ASSEnBLY means the realization of your new needs. It creates a new ecosystem in which dimensions have a human scale in a district that reduces distances offering you not just the purchase of new house, but the achievement of a new way of life. Living in ASSEnBLY will mean starting to use what you simply admired before. Here natural and artificial assemble together, because natural elements are mixed into the living fabric of the town. ASSEnBLY puts your individual needs and your social dimensions together so as to reduce the urban scale and create a community. This is ASSEnBLY
© Timothy Daniel Brownlee . Published on January 19, 2014.
Development ASSEnBLY is a multiple choice, a collection of many possibilities, the opportunity of changing over time. It represents the end of traditional urban planning: outdoor and indoor spaces can have a wide variety without having to struggle with an over-regulated urban planning burocracy. It can be the new way of transforming the city, abiding by the quality of development.
© Timothy Daniel Brownlee . Published on January 19, 2014.
Can ASSEnBLY grow out of the site? ASSEnBLY is the answer to business uncertainties and to the increasing need of space flexibility: thanks to a “functional floating plate” Havenkwartier’s surface will be under a gradual layering, with the intent to double the public space. This place is also used for the public green and for private and semi-private gardens. The urban and floating Landmark ensures streams of bicycles, boats, car and people without their colliding. Private homes and professional/management activities can finally hybridize among them maintaining an easy access to the public and semi-public spaces. The green floating plate could also be the the instrument to transform all of those nearby structures that are next to closure. For example the existing industrial buildings could be covered with the green landmark plate and with new houses allowing the re-use of these structures. The former industrial shells, placed on the ground level of the new structure will accomodate coworking offices, indoor sports facilities, social activities, stores or public spaces.
© Timothy Daniel Brownlee . Published on January 19, 2014.
“ASSEnBLY” is a model (prototype) “ASSEnBLY” is a customizable, adaptable, exportable, repeatable, contextualizable model. For example, the Havenkwartier (the area around the harbor) model is placed between the mainland and the water, accessible from both land or water. You can arrive at “ASSEnBLY” by boat, car, bike, bus or by foot. Actually the model can adapt to the different type of soil where it will be built. Even the shape and the dimension of the house-modules can be changed according to climate and context conditions or to the availability of building materials. The district could be bigger or smaller, according to the growing needs of the city in which it will be placed.
© Timothy Daniel Brownlee . Published on January 19, 2014.
Housing With “ASSEnBLY”, housing is no longer only a question of building dwellings, but it has become an experiment on new ways of living in the contemporary city. You might decide to buy a common house or try new hybrid forms of living, including new functions that are traditionally considered separated from your home. In “ASSEnBLY”, no matter what your job is or will be, you will find a home capable of changing with you during your lifetime. You could work in your house in direct contact with a growing community. Or you might as well decide to work in a co-working office center sharing your skills and experiences with others. You might be interested in producing concretely your own vegetables in your own garden, or you might as well produce vegetables with your neighbors. In “ASSEnBLY” you can share and team up with your neighbors, enabling you to achieve a better quality of living, reducing dependence on external providers.
Flexibility: organize your own independence In “ASSEnBLY”, whoever wants to, can contribute in an active and responsible way to the energetic and food production, going towards the “self-sustaining”. The new urban structure will improve social and working relationships, providing new ways of sharing collective spaces and using the district in multiple ways. These are some of the mixed-up functions you can find in “ASSEN-bly”: 1. Living and working These are dwellings that include an office or a little shop at the ground level; 2. Living and co-working The dwelling is separated from a common co-working office that has its own restrooms; 3. Sleeping and co-living The dwelling is composed principally of sleeping functions that communicate with a co-eating / co-living area with a big kitchen / living room and bathrooms; 4. Living and gardening All types of dwellings can have a private garden; 5. Living and co-gardening Dwellings might include a co-gardening system to use with neighbors.
Co-gardening The gardens are organized on the first level “floating plate” that connects the houses. This level is also considered a semipublic space. This “plate” also has a connecting path that runs through the gardens and connects to the ground level. The thickness of the slab is such that it can accommodate a soil layer on which vegetables and small plants can grow.
Customize your house ASSEnBLY is an unexpected and surprising district with an incredible variety of houses. Everyone will be able to build his/her own house according to his/her own taste choosing from an “abacus” of customizable elements: external finishing, type of roof, flat typology, type of garden, type of vehicle to be parked, type of working facility. ASSEnBLY”is configured according to the different lifestyles of the people who live in the neighborhood. The abacus of customizable elements and the many possibilities of assembly of the various modules will lead to a controlled planning that will reduce bureaucracy and will simplify over regulated urban planning modes. These rules can be reduced thanks to this district model and the quality of the development can be improved.