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Bunker F.E.L. SPAR-X - INTEGRA Ingegneria Territorio Grandi Infrastrutture S.r.l.


L’opera in questione si distingue in due parti differenti sia dal punto di vista strutturale che costruttivo: -le strutture interrate semi-prefabbricate realizzate in cemento armato (a loro volta suddivise in Bunker corrente, Sala Ondulatori, Sala sperimentale, Sistemi connettivi verticali; -le strutture edili fuori terra, con elementi portanti a portale in carpenteria metallica (Edificio di testata, Edificio principale, Sistemi connettivi verticali).

INTEGRA Ingegneria Territorio Grandi Infrastrutture S.r.l. — Bunker F.E.L. SPAR-X

Sezione e prospetto longitudinale dell'opera

Le opere interrate, essenzialmente realizzate su due livelli di cui quello inferiore ospitante la “Macchina esperimento” sono state ideate in cemento armato ordinario con particolare attenzione alle problematiche relative a: 1- Contenimento dei cedimenti differenziali e in generale dei cedimenti a lungo termine; 2- Contenimento delle radiazioni; 3- Velocità ed efficienza costruttiva.

INTEGRA Ingegneria Territorio Grandi Infrastrutture S.r.l. — Bunker F.E.L. SPAR-X

Dettaglio sezione longitudinale

Le le strutture esterne invece, rappresentate dall’edificio di testata, dalle uscite di emergenza del bunker e dall’edificio principale, sono caratterizzate da uno stesso motivo architettonico. Si tratta di elementi di elevata “leggerezza” e “trasparenza”: la struttura por-tante è costituita da portali in carpenteria metallica di ampia luce (superiore a 12m), con solai in lamiera grecata, che oltre a fornire un motivo architettonico e un’immagine estremamente moderna, trasferiscono alle strutture sottostanti carichi estremamente limitati con ovvi benefici. L’assenza di pilastrature interne permette anche di ottenere una grande flessibilità nelle divisioni degli ambienti interni, massimizzata grazie al ricorso a pannelli divi-sori estremamente leggeri e modulari. Le caratteristiche estetiche suddette so-no assicurate dal ricorso per la realizzazione delle facciate a pannellature vetrate intervallate da elementi prefabbricate in cemento armato rivestiti in “graniglia rossa”, motivo questo ampia-mente presente nei limitrofi edifici del-l’Università Tor Vergata.

INTEGRA Ingegneria Territorio Grandi Infrastrutture S.r.l. — Bunker F.E.L. SPAR-X

Dettaglio prospetto laterale e brisoleil

Private villa - Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau


Il lotto di forma rettangolare ha portato alla forma allungata e lineare che caratterizza il progetto.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

Living room

La casa si sviluppa su due piani ed è pensata per essere completamente aperta verso l’oliveto circostante, creando una percezione di maggior ampiezza all’interno.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

Front view

Unica eccezione alla regolarità della forma è la piscina sfioro, un rettangolo alla stessa quota del pavimento del piano terra, che in piante si allontana dalla casa per immergersi nel terreno circostante.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa


Ampie vetrate a tutta altezza percorrono tutto il perimetro dei due piani, interrotte da setti funzionali e portanti e protette da brise-soleil scorrevoli e ampie terrazze a sbalzo, che riducono l’irraggiamento solare all’interno dei locali, specialmente a sud e ovest.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa


La pianta, colloca i nuclei funzionali nell’asse centrale della casa, lasciando liberi i passaggi laterali e creando un unico continuo open space, suddivisibile a seconda delle necessità con ampi scorrevoli a tutta altezza.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

Main entrance

Nucleo della casa è l’ampia sala centrale, pensata per fondersi completamente con lo spazio esterno, clima permettendo, mediante la chiusura di ampie vetrate scorrevoli a scomparsa.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

ground floor

I materiali scelti per gli interni sono il legno e la pietra vulcanica, quest’ultima su richiesta della committenza, in quanto è una caratteristica tipica delle case in agro locali.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

first floor

Il legno caratterizza il parquet dello spazio interno, il decking che riveste i percorsi esterni e le terrazze, alcuni dettagli in falegnameria delle nicchie e dei mobili su misura.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Private villa

general plan

Infine, il bianco degli arredi e delle forniture, per aumentare la luce interna e risaltare i materiali naturali.

The rectangular dimension of the site led to the elongated rectangular shape of the project, which consists of a two storey villa located inside a beautiful olive grove.

The house is designed to open up completely toward the surrounding grove, increasing spatial perception of the inside.

The only irregular feature of the floorplan is the small infinity pool, a rectangular shape leaving the main path to deepen further into the grove.

Full height windows surround the whole perimeter of the two floors, sometimes interrupted by functional and structural walls, and protected by sliding brise soleil and wide projecting terraces, that protect the interiors from excessive sun radiation, especially south and west.

The floorplan main feature is the location of the functional areas, aligned along the longitudinal axis to leave free passage along the perimeter. This allows the creation of a continuous and wide open space, that can be closed if needed by full height sliding doors.

The main core of the house is the wide living room space, designed to open up completely towards the garden, thanks to disappearing sliding windows.

The material palette features wood and volcanic stone, the last one a special request of the clients, due to the fact that it is a common feature of the country houses in the area.

Wood characterizes interiors hardwood flooring, outdoor spaces decking and some details of tailor made niches and furniture pieces.

