Workshop which proposes another vision to learn the projective process. Validated by Arquitectura Faculty CU (UABJO). The purpose of the” TEA” 2010-2011 was to build all the projects designed by the students to reconvert part of the old Railway Station of Oaxaca in a Public and Cultural space.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 28, 2013.
The objective was to give the students the opportunity to know all the stages of the project, from the sketch to the finished work with a sustainable and innovator emphasis, thus achieving a favorable outcome benefiting society.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 28, 2013.
Head Designers:
Bruno A. Sève
Mireya Márquez Lopez
Bedani Samantha Cruz del Angel, Jamil Marquez Lopez, Tonna Arce Carrera,Uziel Vega Martinez
Student Designers:
Lorena Ramos García, Denisse A .Jiménez Nolasco, Said Cruz Salgado Armando, Neftali Cruz Salvador, Mirna Villegas Pérez Luz, René Torres Álvarez, Alma Gonzalez Ortiz, Samuel Escobar Solano, Miriam Espino Estrada del Rocio, Irene Fabían Mendoza María, Ángel López cortez , Nancy Gallegos Vásquez, Miguel Ángel Carrasco Escobar, Alexis de Jésus Romero Ramirez, Heriberto Ramírez Campos, Karen Mariana Munguía Pascual, Efrain Vásquez Cruz, Luis Ogarrio García.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 28, 2013.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 28, 2013.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 29, 2013.
© Bruno Sève . Published on August 29, 2013.