The Kohrman Hall renovation contained two components including a complete reconfiguration of its south wing for School of Art studios and the renovation of its central wing into 11 state-of-the-art classrooms for general university use.
Photo by Jim Haefner. . Published on July 30, 2013.
Together, the south wing and the Richmond Center for Visual Arts (RCVA) provide a new and completely integrated home for the Western Michigan University School of Art. Along with the renovation, a bridge connection between the south wing and the RCVA was constructed to link studios and galleries.
Photo by Jim Haefner. . Published on July 30, 2013.
Kohrman Hall houses studio and teaching space for the art school programs such as ceramics, sculpture, and printmaking. The design creates dedicated studio spaces designed to serve specific program needs, while providing flexible classrooms, critique spaces and collaborative studios that are shared by students and faculty of various programs. State-of-the-art mechanical systems were designed to address environmental issues associated with the art processes. Electrical, telecommunications and audio visual systems were completely upgraded to create interactive learning environments.
Photo by Jim Haefner. . Published on July 30, 2013.
Photo by Jim Haefner. . Published on July 30, 2013.
Photo by Jim Haefner. . Published on July 30, 2013.