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Ocean Financial Centre - Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA


Ocean Financial Centre occupies one of the most prominent sites in downtown Singapore, marking the gateway between Raffles Place, the city’s historic business center, and Marina Bay, the fast-growing area to the east. Consisting of a 43-story tower and an open podium that links to the surrounding city blocks, Ocean Financial Centre is a dynamic new business hub for downtown Singapore.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

As part of the skyline along Collyer Quay, one of the city’s historic commercial thoroughfares, the tower’s design celebrates Singapore’s maritime heritage. Rising above the neighboring buildings, the architecture is reminiscent of a ship’s sail, recalling the time when clippers crowded Singapore Harbor, making it one of the world’s great commercial centers.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

The tower’s elegant curtain wall has alternating bands of glass and metal panels, creating a horizontal pattern that enhances the building’s gently curving form. Each metal panel is equipped with LED lights, which at night lines the façades with glowing points of light. At the top of the tower is a 25-meter-tall (82-foot) sky garden. This great open space increases the sense of transparency at the tower’s top, lightening it as it reaches into the sky.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

At street level, the building connects directly to the Raffles Place MRT Station, one of the city’s busiest, and provides convenient pedestrian access to the surrounding blocks. A monumental canopy, 42 meters (138 feet) high, covering the entire public plaza, serves to mark the entrance to the building from Raffles Place. This “urban umbrella,” placed directly on axis with Robinson Road, serves as an eye-catching place marker. The tall steel structure is clad in stained glass panels, casting a spectacular collage of colored light on the ground.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Ocean Financial Centre has the distinction of being the first commercial office development in Asia to achieve a LEED Platinum rating. The project’s sustainable features include an exterior cladding of energy-efficient glass with a high-performance coating and photovoltaic panels that generate energy to light the building’s common areas.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Cesar Pelli, FAIA, Fred Clarke, FAIA — Ocean Financial Centre

Lampada "Acqua" per Cini&Nils - Studio Bettonica Leone

Asador MolVento - alarcia-ferrer arquitectos


Un asador, una mesa y un estar, en un bosque frente al lago

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Asador MolVento

Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio - Zeno Piccoli


Il progetto si propone di definire funzionalmente gli spazi, delineando chiaramente le aree destinate al traffico veicolare e al parcheggio, e garantendo un’ampia area pedonale davanti ai due edifici pubblici presenti sulla piazza, il Municipio e l’ufficio turistico, posti tra loro in continuità visiva e pavimentale. Per le strade si è scelto di mantenere le pendenze attuali mentre vengono modificate quelle degli spazi ad uso pedonale e di sosta limitandone la pendenza al di sotto del 1,5%. Si definisce in questo modo uno spazio, una piastra più orizzontale, delimitato spazialmente da margini progettati in funzione delle modalità con cui gli stessi entrano in contatto con il contesto adiacente, determinando così soluzioni architettoniche e paesaggistiche differenziate: verso la strada provinciale si ha una fascia di vasconi in corten, con gradinate e un fronte arboreo a foglia caduca; verso la strada per il Centro Storico vengono collocati alcuni dissuasori rimovibili; verso il Municipio si configurano alcune modifiche dovute alla differenza di quota; verso le attività commerciali vengono sistemati ampi vasconi in corten a superficie inclinata trattata a prato-fiori con due scale di accesso e una rampa a norma disabili.

Zeno Piccoli — Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio

La piazza pedonale, configurata come sopra descritto, è stata sostanzialmente suddivisa in due aree differenti, sottolineate dalla diversa finitura di pavimentazione, di cui quella posta più a sud è uno spazio polifunzionale destinato ad attività temporanee e quella posta più a nord, definita nel progetto “salotto urbano”, è dedicata espressamente alla sosta con soluzioni di arredo stabili orientate verso il paesaggio.

Zeno Piccoli — Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio

Da tutta la piazza, ma più specificatamente dal “salotto urbano”, è possibile fruire la magnifica vista del massiccio del Monte Rosa e della sua parete est. La volontà progettuale è stata quella di porre in relazione il “salotto urbano” con i valori storico-paesaggistici della Comunità Walser. A tale scopo sono previsti due interventi: una “Bussola dei Comuni” delle Comunità Walser intorno al Monte Rosa con la realizzazione di tracce pavimentali in acciaio come direzioni topografiche delle stesse rispetto a Macugnaga indicata da una piastra circolare in acciaio; una Fontana che ricrea in pianta la forma delle creste del Monte Rosa e che evidenzia la presenza delle cinque cime principali con getti d’acqua che, se osservati dalla piastra circolare sopra citata, si trovano allineati con le vette reali.

