Nuova costruzione di n. 3 appartamenti in villa realizzati in Comune di Agnadello (Cr) in via IV Novembre. Progettista, Direttore dei Lavori, Coordinatore alla Sicurezza: Arch. Uberti Luigi Primo con...
View ArticleL'Orecchietta Restaurant, Islington, London - Sara De Marco_architetta
Fit out of unit to provide 45 covers.Photo by Tripadvisors. Published on November 18, 2013.Photo by Tripadvisors. Published on November 18, 2013.© Sara De Marco_architetta . Published on November 18,...
View Articleconcorso per la nuova sede della scuola dell' infanzia di Tenero-Contra -...
Concept del progetto e materiali utilizzati L’ architettura, intesa da Vattimo, ha il compito di confortare e consolare l’uomo, fragile essere dal fatale destino, posto suo malgrado in un mondo...
View ArticleKimbell Art Museum Pavilion - Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Designed by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW) and Kendall/Heaton Associates, the highly anticipated expansion of the Kimbell Art Museum opens on Wednesday, November 27, 2013. Surrounded by elms...
View ArticleBXXL - a new logistics center for Brussels Port - Joke Vermeulen, Francis...
The process started with a brief to design a new logistics center for the harbor of Brussels. This particular region of Brussels has had for several years a hectic and fairly inconsistent planning and...
View ArticleLa Stanza di Verdi - 1501 Workshop Group
Un “Filo Rosso” che passa dall’ingresso dell’Ospedale Giuseppe Verdi a Villanova sull’Arda (PC), partendo dall’insegna posta sugli alberi nel parco, attraversa l’atrio e conduce nella Stanza....
View ArticleGrow - Diana Żurek
Project of bathroom is a kind of exhibition for bathroom fittings from new collection Stark Organic.© Diana Żurek . Published on November 19, 2013.Hardness of concrete has been contrasted with the...
View Articlen.66 - OIKIA, Marco Alessandrini, Luca Cerri, Valeria Giorgi, Giulia...
Ristrutturazione e Interior Design di un appartamento a Livorno per una giovane coppia© OIKIA . Published on November 19, 2013.© OIKIA . Published on November 19, 2013.© OIKIA . Published on November...
View ArticleTheater Keldermanspoort - Steven van der Goes
The municipality of Hulst intends to convert one of its former city gates, known as the ‘Bollewerckpoorte’ (Bulwark Gate), into an open air theatre. The monumental ruins of the gate (destroyed in 1596)...
View ArticleDe Schicht - Steven van der Goes
With its 123 apartments residential building ‘De Schicht’ acts as a 200-metre long sound barrier for residential area ‘De Esch’. The light, double height galleries with their fair-face brickwork are...
View ArticleMulti-Facility Public Building Sant Martí - SUMO Architects (Jordi Pagès,...
St Martí’s Primary School forms part of a Multi-facility Municipal Building with an Adult Education Centre and a two storey underground public car-park, in the neighbourhood of Poblenou in Barcelona....
View ArticleMAPFRE - Kreatif Mimarlik
MAPFRE Insurance Building Complex is designed with the idea to present productive and comfortable interior and exterior spaces for the users. The complex sits on seven adjacent lots and consists five...
View ArticleHouse in Viseu - Alberto Montoya, Cristina Emília Silva
Architects Cristina Emília Silva & Alberto Montoya / BAU.UAU ARQUITECTURA Date of project: January 2011 / July 2011 Date of construction: September 2011 / October 2012 Built Area: 220 sqm Location...
View ArticleRenovation & extension of a holiday house - Dehullu Architecten
The quality of the existing dwelling consists not only of the building itself, but also of the surroundings and orientation. On renovating the existing building the architects worked with local...
View Article"the city needs vitamins" - 6ab Architects & Co.
@Un’installazione interattiva che vuol far riflettere ed evidenziare la corrispondenza che esiste tra i quattro componenti fondamentali dello sviluppo sostenibile (ambiente, istituzioni, società,...
View ArticleTAO Office Tower - Kreatif Mimarlik
The building lot for TAO Office Tower in İstanbul Finance Center in Ataşehir has unique features in terms of perception both from inside the IFC area and from the neighboring high-way. While deciding...
View ArticleAtnbrufossen Vannbruksmuseum - LJB architecture and landscape
The rest stop and buidling is located at 700 metres above sea level, beside the Atnbrufossen waterfall to the east of the Rondane Mountains in central Norway. Surrounded by well-maintained historic...
View ArticleUna nuova vivibilità per il centro di Nonantola - Valerio Loris Bianchi,...
Il progetto va oltre la semplice risposta alle esigenze espresse; si vuole dare una nuova visione del centro per un miglioramento generale della qualità della vita attraverso le relazioni tra dotazioni...
View ArticleVedahaugane & The Den - LJB architecture and landscape
The fjord landscape of western Norway is not only characterized by precipitous mountain slopes, glaciers, deep valleys and fjords but also by fertile agricultural areas and picturesque villages. These...
View ArticleBabylon Lounge - Kreatif Mimarlik
Asmalımescit neighborhood witnessed a radical change after the second half of 90s and music club Babylon played a major role in this change. Pozitif Office Building has a physical connection between...
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