The project proposal is based on concept to create a functional space and beautiful (and cool) space. The space organization must giving an answer to the needs of the users (clients). Regardless of the furniture, the space will be functional to the needs of the clients and it must be of high aesthetic value. The use of oblique lines characterize the living area, the oblique lines making it dynamic and unconventional.
Vista Prospettica
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
The project divides the flat in the living area and sleeping area. The living area is a open space that includes more functions, relax area, dining area, study area, the separation between living and study should be a structure permeable at the view. The kitchen is a space independent to allow perform this activities as: to cooking, to dining, to conversation (maybe in the gray afternoon kids study activity ),to meet friends, the idea is to create a contemporary space that allows you to carry out the activities that took place in the oldest kitchens. The sleeping area has been set by pursuing two objectives: to increase the size of the bedrooms and increase the number of beds (from 5 to 6 six beds, this increase the appartament economic value). The toilets were organized into a main bathroom and a service bathroom, this is connected to the little laundry area. The project’s main objective is to create flexible spaces, with a strong aesthetic character and capable to allow free choice of furnitures. The cost of the work can be estimated in a range included between 700 and 900 euro per square meter.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
Jury comment on project: “We really appreciate this work. Innovative, very functional to our needs and it looks very nice. The only downside would be that there are a lot of things to be done to realize this project (and costs would be high…).”
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.
© Fabio Valli . Published on April 12, 2013.