Zeno Piccoli — Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio

Vengono inoltre riprogettati il fronte dello IAT, lo spazio della fermata dell’autobus, che si colloca nella zona sud-ovest, e lo spazio di accesso alla strada paesaggistica che conduce a Dorf. Per queste ultime due aree è prevista la rinaturalizzazione dei corsi d’acqua con l’utilizzo di piante e alberi autoctoni e il posizionamento di pietrame e ciotoli. La zona sud-est della piazza rimane destinata alle attività commerciali mantenendo la possibilità da parte dei bar di attrezzare un proprio spazio esterno. Questa area è stata interamente pavimentata in cubetti di pietra con l’intenzione di ampliare ulteriormente lo spazio pedonale. Il progetto propone inoltre, tenendo conto della presenza in Macugnaga di Associazioni culturali riferibili alla cultura Walser, la possibilità di realizzare un “palco coperto” destinato a spettacoli di varia natura. Tale manufatto è da intendersi come una costruzione vicina allo “spirito del luogo”, da realizzarsi in legno, identificabile con le forme Walser, reinterpretate in chiave contemporanea. I materiali del progetto sono stati scelti in primo luogo per il loro legame con il territorio, in secondo luogo per la loro durevolezza e per il loro limitato impegno manutentivo nel tempo.

Zeno Piccoli — Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio

Zeno Piccoli — Riqualificazione della piazza del Municipio

Riqualificazione di una cascina a Lotteno - federico


Recupero di uno dei rustici nella frazione di Lottano a Chiavenna, Cercando di tenere il più vivo possibile il vecchio spirito della casa e senza intervenire in modo estremo all’ esterno dell’ edificio. L’esistente balcone al primo piano viene trasformato, mantenendone la struttura in legno sulla quale in passato venivano disposte ad essicare i prodotti coltivati nella piccola valle, in una serra solare a guadagno diretto. Nella serra a guadagno diretto la superficie di separazione tra serra e interno è regolabile e può essere rimossa in gran parte o addiritturaa totalmente, per esempio attraverso ampi serramenti mobili. In questo modo, a serramenti aperti la serra diviene un estensione del locale retrostante ed il guadagno termico avviene direttamente dentro lo spazio abitato.La serra inoltre permette di illuminare il salotto al primo piano e il soppalco con zona studio. A fianco del salotto abbiamo la cucina. Al piano inferiore abbiamo le due stanze separate dalla scala che lascia filtrare tutta la luce proveniente dal piano superiore ed allo stesso tempo separa le due stanze da letto. Oltre al Bagno al piano inferiore abbiamo un magazzino per il deposito della legna accessibile dall’esterno

federico — Riqualificazione di una cascina a Lotteno

federico — Riqualificazione di una cascina a Lotteno

DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa - Andrea Desimone


Intervento di recupero e ristrutturazione con sistemazione esterna di una “villa urbana” nel Monferrato alessandrino

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Andrea Desimone — DESIMONE architetto atelier e villa

Cina Park: to top it all - Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati


La manipolazione prevede un aggiunta di se all’opera esistemnte; affinchè essa pur mantenendo la sua originaria fattezza si modifichi di quel che il manipolatore vuole farne.Una “appropiazione indebita” ma consentita, perchè l’opera è bene comune e come tale può essere fruita da tutti.

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati — Cina Park: to top it all

