorso

Italo Calvino, Se una notta d’inverno un viaggiatore.


Diagramma di progetto


Strategia generale




Schemi tipologici e funzionali del percorso


Integrazione tra progetto architettonico e progetto paesaggistico


Piante e sezioni


Dettagli costruttivi




Stato dei luoghi

Interni_Restyling office - Antimo Pedata


Ridisegno delle pareti di un ufficio, un tocco di colore…




Plan e prospetti


pre - post


pre - post 2


Tavola di sintesi

CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE DI IDEE PER LA “RIQUALIFICAZIONE DEL WATERFRONT DI SALINE JONICHE E LA REALIZZAZIONE DI UN PARCO NATURALE E ANTROPICO” - Gaetano Ginex, Sebastiano Maria Venoso, Carmelo Pellicanò, Gabriella Falcomatà, Giuseppe Mazzacuva, Pietro Mina, Viviana Tirella, Raffaele Astorino


Il nuovo progetto dovrebbe realizzarsi in modo da restituire al tessuto urbano la flessibilità dell’antica suddivisione catastale.


Saline Joniche 2012 Waterfront

1 Alberghi 2 Teatri 3 Mercati 4 Stazioni 5 Porti 6 Esedre 7 Percorsi a mare 8 Abitazioni 9 Recinti a verde con campi di calcio e da tennis 10 Vie (passeggiate) 11 Centri commerciali di nuova generazione


Concept del nuovo impianto

- Gli spostamenti saranno principalmente a piedi e in bicicletta, e saranno in larga misura adottati trasporti elettrici, macchine ad idrogeno ecc.;


Concept 2

- Trasporto pubblico su binari;


1^ ipotesi di masterplan

- Il parco sarà protetto da vere e proprie mura che impediranno l’accesso di qualsiasi oggetto inquinante…

- Il fabbisogno d’acqua sarà pescata dal mare e messa a disposizione dopo essere stata desalinizzata, trattata e filtrata; l’80% dell’acqua sarà inoltre raccolta attraverso sistemi sotterranei;


Studi sulla morfologia del nuovo impianto

- Il fabbisogno energetico sarà inoltre garantito da fonti rinnovabili come l’energia termica solare ed eolica;



- Il fabbisogno di Energia Elettrica sarà prodotto per il 90% da una centrale fotovoltaica costruita nelle vicinanze delle Officine riconvertite;


Vista generale

- NB: il progetto di concorso non è stato presentato.


Studi sugli elementi


Studi sugli elementi


Studi sul Fronte a mare


Elementi 1


Elementi 2


Elementi 3


Schizzi di studio del nuovo impianto

Restello a casa Barbaro - Gaetano Ginex


Un colto ingegnere installa nel suo appartamento in una nicchia del salone un bellissimo presepe creando un paesaggio tridimensionale di forte impatto emotivo e visivo. Si è presentata però la necessità di “nasconderlo” e allora si è pensata una parete che “riallineasse” l’equilibrio della casa…



Corso Garibaldi 466/E piano 4° Reggio Calabria


Schizzo di studio 1


Schizzo di studio 2


Disegno quotato


Lavorazione della Parete




Vista della parete con il presepe sullo sfondo

Una nuova centralità per Casinalbo - Riccardo Mazzoni


Quel che oggi decisamente manca a Casinalbo è un luogo di aggregazione, un centro che fisicamente consenta agli abitanti di incontrarsi, un luogo che funga da catalizzatore, anche per la sua conformazione, oltre che per un programma fitto di attività. Da qui nasce l’intento progettuale di pensare ad un insieme di spazi misurati, che ripropongano dimensionalmente le proporzioni di luoghi già presenti sul territorio di Casinalbo e che con questi si confrontino. Lo spiazzo della chiesa, i giardini di Via Rosa, sono un esempio di quella scala raccolta che connota in tutto e per tutto sia gli spazi aperti che l’abitato della frazione. Il progetto, quindi, si distribuisce attorno a tre piazze “urbane”, che ridisegnano il centro di Casinalbo, come un susseguirsi di episodi, di piccoli vuoti pubblici tra loro inanellati da scorci, visuali, percorsi pedonali e ciclabili.





La riqualificazione di questo spazio esistente è stata affrontata con la volontà di realizzare uno spazio continuo, ma suddiviso in due ambienti da un elemento attrezzato. Questo sistema centrale, al quale sono destinate le funzioni accessorie dell’abitazione, è caratterizzato dall’uso del colore. L’inserimento di questo elemento attrezzato, che funziona da contenitore di diverse funzioni, ha reso possibile trattare la restante parte dell’alloggio come uno spazio vuoto, flessibile quindi al mutare delle esigenze, come espressamente richiesto dal cliente.











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