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Spider web Tower - Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati

Déjà vu - Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -


Déjà vu Porta riviste – libreria componibile, dal ricordo delle costruzioni che coloravano le nostre fantasie. Struttura in legno massello laccato nei colori proposti.

Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -   — Déjà vu

Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -   — Déjà vu

Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -   — Déjà vu

Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -   — Déjà vu

Architetto Giovanni Azzolina - 4832 Palermo -   — Déjà vu

Gradia Boutique Office - Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi


Starting from a desire to create a client concept Boutique Office with Office, namely offices have therein small units leased to other companies. Interior Architect tries to explore the concept of Triangle basic form taken from Gradia Boutique Office logo itself is where the letter ” A ” triangle shaped her. The concept of a triangular shape that explores Architects Interior elements into various objects such as ceiling, lights, Mailbox, Doors, Furniture , Wall mirror up. The triangular shape is total applied by architects to become interior design a very strong character. The triangular shapes are applied with standard materials such as HPL but dynamically shaped so that it becomes an interesting pattern . In this Interior Architects also play a lot of lighting. Meetings between tenants who rented frame house made ​​T5 lamps provide lighting so firmly established. The combination of a light brown color, old, white and black gives the impression that the Office of Warm but still elegant . On the 2nd floor which consists of many tenants are also covered by the sandblast pattern cut into triangles, and given the number of space that is integrated by sanblast existing pattern .

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Working Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Working Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Detail Lamp

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Stairs Detail

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Door Detail

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Wall Detail

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Plafond Detail

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Meeting Room

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Recepsionist Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Detail Furniture

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Recepsionist Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Detail Furniture

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Detail Plafond

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Detail Furniture

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi — Gradia Boutique Office

Interior View

Rainbow Recreation - Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal


The recreation area at PT Kaji Inova or ACTMedia is designed as a fun and free concept. The design involved the use of rainbow colors applied in gradation shades. One example is blue-yellow-green gradation of which each color uses different color tone series. A mirror is placed at the edge of the fitness area to create an elongated illusion of the gradation. Other than that, the mirror serves its usual function as a mirror as well as creating a spacious look. Lamps are placed between colors from the walls to the ceilings. The lamps are hanging at the end of the ceiling.

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal — Rainbow Recreation

Working Space

The whole elements create a unified look of the ceiling, lighting and wall. A multicolor roller blind and a curved chair are used as a separator between the fitness and discussion area. Melon shaped green lamps are used in the discussion area as a decorative element. Warm lighting creates a more relaxed discussion atmosphere. Black and white kitchen sets are placed in the pantry to complement the colorful gradation of the wall.

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal — Rainbow Recreation

Working Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal — Rainbow Recreation

Working Space

Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal — Rainbow Recreation

Working Space

Lounge disco "MARINA Club" - STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini


Un lounge – disco in un cantiere nautico: ecco la richiesta della committenza. La marineria Arturo Stabile è un cantiere nato alla fine dell’800, un luogo ricco di storia dove nel tempo “mastri d’ascia” prima e designer navali dopo hanno realizzato da “schifazzi” a moderni yacht dotati di ogni comfort.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca Planimetria generale

Nel corso degli anni tutte le attività di rimessaggio sono state spostate nell’area industriale della città, lasciando libero così lo spiazzo antistante i pontili da imbarcazioni. Da qui l’idea di creare all’interno della marineria un luogo di incontro e di svago accessibile agli ospiti della marina e agli esterni.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

Il progetto architettonico ha cercato di risolvere i numerosi problemi legati alla fruizione dello spazio interno: la vasta estensione dello spiazzale, di cui si è proceduto ad un parziale ridimensionamento, si è rivelata un valore aggiunto, permettendo di creare un ambiente flessibile alle varie esigenze delle serate, con la possibilità di modulare la capienza secondo le necessità.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

Il lounge disco ha un’area riservata che avvolge la pista centrale: una serie di sedute (panche e tavoli alti) permettono ai clienti di riservarsi uno spazio per il loro divertimento. Le sedute, disegnate e realizzate in legno, permettono praticamente di ballare sui tavoli… il Marina style!