La genesi di Fontechiara - Antonio Luigi De Paoli


Il comune di Issime ha indetto un concorso per l’abbellimento dello spazio antistante alla scuola elementare. In seguito al sopralluogo ho potuto rendermi conto del contesto urbano a cui destinare l’opera d’arte ma senza tralasciare la realtà storica e geografica che in un luogo come questo assume connotati indispensabili per poter sviluppare un progetto. La valle infatti si discosta del resto della regione in quanto ospita da più di un millennio una comunità, un popolo di origine germanica: i Walser. Non ho resistito alla curiosità di documentarmi sui costumi e leggende locali e sicuramente la lettura della pubblicazione di J.J. Christillin, un’antologia di racconti della valle di Lys, è risultata preziosa per una conoscenza generale e se pur sintetica di alcuni fatti tra fantasia e cronaca che hanno caratterizzato la storia di questa comunità. La leggenda che unisce il luogo geografico al mito è“La fata di Piroubec” che racconta metaforicamente la nascita della sorgente di Fontechiara. Ho progettato quindi un complesso scultoreo in bronzo e acciaio che simboleggi il più possibile l’identità Walser. La fata è la figura bronzea, centrale della composizione , che allungando il braccio destro conficca un’asta nella struttura portante in acciaio simboleggiando il momento magico della nascita della sorgente. La scultura oltre a riproporre la dinamica del racconto rimanda attraverso la propria morfologia al contesto geografico . La struttura portante è la stilizzazione della conformazione rocciosa della valle che con lo sviluppo della parte interna lavorata rappresenta l’evoluzione a cascata dell’acqua sorgiva che “zampilla” al di fuori della composizione. Frontalmente si individua la sagoma della lettere W come iniziale di Walser. La figura indirizza la sua azione in un punto mediano della struttura in acciaio da cui si dirama una raggiera lucente ottenuta dalla vibrazione plastica delle parti rastremate nel metallo; sembra quasi aprire, sezionare la materia scomponendola come in una fusione. La cascata ottenuta dal cesello nel acciaio scorre verso l’estremità del basamento e rovesciandosi appare come se il tempo l’avesse cristallizzata insieme ai sui zampilli e spruzzi ricordando agli osservatori e soprattutto ai piccoli studenti l’importanza del mito e della fantasia per contribuire a tramandare la propria cultura etnica. Il titolo dell’opera è : “La genesi di Fontechiara”

Antonio Luigi De Paoli — La genesi di Fontechiara

Il bozzetto è stato realizzato in scala 1:6,5 e indica in maniera esaustiva la tecnica, la lavorazione e la patina della realizzazione in scala reale.

Antonio Luigi De Paoli — La genesi di Fontechiara

bozzetto in scala

La figura in tutte le sue parti è stata realizzata in bronzo con la tecnica a cera persa e avrà un’altezza di circa m 1,95, 2,25 al estremità della bacchetta, m 0,80 di larghezza e m 1,20 di profondità. E’ stata montata e saldata alla struttura portante attraverso due barre in acciaio autofilettanti e fissata nella parte superiore attraverso l’asta in acciaio inserita nel telaio in Corten. La struttura perimetrale che funge da cornice e supporto alla composizione è realizzata in acciaio Corten e unisce due elementi. Il primo inclinato verso sinistra (vedi foto allegata) di m 3,10×58 x 13 è sagomato in una struttura bi frontale cassonata e presenta una feritoia di m 0,16×2,50 con parte superiore lavorata e fresata. Il secondo, inclinato verso destra, è di m 1,10×58 x 13 e ha anch’esso la parte superiore lavorata come il precedente. Entrambi sono saldati, imbullonati e uniti attraverso due coppie di putrelle da m 0,10×0,10×1,10 e l’altra da m 0,10×0,10×2,10 la quale si è annegata nel basamento e plinto in cemento. La base in cemento ha la funzione portante di tutto il complesso ed è stata realizzata avendo l’ingombro totale di h m 0,30×0,65×2 superficiale e una fondazione di m 0,50 di profondità- La parte sagomata in rilievo a cascata è realizzata anch’essa in acciaio Corten con la medesima larghezza degli elementi portanti, ha un altezza di m 0,90 e un sviluppo verticale inclinato di m 0,65 ( vedi a destra del bozzetto). Le parti sonno cesellate bifrontalmente con i spigoli arrotondati per evitare qualsiasi tipo di infortunio. Le dimensioni generali d’ingombro saranno m h 3×2,95×0,80

Antonio Luigi De Paoli — La genesi di Fontechiara

istallazione in loco

in miniature - Piero Speranza, Corinne Piera Speranza, sas&a - studio di architettura speranza associati