In conclusion, white finishes are chosen for remaining furniture and carpentry, to increase interior light and put emphasis on the other materials.

Escuela Infantil Valdespartera - Magén Arquitectos


Situado en el límite sur de la ciudad, entre un área de reciente expansión residencial de 10.000 viviendas y la autovía de circunvalación Z-40, el origen del proyecto se encuentra en la respuesta a las condiciones del lugar – unos terrenos de borde en la periferia urbana -, desde la escala y las características de un equipamiento docente infantil. La parcela contaba inicialmente con una superficie total de 60.000 m², destinada a todos los ciclos formativos, y presentaba un desnivel topográfico de casi 20 metros, descendiendo hacia la única calle de acceso, en el lado norte.

Magén Arquitectos — Escuela Infantil Valdespartera

Los condicionantes físicos del emplazamiento, y su particular situación – entre la volumetría rigurosa y seriada de la ordenación residencial y las infraestructuras de transporte de ámbito territorial -, plantean el origen del proyecto desde la capacidad de la arquitectura para transformar un territorio inhóspito en un lugar habitable, incluso para los más pequeños, mediante mecanismos de implantación sencillos y atemporales: construir una plataforma horizontal y configurar y delimitar un recinto.

Magén Arquitectos — Escuela Infantil Valdespartera

En términos pedagógicos, la idea de construir un lugar de encuentro y relación, capturando una parte del entorno para generar un espacio adaptado a las capacidades del niño, procede del modelo de piazza central de actividades desarrollado en las escuelas municipales italianas de Reggio Emilia, en torno a la que se articulan los distintos ámbitos infantiles. Sus principios sobre una escuela alrededor de una plaza nos remiten a la idea de un ámbito exterior central, continuo, sin esquinas, fluido, con un trazado curvo y una forma libre, que alude al carácter lúdico del aprendizaje infantil, y ofrece a los niños del barrio una experiencia de la arquitectura más alegre y amable, en evidente contraste con el riguroso orden cartesiano de los bloques lineales de la ordenación residencial.

Magén Arquitectos — Escuela Infantil Valdespartera

La configuración del recinto del patio de juegos, al que vuelcan las aulas y el resto de las estancias, como un espacio abierto delimitado por un perímetro ovalado y cóncavo, responde tanto a la idea de que el proyecto se inicia fijando un centro alrededor del cuál la escuela se organiza, como a la creación de un ámbito interior con un carácter unitario e independiente, seguro y protegido del exterior.

Magén Arquitectos — Escuela Infantil Valdespartera

El proyecto se caracteriza por su horizontalidad, por la definición de la plataforma del suelo y por la importancia y la extensión del techo, que configura un amplio porche continuo hacia el patio, sustentado estructuralmente a tracción mediante pletinas en voladizo en la parte superior. En el patio, el techo aparece como un elemento plano, homogéneo y continuo, con una importante presencia, que canaliza la visión hacia el exterior, más allá del aula, como vínculo con el paisaje. Por otro lado, la cubierta se convierte en la imagen principal del centro desde los edificios de viviendas.

Magén Arquitectos — Escuela Infantil Valdespartera

La cubierta se eleva – siguiendo también una directriz curva – en sus extremos oeste y este, coincidiendo respectivamente con la mayor altura interior que requieren la sala polivalente y el comedor del colegio. La mayor altura del centro en estas zonas caracteriza el perfil del centro desde la distancia y cualifica su cubierta, al tiempo que señala los dos puntos de acceso. Junto a la forma ovalada de la planta, la mayor altura en los extremos de la elipse también responde a una concepción dinámica de la forma de bucle del colegio.

Por otro lado, en los perfiles ondulados y las formas curvas de la cubierta, los niños pueden también encontrar referencias a las formas deslizantes lúdicas de los parques infantiles. La conexión con este universo infantil caracteriza también la presencia material del edificio. Desde el exterior, la fachada curva se configura mediante la disposición de tubos de aluminio coloreados, en una disposición continua y aparentemente aleatoria – inspirada en un conjunto de lápices de colores – que encinta el perímetro exterior del centro. En contraste con el despliegue cromático exterior vinculado al carácter del edificio, el interior ofrece una atmósfera más neutra, con un reducido número de materiales y una abundante iluminación natural.

La organización del espacio interior de las aulas, estancias y corredores, ha tenido en cuenta la distinta percepción espacial de los pequeños y de sus educadores. Los espacios de circulación, de trazado curvo, se conectan visualmente con las estancias infantiles mediante unas ventanas circulares a diferentes alturas. En el exterior, el uso de diferentes colores y texturas (soleras coloreadas, caucho, césped y arbolado) permite crear espacios de juego sugerentes y variados para los niños.

Por último, el proyecto atiende desde su diseño a criterios básicos de sostenibilidad, presentes en toda la ordenación desde el planeamiento del nuevo barrio, denominado Ecociudad Valdespartera. La orientación de los espacios docentes garantiza tanto un óptimo soleamiento como intimidad respecto a la calle, el sistema de lamas verticales orientables frente a las aulas permite tanto la protección solar como el total oscurecimiento, el amplio alero en voladizo hacia el patio permite una circulación exterior cubierta, al tiempo que también protege las aulas del sol de verano, y el acabado de la cubierta minimiza su impacto visual. La construcción mediante estructuras metálicas y sistemas de junta seca disminuyen el tiempo de ejecución de la obra y la generación de residuos, mientras que tanto el planteamiento de la climatización por suelo radiante como el del resto de las instalaciones responden a criterios de eficiencia energética.



