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Located on a steep and elongated slope facing a public park, the project involves construction of the building of the Foundation and a municipal open sports court; it is located in a peripheral environment where generic housing blocks, single family self-built houses, and agricultural buildings in process of abandonment, coexist.


We establish a semi-buried plinth that evens the ground and organizes the various entrances to the building. On it emerges a screen of the same material, which states its uniqueness to the park, where it dematerializes into a deep facade split into different planes, where a series of terraces and spaces used as filters are responsible for providing the south facade with its mentioned character. Large terraces appear, along with cantilevers that provide shade on the enclosures. Those accompanying longitudinal balconies frame the views, as well as the landscape, from the architecture.


The supporting structure of highly textured concrete is designed with the intention of highlighting these spatial and perceptive characteristics; it participates in the set of filters and sequence of screens that define the building. It is equally perceived both from the exterior and from the interior. Its counterpoint is established by the blue and white polycarbonate skin, capable of solidifying and filtering the natural light that illuminates the interior spaces.


This meditated economy of materials with which the center is built, is characterized by its durability and easy maintenance. “Low technology” building systems allow us to develop a passive, energy efficient strategy from simple principles, like the accumulation of heat in walls with a high thermal inertia, facade ventilation through filtration in joints, cross ventilation in circulation areas with controlled dimensions, etc… We have only required a careful construction.







Proposta di progetto per un ampliamento volumetrico e contestuale consolidamento - Giuseppe Orecchioni , Gianluca Carè

Ristrutturazione Mansarda - Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau


Progetto di ristrutturazione di una mansarda in un edificio storico a Sassari. La pianta dell’edificio, lunga e stretta e le altezze hanno ispirato un progetto particolare in cui le funzioni sono distribuite lungo l’asse longitudinale.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Ristrutturazione Mansarda

Project for an attic apartment in the upper floor of an ancient building in Sassari. The peculiar shape of the floor plan and ceiling heights, have led to a project in which functions are placed along the longitudinal axis.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Ristrutturazione Mansarda

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Ristrutturazione Mansarda

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Ristrutturazione Mansarda

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Ristrutturazione Mansarda

Villa per un privato - Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau


Abitazione privata su due livelli, con zona benessere al piano inferiore e studio professionale.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Villa per un privato

Private two-storey villa. The project includes the design of a SPA on the lower floor and a professional office.

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Villa per un privato

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Villa per un privato

Salvatore Putzu, valentina madrau — Villa per un privato

Studio del traffico indotto dall'ampliamento di un'attività commerciale - STUDIO PRF PROGETTI



L’area oggetto d’intervento si trova a pochi passi dal mare, inserita fra le cortine edilizie del centro storico, tra la Spiaggia dei Pescatori in località San Pietro e Via Roma, il principale Corso commerciale di Ischia. In origine la zona era occupata da una piazza con agrumeto e veniva utilizzata come mercato del pesce. Oggi l’area versa in uno stato di completo abbandono. L’idea di progetto prevede innanzitutto il recupero dell’originaria funzione come luogo di scambio e il recupero parziale della struttura esistente, integrando tale uso con nuove funzioni che accentuino il carattere pubblico e di aggregazione del luogo. L’ex-mercato diventa allora un nuovo mercato con il carattere della multifunzionalità, una piazza coperta, luogo non solo di scambi commerciali ma anche di scambi culturali e sociali.


La piazza coperta

Dal punto di vista funzionale il recupero e l’ampliamento dell’opera prevede tre nuclei o gruppi principali di funzioni:1) Gli spazi perimetrali, 2) La sala multiuso centrale ed infine 3) il piano sopraelevato degli atelier e laboratori. Mentre il piano atelier è concepito come blocco funzionale autonomo con un proprio accesso posto nella parte posteriore dell’organismo segnalato all’esterno mediante un portico coperto, i due gruppi funzionali quali la sala e gli spazi perimetrali offrono la possibilità di scenari d’utilizzo degli ambienti differenti; infatti mediante pannelli scorrevoli sistemati a filo con le mura perimetrali interne é possibile all’occorrenza separare lo spazio della sala dalle ali perimetrali permettendo lo svolgersi di diverse attività contemporaneamente.