Casa FD - alarcia-ferrer arquitectos


Una casa Suburbana

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

alarcia-ferrer arquitectos — Casa FD

House N - MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens


Architecture isn’t just about the architect, it’s also about the client. When architect and client come together in one person, renowned architect Albert Vanleysen, a fascinating story arises to which after 40 years of residence a sequel is being written. The house is located in a residential area near Hasselt and has charmed its new occupants with its specific seventies style. It contained the challenge to realise the wishes of the new owners without harming the house in the process. The demand for light and sufficient storage space was realised with a minimum of structural procedures. At the side of the garden the house was opened by breaking open the back wall and providing a large window design with a minimum of profiles. Additionally another wall was removed between the living room and the dining room, so that the threshold between inside and outside was removed, as it were. With a minimum of procedures a major change was brought about. Further the focus was on the interior, where the furniture is simple and austere, but tailored to the current owners. Everything was well-matched as well as developed and purified with the greatest attention to detail, in spirit of the house. The storage area that was explicitly requested was integrated in an appropriate manner; because of its materialisation it also contributes to the perception of the house: it creates an atmosphere of quiet in the room. The lay-out of the house was mainly preserved, but the connections between the rooms were strengthened by removing the wall between living room and dining room and by reorganising the kitchen. The new office area in the scullery added to this strengthened bond as well. With sliding and folding walls the various areas can be partitioned off, if required, although they are already marked off individually by the differences in level. On the sleeping level a multifunctional space was centrally created and a shower with washbasin was linked to the guest room. A customary dressing wall was added to the master room by loosening the bed. The wall closet in the landing of the night area serves as a storage space for the children’s clothes and toys. The existing flight of stairs was preserved. Only the railing was remove and partially replaced by a much less heavy one, with a view to the openness of the house. For the materialisation of the furniture white lacquer was chosen with touches in wenge coloured stained oak, an echo of the shade of the oak parquet. The floor on the ground floor was executed in Moleanos limestone. Composite materials were used in the bathroom and the kitchen because of its seamless finish. The overall concept continues in the detailing of coffee tables, dining room tables, door handle for the front door, a new glass orb for the existing light fittings in the stairwell. The cocktail of opening spaces and working with white shades makes sure that the trumps of the house are recognised and expressed in the best possible manner. History and future meet once more.

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Elfi Eerdekens  — House N

© Philippe Van Gelooven

LOFT JD - MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli


Living, working and relaxing are the three main pillars of loft JD. A special concept was designed that fulfilled these three demands. This resulted in a multifunctional space where it is possible to work, live and relax. In designing, it was attempted to leave the whole as open and light as possible. It all is one open, large space where, if wanted, ceiling-high curtains can close off the areas. There is a day and an evening section in the loft. In the day section the office area can be found. At the back of the loft the evening section is located, which can be used as living and relaxing area. Here the kitchen, bathroom, sitting and dining room can be found. At the moment the loft is used as a sort of holiday home of the family. A true oasis in the city.

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli — LOFT JD

© Philippe Van Gelooven

Rheinsteg - Atelier Zündel Cristea


The project of this new bridge is located between the two cities of Rheinfelden, Germany and Switzerland. On a very specific point of the Rhine, a new pedestrian and cycle bridge should be built.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Our answer to this task corresponds to an aesthetically modern infrastructure: an undulating organic line as an echo to the river and hills of the Rhine landscape. The strength of our project is its respectful treatment of the Rhine, despite its distinctive appearance.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Simple and free of superfluous details, this soft line follows the forces over the bridge and thus highlights the beauty of the structure: Harmony and balance. Two terms that characterize this bridge. The bridge crossing is a special experience. The landings of the bridge correspond to site-specific conditions and allow therefore a variety of views on the Rhine and its surrounding.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Rheinsteg

Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska - Warsztat Architektury


F O R M The building, with its range and function, consists of both the office building itself and the surrounding semi-public space. Due to the location of the site and complexity of the building, this space was located between two parts of the building, thus making the whole structure optically lighter. The exterior part outlines the cavity around the whole building, which makes it float above the heavy base and provides an outdoor terrace underneath the upper floors. The interior part is meant to be an extension of the open space around the core of the building and was designed as a transparent, multifunctional and flexible space for various purposes. To increase the sense of accessibility and the impression of consistency between the two spaces, the external green areas correspond with the winter garden inside. The only solid element of the floor are the communication cores. The base for the whole structure is a heavy, natural stone monolith, which comprises main functions of the public administration authority, with the Floor of the House in its’ very center. The solid pedestal symbolizes a foundation for all the other parts of the marshal’s office. The interior of the base opens to the main hall above.

