Descriptive Memory
Exterior View
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
“How would the painter or poet express anything other than his encounter with the world”– Maurice Merleau Ponty
Exterior view detail
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
“Much of the modern movement has drawn the intellect and the sight, but left aside the human body and its sensations – (…) – but also left the memories and the dreams dislodged.”– Juhani Pallasmaa
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
The work is based on Man meeting with himself and does so through the senses.
Actual Architecture has the ease of technological advances that everyday flood the offices with new materials. However all these amenities have achieved was for buildings to be deprived of presence, making them the fruit of unbridled consumption, of the ostentation and many times from the creator's Ego. Today architecture is endowed with a star system that dictates the trends as the world finds itself grappling with political crises and austerity. All these components have assembled an explosive cocktail when we look at the landscape of cities only to realize that the concept of “inhabit” is degraded.
With this work we aim to give back to Man, in any place of the World – squares, gardens, glades, parking lots from big malls, etc – the right of inhabit the planet without stratifications of any kind.
We have done it by going back to the children's imaginary to the age of dreams and curiosity and in a simple and pure way we created a multitude of spaces that enable each one, in a singular way; to Be and to think.
To the image of the ordinary house we subtracted its mass as an allegory to the present and to the reality we now live in; because both rely on the way we gaze and feel them. It's also a symbol of change because the absence of mass gave to it a building site character and also a lightness that emerged to oppose the image of concrete boxes.
Within the space of the house we laid five boxes made of white concrete in the exterior and black in the interior to keep the game of oppositions.
We wander through a synesthetic route that begins from North and ends to Nascent. Through it we primarily find the purification volume that intends to raise our vision and audition senses.
In the following box we find the shadows, that symbolize the air. It is aimed for the individual to question about the visually perceptible truth and also for the visual experience to assume tactile characteristics – feeling with the hand the form that is observed.
Through the pathways between the boxes we are at constant presence of the soil, the nature, the use of the smell sense that refers to the memories and to the quest of Man, through glades that were created with the subtraction of the total volume.
In a third moment the visitor is confronted with the light that symbolizes the fire and the sense of feeling through the skin.
After reestablished the equilibrium of the senses and the soul and mind opened we find the last two spaces. One is a space with books and the other with dialog, music and exchange for the house of Pink Floyd is what each and every one of us wants it to be.
With this project we wish to return to Man a place for him to pulse with the World, a space that appealed to solidarity and to the strength of the use of words.
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Initiation room
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Revelation room
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Purification room
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Knowledge room
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Reflection room
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Section A
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.
Section B
© José Pedro Azevedo, Nuno Cabanal, Susana dos Santos . Published on November 29, 2013.