Viste esterne

A livello volumetrico l’intervento aggiunge al preesistente zoccolo in muratura una nuova struttura scheletrica indipendente che s’inserisce all’interno dello spazio aperto centrale in maniera puntuale. Il carattere di leggerezza è accentuato dall’utilizzo di un filtro definito dal tipico motivo a persiane, evocazione del genius loci, interazione di luogo e identità, richiamando l’utilizzo delle tradizionali protezioni dei vani finestra del luogo. Allo stesso tempo le persiane sono state proposte per definire uno spazio interno-esterno ora con libertà alla luce ora come oscurante per rappresentazioni tematiche.


Inquadramento urbanistico - Bacheca materiali - Referenze

Al piano terra sono collocati la sala multifunzionale in posizione centrale, le attività commerciali nella fascia perimetrale e il blocco dei servizi con i collegamenti verticali nella parte posteriore. Dallo slargo antistante via Buonocore si accede alla sala centrale attraversando una zona di filtro adibita a foyer. Quest’ultimo viene ridefinito spazialmente demolendo i muri divisori e realizzando pareti vetrate che consentono una percezione visiva unitaria tra interno ed esterno. Analogamente per i prospetti laterali sono state demolite le pareti di tamponamento perimetrali, sostituite con un sistema di infissi vetrati apribili a libretto generando un portico perimetrale che garantisce anche dai vicoli laterali un diretto contatto visivo con la grande corte centrale coperta. Il piano rialzato si trova ad un’altezza di circa 7 metri dal piano di calpestio della corte centrale e gode di una suggestiva visuale sul paesaggio circostante. Analogamente al piano terra ma con dimensioni più’ contenute il piano sopraelevato è caratterizzato da un patio centrale attorno al quale ruotano una serie di spazi flessibili da adibire ad uffici, atelier e laboratori. Lateralmente al blocco scala con collegamento diretto con il vano ascensore é collocato uno spazio di deposito a servizio della sala multiuso.


Piano terra e piano atelier

La nuova copertura sia dello spazio centrale che degli spazi atelier, in struttura metallica a doppia orditura, si articola con un caratteristico profilo curvo a voltine e rimanda alle tradizionali coperture metalliche tipiche dei mercati italiani dei primi del novecento ed a elementi morfologici propri dell’architettura mediterranea isolana. Con lo stesso principio formale vengono realizzate le coperture degli spazi laterali utilizzando delle voltine in calcestruzzo armato gettato in opera attintate di bianco o intonacate.


Pittogrammi - Scenari possibili

Seguendo un gioco di rimandi sull’origine del luogo sono state proposte una serie di possibili idee di rivestimento superficiali degli spazi. Ad esempio in memoria dell’antica origine del sito quale giardino recintato di agrumi tipico di queste località si è proposto per la parte centrale della sala e del patio una pavimentazione a tappeto con motivo organico geometrico. L’area esterna è stata pavimentata con una pietra lavica lavorata a scalpello posata a correre che si inserisce armonicamente nel contesto. Il disegno geometrico mette in evidenza le linee principali della struttura prolungandole dall’edificio verso l’esterno fino ad incontrare i fabbricati perimetrali quasi a generare una sorta di attrazione un’ invito ad entrare nell’edificio. La trama esterna viene ripresa anche all’interno per accentuare la continuità tra i due spazi determinando così un unico ambiente che ha come fulcro la pavimentazione centrale della sala che diventa il baricentro dello schema geometrico dell’intera composizione.




Quarto Inferiore - Eva Le Roi, pierre burquel, Benoit Burquel


Quarto Inferiore

Eva Le Roi, pierre burquel, Benoit Burquel — Quarto Inferiore

Quarto Inferiore

The industrial building of Quarto Inferiore is a juxtaposition of articulated entities. Its functionalist structure already enables a flexible use of the internal spaces. In an economy of means, the project consists of one unifying gesture : a frame is placed around these distinct entities.

This new perimeter materializes on each sides differently to interact with the existing buildings. Its light structure creates a “public thickness” on the north and west elevations. These in between spaces enclose a new circulation system which ensures the flexibility of uses in the existing buildings. Completely transparent, they act as shelves displaying the internal life of the building as much as they create common spaces to be colonized by users. On the east side, a steel grid filters the views from and towards the surrounding private houses. The perimeter opens to the south and materializes in a large mineral terrace for public facilities. It contrasts explicitly with the surrounding dense vegetation.

The frame redefines the complex as a clear whole, delineating its space in the urban fabric. This interface stages the temporality and variety of uses. It mediates between the scale of the users, that of the impressive existing structure and that of the surrounding fabric. It aims to function as an instrument for change, a strategy to reinvent space for culture.