Il progetto di ristrutturazione dell’appartamento sito all’ultimo piano del palazzo principale e della sua Torre,posta a sbalzo su di un vicolo del centro storico Genovese nasce sulla base di due condizioni specifiche:


da una parte l’esigenza espressa della committenza di vivere in uno spazio moderno e accogliente, dall’altra la localizzazione in un luogo speciale e prezioso.


Ispirato ai criteri di compatibilità e reversibilità della moderna teoria della conservazione, l’intervento si ripropone di collocare nei piani della torre le camere da letto intramezzate da un vano di ritrovo comune che potrà essere utilizzato come salotto o studio, nel quale è stato inserito servizio.


L’intento del progetto è quello di evidenziare la nuova struttura facendone perdere le sembianze di servizio igienico.

Bamiyan Cultural Center - Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva


Considering all the briefing´s budget and program restraints it emerged the idea that the new cultural center would not be an imposing monument, but a silent one. In addition, the building should be protected against the strong mountain winds and effectively deal with the local extreme temperature variations. Following this strategy, the building stands in a transition area between the plot´s two ground levels, with the building’s roof extending the higher ground and developing an apparently spontaneous and offset geometry. More than designing a single building, the adopted strategy increases the available outdoor area, while at the same time recreating the landscape as a determinant element for the spatial structure. The result is one of unobstructed views of the Bamiyan valley from almost every spot on site and a strong feeling of immersion into the landscape. Recognizing the importance of the courtyard typology in local vernacular culture and architecture, all programmatic spaces are arranged around a central atrium, with a ring of fluid circulation connecting each internal area. This central courtyard provides generosity of space and a means of orientation within the building, and is furthermore a versatile space well suited to hosting art, archeology, installations and events. The program implementation strategy around the ring minimizes significantly the amount of area dedicated to circulation, bringing all functions closer to each other and developing a compact building. It also creates the potential for frequent informal meetings and casual encounters.

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

Lower Garden

Gardens/sustainable aspects The landscaping strategy for the cultural center´s gardens is based on a matrix of pedestrian paths that colonize the site. This matrix has a strong Islamic influence, based on a geometric flower which has its origin in the building center and irradiates outwards. In the tradition of the Islamic garden, water plays a determining role. Water reservoirs were placed on the lower and higher limits of the site. Water channels connect the two levels to allow irrigation by gravity, and in the process intercept the cultural center, where floor vents can be used to cool the building in the summer. The lower gardens are provided with an open-air water axis that pays tribute to the gardens of Bagh-e-Babur. Strategic scenic overlooks where placed in the edges, contemplating the valley and the cliffs.

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

General view

Constructive system The economic, tectonic and plastic qualities of concrete where fully explored. Curved concrete boundary walls improve the ability of the building to withstand seismic events and reduce the wall thickness, thus coping with the briefing´s thorough areas. Ribbed slabs supported on walls were used do to its lightweight and long spans. All building façades and external walls are finished with a layer of local loam bricks, honoring the local building tradition. The building´s bricks are fire baked to increase durability and the external wall bricks are sun baked to reduce costs. Thermal insulation was considered throughout the building, with a minimum of 10cm thick panels on the façades and floors and 20cm thick panels on the roof. No roof apertures were considered on any of the buildings rooms to avoid thermal loses. Roof openings were considered on the circulation ring, which acts as an extensive temperature regulator.

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center


Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center


Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

Circulation ring

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

Exhibition room1

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center


Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

1:200 plan

Joao Araujo Sousa, Joana Correia Silva — Bamiyan Cultural Center

Section (access ramp)

INFINITO - Teresa Romeo


@Il progetto è nato in risposta al bando di concorso promosso da Oikos, incentrato sul tema dell’ingresso, per la realizzazione dello stand della stessa azienda al Made di Milano nel marzo 2015 (sviluppato su una superficie di 80 mq. con lati 8×10 ml.). Nella mia idea ho voluto ascoltare” la forma in profondità, “entrare nell’opera, diventare attiva in essa e vivere il suo pulsare con tutti i sensi” (Wassily Kandinsky). Tra la produzione Oikos mi ha particolarmente emozionato la porta “Infinito”, In essa ho percepito quell’impalpabile “atmosfera” di leopardiana memoria, quell’”ultimo orizzonte” escluso dallo sguardo, in cui risiedono le nostre emozioni, i desideri, le ambizioni, i sogni. Tutto questo mi ha portato ad estendere le sue stesse linee nello spazio, facendole divenire “prospettiva evocata”, ispirata ai celebri modelli palladiano e borrominiano: un invito al passaggio e poetica mediazione tra momenti di vita diversi, tra esterno ed interno, tra natura e costruito, tra paesaggio e architettura. All’interno ho inteso realizzare uno spazio geometricamente puro, cuore di cristallo, nel quale i riflessi del vetro bianco gesso passano dalle pannellature delle porte alle pareti, senza soluzione di continuità. Il lampadario “Wireflou” di Vibia, contribuisce a rendere la luce componente invisibile dello spazio architettonico, nonché a rimandare nuovamente alla forza della linea, nel suo ruolo di generatrice di forme e di spazio. Linee di luce ma anche di ombre, quali quelle che ho pensato di proiettare, allusiva citazione, sulla volta interna della cupola centrale. Nel padiglione sono state inserite molte porte, non tutte necessariamente apribili, ma completamente integrate nelle pareti. Infatti la naturale eleganze delle porte è capace di irradiarsi nello spazio circostante. Le molte possibilità offerte dall’azienda di lavorare sulle pareti e sulle boiserie, sui sistemi fiancoluce e sopraluce, al fine di renderle complanari e di integrare i materiali, mi hanno permesso di arricchire lo spazio, rendendolo caldo, accogliente e prezioso.@

