This proposal essentially seeks an optimal solution between the default program and the creation of a consistent relationship to the site. In this sense, we opted for a building arranged on four floors, with shops and garage at ground floor and six dwellings distributed across three upper floors. The nearest surroundings already has a density of buildings, mostly of multi-purpose buildings for housing, commerce and services, which have been consolidating the avenue, which is also an important road connecting to other clusters and is therefore one of important factors in developing this project. The project also took into account various factors considered relevant in its surroundings, including important elements in the territory, as is the religious building from the 50’s, the Mother Church of Corredoura, and from a more distant but no less important, the Castle of Sesimbra . Also the visual projection on the upper floors of the valley of the Seven Paths to the south and the mountains, and in particular the Mill, are important elements that contrast with the densified urban image. Moreover, the location of building on the main artery of Santana, which already has a lot of movement, could become a problem in particular for the residential spaces. In this sense, the idea of this building is to create an element that marks the Avenue, since it is located near the new roundabout, giving it some formality and sobriety contrasting with the nearby surroundings, and while most can contemplate the distant surrounding. This formal character is transmitted primarily by the more restrained and closed image of the building, which retains its facade in the foreground, in line with the Avenue.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Paulo Lucas . Published on April 12, 2013.