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

L’illuminazione dedicata è realizzata con strip led, sia sui banconi bar che nella pedana e nella consolle, e nelle aree riservate sono stati posizionati di fari led che permettono di illuminare gli spazi in maniera decisa durante l’aperitivo. Durante il ballo le stesse vengono sostituite da un potente service montato su un “ring”, creando nello stesso momento un gioco interessante di volumi.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

La consolle ha un tema marinaresco, riutilizzando dei vecchi pannelli in teak, un’ancora recuperata, ed una rete per la pesca ormai dismessa, che funge da copertura ma che lascia intravedere nella parte retrostante una vecchia gru del cantiere vicino. La gru è un grande reperto storico della cantieristica navale, proprio per questo motivo si è scelto di illuminarlo con dei fari da teatro ed evidenziare la sua imponenza.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

All’interno del bar si è scelto di non montare celle frigo a vista, orrendamente antiestetiche, ma sono stati realizzate due vasche in acciaio zincato, proprio per ripercorrere l’idea di ciò che si fa quando si va per mare: la preparazione delle “ghiaccere”.

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

STEFANO GERVASI architetto, Giuliano Santini — Lounge disco "MARINA Club"

2015 - "MARINA club" discoteca ph: Ph Enrico Amodeo

EEA - PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet


EXTENSION OF MARSEILLE’S ÉCOLE NATIONALE An architected landscape The École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille is located in an exceptional setting with remarkable qualities for movement. Built in the sixties by architect René Egger, the École d’Art et d’Architecture (connected by a covered bridge) is a fine example of modern regional architecture. Sitting on a north-facing slope, its architecture is characterized by various buildings spread around the site. Large white, simple and pure volumes marry and continue the curve of the land. They are linked by steps and covered galleries. They are organized around these galleries and courtyards like so many flashbacks of typical Mediterranean shapes. The extension in 1993 by the CCD Group (Chabrol, Cérrito et Daniel) was seen as an opportunity to rework the overall conception of the block plan that came to be considered too tract-house like. An indoor street was created by doubling the «main block» where the main facilities such as the new lecture hall and cafeteria were inserted. The school was structured on a cross-design with the indoor street perpendicular to the mostly outdoor street that acted as a link to the beaux-arts school and the library and off of which most of the workshops were located. An architectural graft The extension is part of the continuity of this «architected landscape». Keeping to the composition of the block plan, the existing system is extended, and a new «branch» has been created for horizontal growth. The building/outside traffic dialectic has thus been reinvested in. The project unites the three ground-level workshops in a simple, autonomous volumes connected by a gallery space that runs along the southern façade and reinterprets the campus’ passageways. The proportions are close to those of the existing big workshops, and the alignments reinforce the sobriety and the idea of belonging to a whole. From outdoor arrangements to highlighting the building The building stands on a high platform to take full advantage of the promontory’s exceptional location, the fact that it gives onto the chain of hills to the south and its isolation. With a playfully variable sizing of the paving stones, this new butte is composed of the stone salvaged from the terracing. The conservation of the existing trees was an opportunity to invent a mineral landscape of rocks and wild gardens where the pathways are integrated in and give structure to the venue. The surroundings are highlighted by details and raw materials that required local know-how and contrast with the industrial, prefabricated nature of the building (wooden edge, concrete stairway, local dry stone walls and paving-stone embankments, etc.).

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

Distance and Arte Povera, an autonomous building The work of incorporating the extension into its environment by using local shapes has been counter- balanced by having to be distinct from what already existed.
Layered colors depending on the façade’s orientation define the volume as an autonomous object by giving it abstract value. The colors are of the soil, pine-three bark and the plantlife of the inlet (calanque).
Darkish, the façade facing the ENSA-M building’s side is clad with vertical metallic strips inspired by the dark tones of the natural location. On the vine arbor side the façade is rougher with cladding in corrugated iron to better confirm its belonging to this harsh, barren space opening onto the landscape.
Arte Povera is the hallmark of this project, very present in the architects’ questioning of reality.