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

The building fully covers the plot and is determined by its borderlines. The interiors are articulated by two atriums which play crucial role in the air circulation and are thermal buffers (collect heat in winter and provide ventilation and fresh air supplies in summer). A strong accent indicates the historic buildings height, where the main body of the building is noticeably pushed, giving space for the marshal’s office terrace. The only continuous element that rises along the whole structure is the vertical dominant with the mast on top. The whole structure, it’s heights, forms and proportion allows to lit all the rooms with natural light.

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

P R O G R A M The building is designed to be easily adaptable for variety of purposes. The first two floors are fully accessible and public. Various events might be organized simultaneously in diverse spaces without interfering the regular work of officials. All the facilities are fully adjusted to a wide range of uses. Flexibility and outstanding acoustic parameters was one of the key aims. A continuity and diversity of various activities within the public part of the building was an important aspect included in the program.

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

Warsztat Architektury — Warsztat Architektury Pracownia Autorska

ADIDAS - Atelier Zündel Cristea


The debate on the redevelopment of former industrial sites in Europe comes along with an emerging promotion of new sustainable architecture. The creation of new work-methods embodies a unique opportunity to reassert the value of a site and to initiate a local self-sufficiency. In this sense the ADIDAS competition aims to develop an innovative office building, away from urban centers, which would attract the most talented and creative minds from all over the world.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

ADIDAS has revolutionized the Sports industry. By combining spatially industry and leisure we intend to follow with architecture its influence onto lifestyles. The project consists of two buildings placed alongside and linked together with a sculptural ramp in a great atrium of sports. It is composed of 12 clusters gathering up different functions of the program. They are all accessible independently using the ramp from the atrium. The ramp allows walking, observation and physical exercising. Functioning as a true urban space, the great atrium of sports unites the whole program together.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

Working spaces are characterized by an industrial atmosphere. Organized on two levels they benefit from various types of spaces: studios can accommodate collective works and large installations whereas office areas allow a more reflexive and individual work. The industrial aspect corresponds to ADIDAS’s aim to create a work environment that is « hyper flexible » and that can evolve according to future changes. Aesthetics are reflected in the construction method, in the façade and the materiality.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

The structure is rationalized in order to reach a high energy efficiency. It is made of pre-stressed concrete, a material which is not only fireproof but very stable and sustainable in time. Moreover the thermal inertia of the building is increased by the mass of the material. The pre-fabrication of reinforced concrete elements near the project site reduces the construction period.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

The overall concept aims to reduce consequently the energy consumption. The project involves the use of local materials that have a low CO2 emissions in order to reduce transportation costs and grey energy consumption. Thus advantage is put on to natural resources with passive measures, and active systems with an efficient production and utilization.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — ADIDAS

Veterinary Centre - MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet


For the expansion of the veterinary centre Vets & Co the architectural goal was to respect the design philosophy and modernist look of the existing building and continue them in the new section. The outdoor patio provides daylight for both the practice and the waiting area and strengthens the connection with the existing building. The whole is carried by seemingly floating columns at the front. The new segment is constructed in bricks and painted in the same colour as the existing volume (white), combined with structural glass panes as showcase and horizontal (floor-ceiling) bands in black steel.

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

MASS Architects, Massimo Pignanelli, Tom Latet — Veterinary Centre

© Philippe Van Gelooven

Nine Elms Bridge - Atelier Zündel Cristea


Structurally, the footbridge is made of two space frame arches. Their efficiency allows us to span the entire Thames crossing in one large leap, largely catering for the fluidity of river traffic between supports. The two arches provide us with a continuous upper support from which could be suspended a variety of deck forms. This has the added value of freeing the bridge engineering works from the timely process of community design. The structural height and limited bracing elements within the space frames are capitalized to create a pathway within the arch which culminates in the observatory platform. The observatory platform itself serves the structural function of acting as a wide strut, linking the two arches and increasing their stability. The bridge is also a platform for enjoying London – a landmark in its own right, the scale of the structural challenge is harnessed to discover a new public realm, high above the town.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Nine Elms Bridge