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

Teresa Romeo — INFINITO

MIAMA' - Silvia Mazzarelli

GREEN EXPRESS CONTEST - a:circumference


When a project is landscape and art.

a:circumference — GREEN EXPRESS CONTEST

The drawing and graphic representation are important parts and tools of a landscape project It supports thoughts, creation or explanation of a plan. Architectural graphic documents very often end up being genuine artistic works on their own. An excellent example is the work of Roberto Burle Marx.

The GREEN EXPRESS contest invites the participant to focus on this area of a project, by drawing and doing a representation of a landscape and green space project.


Adriana Gelpi (Brasil) – Architect and Professor Phd., “Laboratório de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales –UPF– Rio Grande do Sul”

Estanislau Roca (Spain) – Urbanism Architect and Professor Phd., Dean of the “Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenamiento del Territorio en Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña –UPC Barcelona”

Judith Brücker (Germany) – Landscape Architect, JUCA architektur + landschaftsarchitektur

Europan 12 | Asker - Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato


The project responds to the demand for a new centre nearby the city of Asker, called Dikemark, designing a new heritage site through the conversion of neglected buildings and plots. We worked on both morphology and function of the area, in order to extend, recapture and increase its hidden potential for urban adaptation. The masterplan develops in order to present a new vision, where the old meets the new, and facilitate a sense of belonging for residents of this new settlement. Everything is willing to fuse with nature and urban adaptability.

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

The current central area was redesigned, the buildings that were already present throughout the territory regenerated, connections between the fragmented ones planned. To do so the whole area has been divided into smaller subdivisions, suitable for more detailed zoning plans. Moreover a green spaces project has been designed, linked with the environmental system.

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

Water is a huge part of the project, not only with the regard of the practicality of its use but also as it creates a higher quality lifestyle. Because of this it is used not only as a supply for the plots but also to design tracks and textures on the ground, to get a landscape value.Thanks to these paths is possible to expose the qualities that already exists and characterized the territory. Moreover the route of the drain that flv ows from the lake, that used to be underground, was planned to be dug up and expanded.

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

The main theme that characterizes this area is the relationship with the territory and proximity with nature. The integration between functionality and surrounding countryside is the main aspect of the project in this specific zone. Starting from the plan we have studied the possible interconnections with the neighboring area, trying to maintain the plot surrounded by greenery, although close to the residential zone. Hence the idea of establishing a network of cultivated fields, of property of the inhabitants or anyone who wants to participate in the project, so as to effect the main theme.

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

Manuel Assennato, Nicola Saetti, Violetta Breda, Giorgia Ceccato — Europan 12 | Asker

Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee" - Dürig AG


Analysis, Idea. The size and the layout of the ground-level functional and storage space of the new company building are crucial for the quality of the operations. Due to the constricted spatial situation the company building has to be as compact as possible with a small footprint, provide the greatest possible flexibility and free access to the storage spaces, as well as involving the strict arrangement underground of those areas that do not require daylighting and can be accessed via vehicle ramps.

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Urban Planning. In terms of urban planning the sewage plant, the lake waterworks and the company building are interpreted as a coherent complex in which the individual buildings are arranged according to utilisation, and which are spatially and functionally held together by a continuous ground-floor functional area. The existing complex is extended with a number of new buildings: a company building, storage building (or parking garage), external storage and a ramp structure.

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Architecture. The new structures are designed as straightforward cubic volumes, orientated towards each other on the company’s site. The facades of the over-ground company building are layered floor-by-floor. The distribution of the layering varies over the height of the building, lending the simple ribbon-window principle an added complexity. A second glass plane is superimposed over the strip windows, serving as additional weather resistance and noise insulation. The transparent layers alternate with the closed breastwork layers, which are clad in metal. The subsidiary buildings (storage building and external storage) assume the materialization of the main building, thereby forming a unity with the company building.

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Access. The approach to the perimeter takes place from the Freihofstrasse. The approaches – to the ramp of the company building providing access to the basement, to the open parking spaces and the external storage, as well as to the storage building or parking hall – are located here. Access to the basement level is provided by a single-lane ramp. The company building has core with a stairwell and two lifts (a passenger lift and a goods lift).

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Organisation. The organisation of company building and the parking area is such that they interconnect and are extensive. A large basement area houses the storage, transport and parking areas. Arranged from bottom to top the four-storey administrative building contains the workshops, the administration spaces, an apartment and a small studio. A ribbon window facing the street provides light for the basement with the mechanics’ workshops. Immediately next to them are the storerooms. The exterior space of the apartment set on the end face of the second upper floor forms a loggia and a winter garden.

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Construction. The building is designed as a slab-and-column construction with a reinforcing core. The fringe columns and the large spans mean a maximum of flexibility in the spatial partitioning, and allow for future alterations to the non-load-bearing subdivisions. Due to the fact that parts of the basement lie in the groundwater it was constructed as a “white trough” with watertight concrete.