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

The «gallery», a shared evolving space This new passageway in the ENSA-M is a lane, a terrace and a corridor, a multiple space good for working outdoors (model making, photography, a place for exchange and openness, for presenting work and exhibitions) shared between the three workshops. In the form of a vine arbor running along the southern façade of the new workshops, it is an in-between space protected from the sun by a natural chestnut-rush fence (a device borrowed from farming) set into the galvanized steel frame. The overall galvanized steel structure is conceived and sized to form a free frame as a support for spatial experiments, i.e. arranged volumes (floor, netting, outdoor mezzanines), partitioning and closure (installation of tarpaulins for creating winter gardens, for example), various hangings, etc.

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

Industrial optimization, an optimized process The three workshops are walk-through, autonomous
and identical (same surface area, orientation, access
and light). They are placed side by side without any
inner access but can be entered from the south and north façades which are punctuated with wide, triple- glazed windows. This arrangement realizes a high level of compactness while ensuring natural lighting right to the back of each workshop. The workshops are separated by storage space and open offices that isolate them and promote great ease of use. Like genuine evolving industrial workshops, they have a rough concrete floor and ceiling electrical-supply tracks to fully cover the rooms as a solution for multiple uses and possible modifications (partial partitioning, half- rooms for work groups, etc.) Simple and rational The simple model of the algeco-type bungalow is avoided by using an industrial system connecting self-supporting façade and roofing that ensure 11.25 m of clear space without any intermediary support points and a clear indoor height of 2.80 m (as opposed to the usual 2.5 meters in modular building). The building process is simple. It starts like a «traditional building» by laying a concrete slab on the ground with outlying foundations. The façades are then delivered as wood/metal sandwich panels of various lengths and 1.25 m wide and are installed by slotting. A crowning belt holds
the façades by their tops and receives a long- wave dry tray that makes it possible to carry wall to wall without support and with very little slope. The whole is then insulated from the outside and covered. The structural prefabricated panels by OBM are left bare for inside decoration (coated steel sheet without finishing), ideal for a workshop. The construction simplicity and project rationalization are ensured by requiring only a few days to raise the building and a total of 5 months for being fitted out by all building trades.

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

PAN architecture - jean luc fugier & mathieu barbier bouvet — EEA

Progettazione di interni - Daniele Cucciniello

L.I.BO. Living Borneo - Daniele Cucciniello, giuseppina de Vito

Progetto di tre case a schiera - Daniele Cucciniello

Casa Unifamiliare - Daniele Cucciniello

Progetto esterno di una edicola funeraria - Daniele Cucciniello

Edificio Polifunzionale - Daniele Cucciniello

La Capanna sull'albero - Daniele Cucciniello

Progetto di una casa unifamiliare - Daniele Cucciniello

Progetto di interni - Daniele Cucciniello

Edificio per appartamenti - Daniele Cucciniello

Casa Bifamiliare - Daniele Cucciniello

Cartello pubblicitario - Daniele Cucciniello

Rezekne University Department of Engineering - AB3D


The University is located on one of the main streets of Rezekne, at the very center of the city. The total area of university campus is 4.2ha. The campus is surrounded by Soviet era housing projects – groups of buildings in various sizes that lack any logical structure, but part of the campus itself dates back to 1920s and is a historical landmark. Latvian architect Pauls Kundzins designed its central building in 1927 for the use of Teachers Institute. Back in 1920s the building was surrounded by a park and some trees have remained from that time to this day. Preservation and integration of these trees in the new architectural vision was an important objective of the design process. Design and construction of the Department of Engineering building is only the first step in the long-term Rezekne university campus development program. It is also envisioned to construct a new building for the Department of Economics, sports center, student residential accommodations and several supporting infrastructure objects. The new building is located in the northern part of the campus. It borders the campus from the surrounding residential area. The Department of Engineering is a three-storey building with a functional basement. It consists of a stretched one-storey volume with three-storey volumes on each end. Classrooms, auditoriums and some laboratories are located in the basement and on the first floor. The second and the third floor contain administrative offices, the library and the rest of the laboratories. The roof area that connects both three-storey volumes is designed as a recreational space for students and staff. The building structure is made of reinforced concrete. The facade is covered with polyurethane coated toned plywood panels that make an irregular cross pattern. Interior is enhanced by intentionally exposed elements of buildings’ structural-frame and engineering communications.

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

Site plan

AB3D — Rezekne University Department of Engineering

1st floor plan

Atelier pur Artist - Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati

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