The objective of the current International Gastronomic Center competition for architecture students is the creation of a space for cultural exchange through gastronomy. As the great philosopher of science Michael Polanyi said, the free and honest exchange of ideas is the lifeblood of scientific research. In this spirit, the International Gastronomic Center (IGC) will be a space for chefs from all around the world to exchange knowledge and share their experience in order to promote gastronomic research and for their own personal and professional enrichment. Coming to the IGC will be an intense personal and professional experience for the chefs, because during their four-month stay they will have the opportunity to live in the centre itself and become part of a genuine idea factory that includes spaces dedicated to gastronomic training and research, as well as others promoting creativity, which will facilitate the free exchange of knowledge and encourage experimentation. In addition, because another objective of the IGC is to provide a great deal of gastronomic activity to the city, it is essential to maintain good relations with it by providing spaces open to the public, courses and conferences and numerous activities that will completely integrate it into the city’s life. The ultimate goal is for the experience of the centre to be transferred to society at large through the professional work of participating chefs when they return to their home countries. Although the possible uses of the International Gastronomic Center are broad, they should always be focused on encouraging the exchange of knowledge, training and research. The project proposed by participants in the competition can freely develop the areas indicated on the maps, eliminating the existing buildings that have been marked. Proposals can define the uses and carrying capacities considered necessary, and accommodationscan be considered for all the chefs or for just some of them. The following are some suggested uses: Media Library, administrative and services area, classrooms or training areas, kitchens, laboratories and research and innovation areas, multi-use rooms, conference rooms, press rooms, pantries, public restaurant, parking area, inspiration areas, open air spaces, urban vegetable gardens/small greenhouses, gardens, recreation areas, accommodations (20-35), dining hall (private), cafeteria. These possible uses can be modified or omitted to fit the needs of each participant’s proposal.
Tavola di progetto
© Nicola Montagnani . Published on August 26, 2013.