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"

Dürig AG — Public maintenance building "Werke am Zürichsee"



Iran & italy are big countries with huge history .. btoh country have same method for life and same culture . expo 2015 milan will be done this year and i decide to design a culture complex for this competition . both country have same flag with same colour . green . red and white . i use this colour for mirror and glass at elevation . vertical shaders and louvers break the sun light .






PUC 3_Giano dell'Umbria - Studio Associato Officina 8

_GIM garden into Montello - Riccardo Baccante


La Caserma Montello di via Caracciolo è inserita all’interno di un più ampio sistema di aree militari che, essendo catalogate come ATU, si prestano a diventare zone di riqualificazione urbana.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

Project Logo

Il progetto per la zona di via Caracciolo e più ampiamente di Piazza Firenze e Corso Sempione diventa un nodo di grandissima importanza in un sistema che coinvolge tre poli attrattori per la zona nord-est del Comune di Milano: il Parco Sempione, City Life e il Politecnico di Milano Bovisa.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

Design Scheme

Il primo studio compiuto, dunque, una volta identificati i nostri punti di forza nell’area, è stato quello di evidenziare e di capire quali possibilità a livello infrastrutturale e di servizi pubblici possedeva la zona.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

Design Scheme pt.2

Abbiamo messo in risalto come, nonostante la presenza di Piazza Firenze, importante nodo di scambio per linee di tram e di autobus, e nonostante la presenza nelle vicinanze della stazione delle Ferrovie Nord di Domodossola, la zona presenta problemi di accessibilità e mobilità che possono essere risolti potenziando l’asse di Corso Sempione.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

-Project Masterplan 1:2000 -Functional Program -Time schedule

Un ulteriore elemento di studio poi è stato quello di evidenziare il sistema dei parchi, le zone verdi che interagiscono tra loro e che hanno dimostrato come l’area della Caserma di via Caracciolo necessiti urgentemente di un inserimento di un’importante area verde che si contrapponga al denso tessuto urbano presente tra la Via Caracciolo e il Viale McMahon.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

-Corso Sempione Masterplan 1:2000 -Project Plan 1:1000 -Architectural Sections 1:1000

Questi studi a livello urbano e di quartiere hanno posto le basi per la riqualificazione dell’area e hanno permesso di costruire dei vincoli indispensabili che verranno successivamente inseriti nel progetto.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

-Masterplan 1:500

Studiando i caratteri di accessibilità all’area e di presenza di zone verdi di respiro, dei collegamenti, dei punti forti e dei punti deboli abbiamo determinato anche quali, e in che dimensione, fossero le necessarie esigenze a livello funzionale che avremmo inserito nel progetto al fine di migliorare questa parte di città.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

-Perspective Drawings

La conclusione di questo focus ha spinto a considerare il programma funzionale a servizio esclusivamente del quartiere facendo ricadere la decisione di stabilire un programma che non contemplasse funzioni di eccellenza ma si concentrasse esclusivamente su quelle che erano le carenze del quartiere.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello

-Public Space Render

Nasce così un programma funzionale che prevede l’inserimento nel progetto di una vasta parte dedicata al co-housing e a tutti i relativi servizi correlati, una parte dedicata alla residenza libera, una zona, concentrata all’interno del piano terra, disponibile per lo sviluppo del commercio al piede e la parte più“istituzionale” che prevede l’inserimento di servizi utili per la comunità: un centro di medicina sportiva, collegato con una palestra specializzata nella riabilitazione, un consultorio con aule per visite mediche, un poliambulatorio per analisi, un edificio di proprietà comunale utilizzabile per mostre o eventi anche all’aperto e un distaccamento di qualche edificio comunale servente la comunità residente in quest’area.

Riccardo Baccante — _GIM garden into Montello


La decisione a priori di quelle che risultano essere le potenzialità o le carenze dell’area ci ha permesso di avvicinarci al progetto con la sicurezza di sapere su quali punti concentrare la nostra attenzione e su quali meno rendendo più efficaci e convincenti le decisioni prese in tal senso.

Nasce quindi l’idea di un progetto che mantenga intatte la maggior parte delle preesistenze (che diventeranno il luogo adibito alle funzioni “istituzionali”) e che invece contrapponga in nuovo edificato al parco verde di grandi dimensioni e di grande respiro.

Il progetto di riqualificazione dell’area della caserma Montelllo, dunque, si sviluppa attraverso la contrapposizione tra fascia verde e fascia costruita con il mantenimento sia della maggior parte delle preesistenze, vincolate e quindi difficilmente modificabili, sia del galoppatoio centrale che viene riprogettato per diventare un grande parco libero a servizio sia della comunità residente nell’area di progetto, sia dell’intero quartiere che può usufruire di un polmone verde in una zona fortemente urbanizzata.

Gli edifici “istituzionali”, che si affacciano sul parco, invece, vengono recuperati e mantenuti in modo da restituire all’interno di un nuovo progetto un’importante impronta storica della Caserma.

L’impostazione della planimetria generale, in cui viene messa alla luce anche l’importanza di altri due nodi, la Piazza Firenze e il Corso Sempione, permette di cogliere anche quali siano i percorsi principali di accesso all’area e gli ingressi.

