Storicamente, il destino della città e del paesaggio circostante sono stati saldamente interconnessi: nel secolo scorso, con la crescita ed successivo declino dell’industria estrattiva, più recentemente, con la rigenerazione sociale, culturale ed ecologica delle cave. L’ambizione di rimodellare l’ex miniera di lignite nel “più grande progetto di landscape art in tutto il mondo” ha rafforzato questa relazione e al giorno d’oggi, un lungomare facilmente accessibile, ben collegato, diversificato, vivace e dinamico è la chiave per stabilire una nuova simbiosi tra la città di Bitterfeld-Wolfen e il Goitzschesee.
Vista volo uccello / Birdeye view
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Prima di ri-organizzare la struttura urbana ed i lotti edificabili, il progetto propone un nuovo modo di vivere le rive, dove opere artistiche, installazioni culturali e impianti sportivi possano arricchire il fascino attrattivo del lago. Oggetti paesaggistici geometrici dalle dimensioni significative sorgono dalle acque e si uniscono alla terraferma: in un primo momento, appaiono fuori scala rispetto al tessuto urbano della città, mentre sono progettati coerentemente al macro-sistema del Goitzschesee, dove la installazioni artistiche generano un’identità collettiva a scala più ampia. Mentre gli elementi di land-art arricchiscono il lungomare con attrazioni turistiche e strutture all’aperto per i residenti, la distribuzione interna delle aree progettuali acquista una grana più fine, strutturandole, integrando il tessuto esistente ed implementando i collegamenti pedonali e ciclabili trasversali che attraversano i lotti edificabili e portandoli direttamente a contatto con le rive del lago.
Master plan intervento / Masterplan of the intervention
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Historically, the destiny of the city and its surrounding landscape have been strongly interlaced: in the last century, with the growing and later decline of the mining industry and more recently, with the social, cultural and ecological regeneration of the pits. The ambition to reshape the former lignite opencast mine into the “largest landscape art project worldwide” strengthened this relation and nowadays, an easy accessible, well-connected, diversified, vibrant and dynamic waterfront is the key for establishing a new symbiosis between the city of Bitterfeld-Wolfen and the Goitzschesee. Before re-organizing the building blocks and construction sites, the project proposes a new way of experiencing the shores, where artworks, cultural installations and sport facilities enrich the lake’s fascination. Significant geometrical landscape objects rise from the water and join the mainland: at first, they might appear out of scale in comparison with city urban structure, but are instead designed to be coherent with the macro system of the Goitzschesee, where land-arts generate a collective identity at a larger scale.
Vista volo uccello Stadthaven / Stadthaven birdeye view
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
While the oversized art-landmarks enrich the promenade with attractions for visitors and open-air facilities for residents, the inner distribution of the project sites scales down to a fine grain which structures the two areas, integrating the existing framework and implementing the transversal bike and pedestrian connections that criss-cross the parcels connecting with the shores.
Focus Stadthaven / Stadthaven zoom-in
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Vista volo uccello Sport Park e Città Giardino Sud / Sport Park and Gartenstadt Süd birdeye view
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Focus Sport Park / Sport Park zoom-in
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Sezioni / Sections
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Vista dal Diagon Boulevard / View from the Diagon Boulevard
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Piante e sezione tipologia "studio" / Plans and section "studio" typology / area B Stadthafen
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Il giardino palustre e gli appartamenti vacanze / The wetland park and the holiday apartments
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Piante e sezione "apartamenti vacanze" / Plans and section "holiday apartments" / area B Stadthafen
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Gli edifici sul Boulevard dei Record Mondiali / The dwellings on the World Records Boulevard
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Piante e sezione tipologia "appartamento" / Plans and section "apartment" typology / area A Gartenstadt Süd
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Piante e sezione tipologia "case isolate" / Plans and section "detached houses" typology / area A Gartenstadt
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Casa isolata nel bosco / The single-family houses in the woodland
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Schemi area B Stadthafen / Schemes area B Stadthafen
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.
Schemi area B Stadthafen / Schemes area B Stadthafen
© brenso . Published on January 15, 2014.