“Prendiamoli in contropiede”: nuovo stadio di Firenze - Andrea Necor
Il progetto del nuovo stadio per la città di Firenze, nasce prendendo spunto dalla destinazione d’uso che ha l’area oggetto di intervento, non tanto per l’importanza dell’impianto urbanistico, quanto...
View ArticleI 'Giardini del Libro' della biblioteca universitaria. Belval - Monica Sgandurra
Georges Perec, “La vie mode d’emploi”. “Vicino al maestro c’è un tavolo coperto da un panno verde su cui sono posti gli altri volumi, un mappamondo e uno spartito musicale, in formato all’italiana,...
View ArticleHOME CARPET - Tomas Ghisellini Architetti
Un’operazione di rinnovamento urbano in un piccolissimo centro delle prime colline bergamasche; un intervento di completa ridefinizione degli spazi pubblici municipali, da sempre trattati alla stregua...
View ArticleDuplex apartment refurbishment. Sevilla - Costa Fierros arquitectos
The ground floor is reserved for everyday use and is perceived as a spacious and well-lit area. Its walls disappear and the living/dining-rooms provide space for the kitchen and vice versa. The key to...
View ArticleVinícola Cuna de Tierra - CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica
The use of the winery’s name as a concept driver (Cuna de Tierra / Soil Cradle), and its connection to the context, shows an exploration on the relationship between wine development and the site where...
View ArticleCassell Street House - BE Architecture
Cassell Street house is a boutique new home built on a corner block in South Yarra, Melbourne, Austalia. The new house was built in place of an attached Edwardian era row house and is set amongst homes...
View ArticleA new space for hospitality on the ruins. - Dunia Giacosa
The district inside the walls, the Kala, has maintained over the centuries all the features typical of a fortified settlement and the buildings have not changed over time their special typological...
View ArticlePalestra Lion's - Design? Studio Associato
Palestra Lion’s© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19, 2013.© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19, 2013.© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19, 2013.©...
View ArticleLea&Flò Palace - Design? Studio Associato
Lea&Flò Palace© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19, 2013.© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19, 2013.© Design? Studio Associato . Published on September 19,...
View ArticleA terracotta façade - Dunia Giacosa
The outer covering is designed by supporting structure with steel sections, placed at a distance of 5 cm for the wall and 100 cm for the sunshade grids and they are bound by the insoles and held to the...
View ArticleImago Urbis - Alessandro Fusi
Il progetto del Centro di documentazione della civiltà etrusca e romana nasce dall’esigenza di dotare il territorio della Maremma di una istituzione di rappresentazione, ricerca e divulgazione in grado...
View ArticleRiuso Mazzoleni - Concorso di progettazione - Fabiana Ferrari, Federica...
La vasta area di proprietà della società Mazzoleni s.p.a., azienda di rilievo a livello nazionale nonché promotrice del presente bando di progettazione, è occupata da fabbricati industriali abbandonati...
View ArticleFLOTTWELL ZWEI - Heide & von Beckerath Architekten
The apartment building meets the need for sustainable and urban dwelling. The distinctive exterior corresponds to the internal spatial concept based on a split-level. Irrespective of their actual size,...
View ArticleState archive of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria - Gmp Architekten...
Today, the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Bavaria is inaugurating its new archive in Nuremberg with a special ceremony. The new building, which was designed by architects von Gerkan, Marg and...
View ArticleHAUS IM ODERBRUCH - Heide & von Beckerath Architekten
Es handelt sich um ein direkt hinter dem Deich gelegenes Grundstück im Außenbereich einer Ortschaft im Oderbruch, das mit einem Stall und einem ehemaligen, inzwischen verfallenen Fischerhaus bebaut...
View ArticleAPARTMENTHAUS AM KURFÜRSTENDAMM - Heide & von Beckerath Architekten, Andrew...
The property is located at Lehniner Platz in Berlin Charlottenburg, near the Berlin Schaubühne, the former Lichtspieltheater Universum, built by Erich Mendelsohn in 1928. The surroundings comprise old...
View ArticlePolo scolastico di via Piave - Giovanni Bua, Simona Soldini, Elena Garlaschi,...
La soluzione progettuale proposta prevede un assetto planimetrico a “corte”, finalizzato alla concentrazione e valorizzazione degli spazi esterni sia in ambito privato (le scuole) che pubblico (la...
View ArticleZWEI WOHNHÄUSER IN ALTGLIENICKE - Heide & von Beckerath Architekten
Am südöstlichen Stadtrand von Berlin, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Flughafens Schönefeld, liegt die Großsiedlung Altglienicke. Im Zuge der Weiterentwicklung und Nachverdichtung eines existierenden...
View ArticleACTION - Gianluca Vetrugno
MOSTRA DI DESIGN FOTOGRAFIA PITTURA, PRESSO IL CASTELLO CARLO V GIUGNO 2013ESPOSIZIONE© Gianluca Vetrugno . Published on September 20, 2013.ESPOSIZIONE© Gianluca Vetrugno . Published on September 20,...
View ArticleE3 - Kaden Klingbeil Architekten
7-storey wooden structure residential building in Esmarchstrasse 3 Berlin. Beim Projekt e3 auf dem Berliner Grundstück Esmarchstraße 3 handelt es sich um die erste 7-geschossige Holzkonstruktion im...
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