L’ingresso su Piazza Firenze è senza dubbio un portale dal quale poter avere uno sguardo complessivo sull’intero lotto di progetto e quindi risulta essere anche l’ingresso principale, quello su via Caracciolo invece è un’indispensabile accesso che permette di attraversare tutta l’area e si pone l’obbiettivo di collegare due parti di città svuotando il progetto di quel carattere di rigidità aumentando la permeabilità dello stesso.

I percorsi minori interni, invece, sono pensati esclusivamente come passeggiate all’interno del parco o come collegamenti tra le diverse parti del progetto. In particolare il percorso a serpentina ricalca quello presente nella rivisitazione di Corso Sempione.

L’intervento di riqualificazione, però, non ha riguardato solo il progetto inserito all’interno dell’area della Caserma Montello, quanto più il punto di partenza è stato una totale rivisitazione dell’asse principare di accesso al lotto: il Corso Sempione.

Identificato come primo collegamento tra il Parco Sempione, City Life e l’area della Caserma di via Caracciolo, questo importante viale è stato riprogettato mantenendo lo stesso numero di corsie per i mezzi privati, lo stesso numero di linee tramviarie ma accorpando le zone adibite a parcheggio, spesso abusivo, odierne, per creare un’unica via centrale pedonale, coperta dai bellissimi alberi secolari oggi presenti, nella quale si aprono piccoli chioschi o bar o gelaterie a servizio dei passanti.

Il viale diventa così un luogo non solo di passaggio, ma una strada attrezzate per svolgere diverse attività all’aria aperta, dal jogging alla bicicletta, diventando persino un luogo di ritrovo per giovani e giovanissimi. Dando importanza a questo collegamento l’intento progettuale è quello di garantire una ripresa non solo del corso stesso ma anche della zona di via Caracciolo che pian piano si sta impoverendo diventando sempre più una zona anonima della città.

Re-Pallets - Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti


I due micro-interventi si inseriscono all’interno di una prassi di interazione con le realtà locali per rispondere attraverso l’auto-costruzione alla domanda di allestimenti temporanei a basso costo.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Temporary Restoration – La necessità di segnalare il mercato stagionale vintage posto all’interno di un importante edificio storico da tempo non utilizzato si trasforma in un’occasione per rigenerare un luogo divenuto ormai immagine spaziale dell’attraversamento della città, più che luogo dello stare.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Partendo dalle tracce storiche dell’area, che riportano alla presenza di un’ortaglia legata al vicino convento, la scelta progettuale si articola su di un percorso espositivo sensoriale dove gli elementi in legno fanno da supporti ad otto essenze arboree differenti.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

L’intervento riguarda la porzione posta a ovest del Mercato dei Grani e si configura attraverso una serie di elementi che accompagnano il viandante sino allo spazio del mercatino.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

In adiacenza al muro esistente un lungo bancone, al cui vertice è posto una pianta di ulivo con la finalità di segnale verticale, funge da supporto ad una serie di pannelli che accolgono l’esposizione. Altri elementi di dimensioni ridotte si dispongono a formare una scacchiera di pieni e di vuoti e fungono da supporti per le essenze o da sedute per i cittadini. Uno spazio che grazie ad un intervento minimo rivendica il senso di appartenenza della memoria storica alla vita della città.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Sustainability Pavilion – L’obiettivo del progetto, segnalare la soglia d’ingresso alla manifestazione fieristica denominata “Energy day”, diventa opportunità per mostrare attraverso una “buona pratica” i contenuti dell’evento.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Temi come energia, sostenibilità e ambiente vengono qui comunicati tramite l’utilizzo di trecento pallets che, dopo essere stati assemblati per formare un muro di venticinque metri, sono stati restituiti all’azienda fornitrice per rientrare nel ciclo produttivo, caratterizzando in questo modo l’intervento a impatto zero.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

La semplice sovrapposizione, l’interruzione in corrispondenza degli ingressi, la formazione di due aperture orizzontali formano così un vero e proprio foyer.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photos by Nicolò Galeazzi

Metafora del sottile confine che sotto il profilo ambientale ci divide da un punto di non ritorno, la nuova entrata diventa dispositivo spaziale per indicare la “porta” alla possibilità di nuovo approccio eco-compatibile, rappresentato dai scelte e comportamenti virtuosi.

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photo by Nicolò Galeazzi

Paolo Mestriner - studioazero, o9 architecture, Nicolò Galeazzi , Stefano Di Corato, Camilla Martegani, Francesco Ferliga, Michele Papa, Andrea Temponi, Annalisa Tosi, Daniela Merigo, Alice Alghisi, Veronica Capelli, Valentina Viganò, Marta Finotto, Valentina Mazzotti — Re-Pallets

