Our design porpouse divide the facade in three main bodies which correspond to the different function of the building. Some of the elevations requires vertical solar shading. These are mostly south-east facing facade which will protect the building from the sharp spike of solar radiation and control the energy required for cooling purpose.
South east view
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.
The core and the circulation is coverd by clear glass to provide an enlightenend natural space. Retail levels are distinguished by the use of vertical stone elements. Office floors use three different types of semitransparent vertical shading. Roof levels for VIP offices are covered with clear glass to provide the most privileged view.
North west view
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.
The proposed forms welcome the presence of gardens and plants to enjoy the visual and social benefits of green spaces. We have proposed five different kind of organization of the green area according to the floor level and to the service that can be offered. At every level the gardens interlace with open areas that act like a plaza where to perform different activities and events
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.
© Peter Pec . Published on April 01, 2013.