Visitors' Center SNCC - Irgen Salianji
The central idea of the visitors’ pavilion can be summarized as a spatial womb which gets activated from visitors and generates architectural experiences and interaction. The results of the site...
View ArticleExLibris - Alexander Daxböck
The Position and Mission of Libraries in the Age of Digital Information.Flyer© Alexander Daxböck . Published on August 27, 2013.The library is a place where knowledge is stored and made available, a...
View Article57 Tivoli Road - BE Architecture
The house, 57 Tivoli Road, is situated on a corner block in the inner city Melbourne suburb of South Yarra. Formally one of a series of attached row houses of disparate & eclectic housing styles,...
View Articlecasa C_F - Domenico Succurro
L’ intervento prevedeva la sopraelevazione di un fabbricato in C.A. ed il completamento dell’appartamento posto all’ultimo piano. La forma regolare dell’ immobile ha permesso una divisione degli spazi...
View ArticleProgetto per il complesso degli edifici e delle aree destinate...
Progetto per la realizzazione di un museo per l’esposizione delle opere archeologiche rinvenute dagli scavi romani del sito di Tolemaide.Planimetria© Stefano Tavella . Published on August 27,...
View ArticleNuova Biblioteca multimediale Pordenone - Stefano Tavella, Enrico Englaro, G....
Progetto di ristrutturazione e riuso dell’ex Convento dei Domenicani, situato in piazza XX Settembre a Pordenone per la realizzazione della biblioteca multimediale comunale. Progetto che pone...
View ArticleArsenal B47 - Ralph Germann
The owner of the arsenal wanted to convert this former Swiss army building, constructed during the Second World War, into a habitable space.Photo by Lionel Henriod.. Published on August 27,...
View ArticleBerlin Bridge - Hamidreza Mikaeili, Azin Moradi
Two suspended structures twist around each other to connect both sides of the Spree River and to re-stitch parts of history into unison again. The bridge consists of three levels and a meeting place...
View ArticleSummerhouse Lagnö - Tham & Videgård Arkitekter
The setting is the Stockholm archipelago, natural ground sloping gently down to the sea in the south, mostly open with a few trees and bushes. Unlike other projects we worked on located on more...
View ArticleACQUAFISCHIANTE - Antonio Sergio
ACQUAFISCHIANTE Recuperatore di acqua piovana© Antonio Sergio . Published on August 27, 2013.L’arte salentina si è nel tempo espressa anche attraverso piccoli lavori di artigianato come i famosi...
View ArticleRiqualificazione area prospiciente la rotatoria tra viale dei Benedettini e...
INTRODUZIONE© Claudio Marras . Published on August 27, 2013.Su indicazione dell’Amministrazione Comunale di Tergu, in attuazione della Deliberazione della G.C. n° 11 del 05.04.2013, nonché della...
View ArticlePARQUE "LOS BAJOS". ROQUETAS DE MAR - tapia+figueiras arquitectos
shortlisted© tapia+figueiras arquitectos . Published on August 27, 2013.
View ArticleMultipurpose Pavilion in Viana do Castelo - Eduardo Souto De Moura
The building is implanted in the zone foreseen in the plan, aligned in the south side with one of the buildings projected by Architect Fernando Távora.© João Morgado . Published on August 27, 2013.In...
View ArticlePafiglione Italia _ EXPO Milano 2015 - S.b.arch. Bargone Associati, Federico...
Terra madre affettuosa, contemplando la bellezza di un campo arato Per aver la pasta ci vuol la terra, per aver la terra ci vuole l’uomo che la solchi, nei solchi ci vuole il seme, dal seme nasce il...
View ArticleHeidenheim Library - NAU
The fusion of the city’s library and media center in one new facility embodies the spirit of the information age by bringing together the range of contemporary media under one roof. It recasts the...
View ArticleHousing Neufrankengasse - EM2N
The project is developed out of its exciting location between two extremes: the inner city Kreis 4 (District 4) and a large area of railway tracks. This expansiveness of this “lake of a different kind”...
View ArticleVilla Bruzzesi - Carlo Ottaviani
Ristrutturazione e ampliamento villa plurifamiliare.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on August 27, 2013.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on August 27, 2013.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on August 27, 2013.
View ArticleCountry House "da Checco" - Carlo Ottaviani
Ristrutturazione casolare rurale da adibire a struttura ricettiva.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on August 27, 2013.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on August 27, 2013.© Carlo Ottaviani . Published on...
View ArticleThe New Riga Theatre - NRJA, IG Kurbads
SHOW UNDER SKIN The New Riga Theatre reconstruction competition (Lacplesa street 25, Riga, Latvia) Honorary mention The New Riga Theatre is a professional repertory theatre that provides innovative art...
View ArticleManutenzione straordinaria velette di gronda - Damiano Giuseppe Vaticano...
L’intervento ha mirato al rifacimento delle pendenze e del manto impermeabile delle gronde, prospicienti delle aree con terrazzi, dove la vegetazione ha invaso parte dei canali tanto che alcune...
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