Photos by Nicolò Galeazzi

Tower House - Andrew Maynard Architects


S+P and their 8 year old twin sons asked for a home “for community, art and nature to come together”. We designed them a village.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Tower House is a renovation and extension to a weatherboard home in Alphington, Victoria, Australia. We restored the original, where we have two kids’ rooms, a bathroom and living spaces. A studio, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and dining occupy the new part of the house. Tower House is the result of endless conversations with a trusting, enthusiastic, patient and encouraging client.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Mum, dad and twin boys live at Tower House. The family have keen interests in the environment, outdoor recreation and the arts. We first met to discuss Tower House just days before a federal election. Fear that in two days we would have a new, particularly nasty, negative and destructive Prime Minister loomed heavily in the air. Our discussion on that first day was not about kitchens and bathrooms. Our discussions were about life, art, politics, charity, the universe and everything. We knew we had a great client on that first day. The words S+P used were carefully considered. Nurturing, stimulating, gallery, inspiring, delightful, both social and private, introverted and extroverted, legacy, responsibility, character, engaging, discourse and community. In their home S+P wanted the story to be about more than them. S+P wanted the story to include us. All of us.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Tower House is near parkland and the Yarra River, with views to the Amcor chimney stacks. Tower House is bound by two roads. One is a leafy post-war suburban street. The other, which faces onto backyards, feels like a country road. With the exception of a few new homes the context is small, humble weatherboard and brick abodes. A chunk of large contemporary architecture would be an imposition in this context.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Tower House is the result of a vast number of concurrent discussions about issues far broader than the home itself. Though the brief was not small, our proposition was to create a series of small structures of a scale and texture that did not dominate its context. Tower House is about a lot of things. Here are our highlights:
The twins’ sketches
During an early design meeting we handed the twin boys paper and pencils and asked them to quietly entertain themselves while the adults spoke about ‘more important things’. After discussing the complexity of designing a home, and the various possibilities, we had all found ourselves deep down the rabbit hole, confused, lost and tired. We looked over to the boys to discover that they were not drawing cars, soldiers or dragons. Instead they had drawn their house. With modest confidence they slid their simple sketches, complete with notations, to me saying in unison “there you go”. Their sketches distilled a lot of ideas. They had firmly pushed the boat off the shore and we were on our way.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Home as village
As homes increase in size they increasingly appear as hostile monoliths. When a home is extended, often the monolith crashes into the original. The later looking like an alien cancerous growth on the former. Tower House is anti-monolith. Tower House is village externally and a home internally. The house defies logic as the exterior appears to be a series of small structures, while internally the spaces and functions are large and connected. Like the Tardis, it’s small on the outside and large internally.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Missing No.5
The mysterious case of the missing No.5. There is no No.5 in this street, which is odd. No.3 and No.7 sit side by side and no one can explain why No.5 was omitted. Tower House finds a small gap between 3 and 7 to build a new structure. It’s not No.5. The new tower fills the numerical gap. But the mystery remains.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

5th elevation
When designing the Sydney Opera House Utzon spoke of the fifth facade, knowing that the roof will be the part of the building that dominates the view from the Harbour Bridge and the tall buildings nearby. The street front is no longer the public face of our buildings. Google Earth has made the roof the public face of our buildings, accessible to anyone at anytime. We can now easily see all of the mess that has been hidden on the rooftop. What was once hidden is now fully displayed. With this in mind we deliberately designed Tower House so that it looked beautiful from the sky and from Google Earth.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

It’s all about community.
Increasingly our houses are overly concerned with privacy. Fences are getting higher and we are turning our backs to our neighbours. It’s starting to look less like house and garden and more like compound and security. What’s happening to neighbourhood and community? Tower House can be both. The front yard is now a communal vegetable patch. Neighbours are invited to help themselves and, if they wish, do a little gardening from time to time. The rest of the garden has a high fence around it, however you can see through the fence and, importantly the fences can be left open wide. With streets on both sides of Tower House neighbours can use the garden as a short cut and grab a few veggies on the way through. With the gates wide open the line between public and private starts to get blurred.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

The Net
Australia is wide and flat. As a result our homes are wide and flat. Our HOUSE House project explored the idea of creating a vertical home, in contrast to the typical Australian home. The boy’s studio pushes this idea further. It is a wholly vertical space with a bookshelf running from floor to ceiling. The boys desks are at the base of the studio, where they can studiously work. Hanging within this tall space is a net where the boys can read, and contemplate with a view to the street and a view to the backyard. The boys study is designed to inspire the boys as they grow and learn.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Her library.
S’ library is a place of thought and contemplation. Slightly submerged, the desk is almost buried in the garden. Lined with dark spotted gum the library has an age and a wisdom that is in contrast to the playful contemplation of the boys study.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

His spot.
P has a sneaky spot in the roof space above the kitchen. Lined in synthetic grass with nothing more than a banana lounge and a book P’s spot it a hideaway within the centre of the house.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Tower House is a long-term family home. The boys will be adults when (if) they leave. The house can easily adapt from being a shared family home to being two separate zones with distinct entries. Within the original house we have hidden sliding panels which allow the large shared rooms to be divided into small. A variety of different activities can take place, whether shared or private. It’s the best of both worlds.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Like all of our buildings, sustainability is at the core of Tower House. Rather than simply extruding the existing structure we have run the new form along the southern boundary so that it is soaked with sunlight. The openings and windows have been designed to optimise passive solar gain, thereby drastically reducing demands on mechanical heating and cooling. All windows are double glazed. White roofs drastically reduce urban heat sink and heat transfer internally. Need for air-conditioning is eliminated through active management of shade, and flow through ventilation. Water tanks have their place as they do on all of our projects. High performance insulation is everywhere, even in the walls of the original house.