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Nine Elms Bridge

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Nine Elms Bridge

Gymnase Neudorf - Atelier Zündel Cristea


The templates imposed by sporting practices allow little room for complex manipulations of volume. Thus our pragmatic approach to the program, which we sought to keep as compact as possible. The imposing scale of the project being given, our work involves a highlighting enhancement of the building’s large facades and imposing height. In our project, the architectural intention is intimately tied to the choices in construction. These choices are guided by the nature of the project, the size of the program to be implemented, and the determination to employ wood, a renewable resource with no lack of ecological advantages. Today, apart from its large aesthetic and emotional value, the implementation of wood stems from our concern with ethical, energy, and environmental issues. Specifically, our project consists of a concrete base (singular of course) that supports the ground from which the gymnasium, the bleachers, the locker-rooms, the sports hall and the cafeteria all rise, over which will be placed a “wooden box” containing a fencing hall with accompanying locker-rooms. These two major components of the program, corresponding to two different but equally traditional systems of construction, are both completely and clearly expressed as much as in the edifice’s exterior volume as in its interior volume.

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Atelier Zündel Cristea  — Gymnase Neudorf

Accatastamenti - Luca Galofaro

magdas HOTEL - AllesWirdGut Architektur


A new type of social business: Caritas and AllesWirdGut have developed a concept that redefines hospitality. A house for tourists visiting Vienna and for refugees, all under one roof.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

A hotel with an unconventional concept and an inspiring history that is operated to professional standards—this is how the most recent project of AllesWirdGut Architects, initiated by magdas, the social business subsidiary of Caritas Austria, can be described, the magdas Hotel in Vienna’s Prater district.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

78 new and elegant hotel rooms are available to city travelers, tourists in Vienna and overnight trippers, each with a view of the Prater park landscape.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

Living side by side with the hotel guests are – and this is what makes the project so special – young people who, however, did not travel of their own free will, but are refugees who were left no choice by hunger, war, persecution, and torture in their home countries.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

The hotel accommodates two residential units for living communities. Supported by the Caritas, 25 young persons who came to Austria without their parents as refugees have been living here already since November 2014. For them, the hotel is a temporary place to stay, and for some, it is also a workplace. This is because most of the staff working at the social value added hotel are refugees.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

“magdas Hotel is a social business that connects cultures and people, that creates opportunities and a lively place of encounter,” says Caritas Social Business manager Clemens Foschi about the project. Conversion – the social dimension of vintage style The core part of what used to be a retirement home dates back to the 1960s.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

The existing building was largely preserved and merely refurbished, adapted and brought to modern safety standards. Everybody involved was called upon to come up with creative solutions, not only in financing, but also in design.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut rely on simplicity and plain elegance, well-matched reduced colors and vintage chic. At the magdas, interior design is a response to the existing building, expression of an architectural concept and creative use of scarce resources.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

Financing – new ways of building A budget of 1.5 million Euros was very tight for the conversion in to a high-standard hotel.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

The fact that magdas Hotel nevertheless became a reality is owed not only to smart planning and a supporting crowdfunding campaign, but also to committed sponsors of materials who saw the project’s exceptional and innovative character and social implication. The participation of committed contractors, suppliers, but also local residents and the refugees themselves in building and providing equipment for the hotel speaks to the social dimension of architecture.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

Upcycling – the magdas design concept In the design the interior spaces – lobby, restaurant and bar, hotel rooms, and apartments – AllesWirdGut used existing pieces, found objects, and an ingenious mix of elements. The reduced, well-matched and elegant color concept that informs the visible surfaces is accentuated with distinctive individual furnishings, pieces with a past and finds with a history. Caritas’ own carla thrift store was a rich source here, as was furniture left behind by former residents or donated to the project by the local population.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

What once had been pretty conservative built-in closets was remodeled under the supervision of Daniel Büchel into tables, nightstands, and wall coat racks. Uneven walls were revamped using the proven technique of pattern roller painting.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

Work tables with “tags” from students of the St. Pölten New Design University – its new building was designed by Alles WirdGut who are currently also holding a visiting professorship there – were adapted for the hotel lobby and the restaurant. In the future, the ground floor will serve several purposes, as an entrance area and lobby for hotel guests, a shared living room for the young people staying in the house, and a bar and restaurant for visitors – a contribution to the integration of “foreigners,” whether they may be guests, customers, or refugees.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

What can be made possible with a minimal budget thanks to the commitment and effort of everybody involved – from the client to the architects and to companies and volunteers – has stirred much public interest even before the completion of the project.

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

AllesWirdGut Architektur — magdas HOTEL

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