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Andrew Maynard Architects — Tower House

Bamiyan Cultural Centre - E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin


As we look to the future of Bamiyan, we found the answer in the social interaction between local, Afghan and visitors, So our answer to the cultural center is to create a cultural block. In proposing a block as building, think of the possibilities of meetings, exchanges of information symbiosis between cultures. That building your character, to the center court, is closed, with the possibility of specific strategic and visual passages to the environment protected by UNESCO. With these opaque faces turned into the court, the user can focus on the cultural and social exchanges. Thus it creates an internal square that allows music concerts, outdoor theater, film festivals, among other activities. Upon entering the building the perspective is reversed, wide spaces and transparent, allow immediate connection with the Bamiyan Valley and Buddha Cliff. The interface with Buddha Cliff and the valley is present in almost all the needs of the program, including the performance hall which has pivoting acoustic boards that allow visual open and closed configure the black box. The Library was deliberately shifted to the outside of the block facilitating access and encouraging reading for all generations of Afghans. It was also thought of a program partitioning, allowing for independent use of the main program areas. (performance hall, exhibition space, lobby, tea house, classrooms and workshops). Great length showrooms interconnect with ephemeral exhibition, moving to generate operating pairs and intelligent circuits. We think the museum as an experience, as an interactive space where the very act of journey is the experience of exploration of the place. We propose the site of the east face a solar harvest, consisting of solar panels. In addition to energy harvesting, we propose that the visitor go through this collection, instructing them to relevant information solar capture. Thus this area of land also becomes cultural. The harvest will supply beyond the cultural center, single-family homes in the Bamiyan Valley region. To achieve maximum energy efficiency and performance, the materials that make up the cultural center are from the local community, avoiding large displacements and the reasons the local building tradition. (Concrete, stone, masonry and sand). Our proposal favored the integration of the existing nature of asset value, with new roads, enabled and uses unique experiences and local building technologies, the prudent management of the spaces created. These paths form access, length of spaces and passages that permeate the building as a new topography. However, the new Cultural Center of Bamiyan, also characterized as a large gazebo and hereby to tour the building one can see that he is embodiment of beauty around us. This experience reinforces the awareness that the environment is not only associated with our surroundings, as is the very environment and the interaction with it that defines us.

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

E.Arquitetos, Jenifer Vescia, Bruno Cassol, Willian Dal Carobo, Gabriela Facco, Karina Christo, Estevan Barin — Bamiyan Cultural Centre

House Tat - Nico van der Meulen


The five-storey house is built on a very steep and narrow site with 180° views to the east. The existing house had no distinguishing architectural features, which the architect set out to correct.

Nico van der Meulen — House Tat

Adding to the appeal of the additions and alterations is the way the architectural design takes full advantage of the spectacular views that are on offer. The street façade was given a contemporary makeover with striking geometric elements made out of steel and concrete. The eastern and western façades are screened by the use of vertical louvers to allow sun control and degrees of privacy from adjacent properties. The front door opens up to the views through the double volume reception room, whilst the frameless stacking glass doors integrate the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Nico van der Meulen — House Tat

Northern sunlight enters the interiors through the new double volume glazing in the main staircase shaft. The public and private spaces of this luxury home have been vertically divided, with the top floor being the most public, featuring an entertainment area that opens up to a covered balcony, a study, bar/ lounge as well as a meeting room for business.

Nico van der Meulen — House Tat

The contemporary interior design done by M Square Lifestyle Design complements the architectural style while reflecting the ambience of a city pad with the focus placed on the views.

Nico van der Meulen — House Tat

The furniture sourced by M Square Lifestyle Necessities is modern minimalistic, and was specifically kept low so as to not obstruct the view, this included brands such as Molteni & C, Fantoni and Fontana Arte.

Nico van der Meulen — House Tat

PNfacile - luca zille

Texugueira House - Contaminar Arquitectos


Its shape stretches on the ground, unfolding from a wall that supports three volumes. Each one has a different scale, offering a different experience, resulting in a dynamic and playful composition. The first volume is empty at the ground level, providing a covered area for leisure or parking, facing the main entrance to the house, in between a game of pillars. A painting/music studio is located at the upper level, with a small terrace that opens over the landscape and natural light.

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

In the central volume there are the main entrance and the social area of the dwelling, including the living room, with a large window over the green surroundings, and the kitchen connecting with the barbecue area and the garden.

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

The third volume contains the private area, with two bedrooms on the ground floor, which are directly connected with the contiguous garden spaces, and with a suite with balcony on the upper floor. The dwelling is organized along a closed path that crosses the three volumes, accompanying the linear outer wall leaning against the terrain.

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

The spaces between the volumes are shaped as small gardens or living areas, in close dialogue with the house and the rural landscape of Texugueira.

Typology: 4 rooms
Construction area: 233 m2
Dates: 2011 / 2013

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Contaminar Arquitectos — Texugueira House

Recupero di edificio rurale montano - Architettura e Paesaggio


L’edificio oggetto della presente richiesta si trova nel contesto montano prealpino di Valtorta (BG), poco sopra un torrente denominato Caravino, ad una quota di circa 1200 m. s.l.m. La progettazione per il recupero e la riqualificazione dell’edificio rurale ha avuto come obiettivo principale la conservazione degli elementi originari unita alle nuove esigenze abitative. La nuova funzione abitativa, peraltro storicamente presente nella casa, si è inserita in maniera rispettosa della distribuzione originaria occupando spazi storicamente adibiti a stalla e fienile. Mentre gli interni sono stati trattati con forme e materiali moderni, ove spicca l’uso del larice, le fronti hanno subito un recupero conservativo mantenendo la tessitura muraria originaria.

Architettura e Paesaggio — Recupero di edificio rurale montano

Architettura e Paesaggio — Recupero di edificio rurale montano

Architettura e Paesaggio — Recupero di edificio rurale montano

Architettura e Paesaggio — Recupero di edificio rurale montano

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