The austere architecture of the existing buildings encloses flexible spaces able to host a wide range of activity. More than fixing a program, the project proposes to reveal the bearing structures and to take advantage of the existing typologies. Within the new surrounding frame, the different existing entities are brought together in the internal courtyard. This intimate space stages the functionnal and public life of the complex and catalyzes exchanges.

Sospeso - studioata


Una piccola porzione di un grande alloggio in un palazzo signorile nel centro di Torino viene separata e resa completamente autonoma.

studioata — Sospeso

Un unico ampio spazio, nato dall’unione di due stanza e di una zona di ingresso, compone il nuovo alloggio.

studioata — Sospeso

La distribuzione originaria è ancora ben riconoscibile grazie ai soffitti a volta che caratterizzano i tre differenti ambienti e grazie alla conservazione della pavimentazione esistente.

studioata — Sospeso

Un volume centrale lega e organizza i tre ambienti, al suo interno accoglie spazi di servizio: un’ampia cabina armadio e una cucinotta nascosta dietro pannellature di legno smaltate che ricompongono i limiti del volume centrale.

studioata — Sospeso

Per liberare il più possibile lo spazio del monolocale il letto viene nascosto all’intero di un volume sospeso, a cui si accede da una leggera scala in metallo ancorata a sbalzo sulla muratura.

studioata — Sospeso

I muri e le volte, tinteggiate di un grigio chiaro, mettono in risalto i volumi di servizio e del letto sospeso smaltati di bianco; il pavimento originario in parquet riscalda e arricchisce l’ambiente .

studioata — Sospeso

studioata — Sospeso

studioata — Sospeso

riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe - STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi


Il progetto si fonda sulla creazione di una nuova piazza, di un nuovo spazio che diventi il tassello di un centro storico per sua natura articolato e policentrico. Si vuole creare così un luogo che si differenzi dalla sua funzione attuale prevalente, quella di sosta degli autoveicoli, e diventi quindi non solo un luogo di transito pedonale per accedere alle diverse funzioni a cui questo si collega (religiosa, commerciale e civica) ma assuma anche una prerogativa di luogo partecipato dalla comunità non solo in occasioni particolari ma anche nella quotidianità.

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

STUDIO EM+, architetto Alessandro Bilello, ingegnere Laura Franzoni, architetto Massimiliano Ricciardi — riqualificazione della zona centrale di Agrate B.za - Piazza S. Eusebio e aree limitrofe

DUBROVNIK GLOCAL PARK - Cesare Corfone, Merle Srecko, Ilaria Sferrella, Giulia Mistichelli, Gold Matija, Baliak Sanijn, CORFONE+PARTNERS

Renders interni - Massimo Sabato


In questo album mostro il lavoro del mio studio, l’elaborazione di renders di alta qualità per dar valore ai vostri progetti.

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

Massimo Sabato — Renders interni

House Lam - Nico van der Meulen


The rocky outcrop with spectacular views of the Johannesburg skyline inspired the additions and alterations of this contemporary home. Built from steel, stone and glass, the home was developed to maximize the surrounding views, making use of the natural features without compromising the contemporary flowing aspect of the architectural design.

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

The existing entrance into the house was originally at the top of the site. The new entrance to the re-designed home, which was transformed into a three storey mansion, was created on the lower ground floor with an internal staircase leading up to the ground floor living area.

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

The ground floor is an open plan living area with a double volume living room leading out onto the lanai and pool, this area has spectacular views to the north and west. The kitchen has views to both the north and south, from here you can also access the lanai and living area.

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

The ground floor living areas were designed around the pool, which is a prominent feature of this custom design. The spillover detail of this cantilevered pool creates a seamless integration with the views across the city. A bridge links opposite sides of the main and family bedroom suites, which all have wrap around balconies that maximise the surrounding views and make provision for outdoor living.

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

M Square Lifestyle Design meticulously chose a colour palette to compliment the colours that were used in the building’s structural elements and used materials matching the structural elements. The furniture pieces were sourced from M Square Lifestyle Necessities, this includes items from Molteni and C, Floss and Kundalini.

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Nico van der Meulen — House Lam

Bathing Hut - SHARE architects


The bathing hut was conceived as a micro villa with full amenities. Located on the waterfront of the Old Danube, but still in the centre of Vienna (Austria), it is a private chill-out oasis within an otherwise dense urban context.

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

Coming from the street, the property is accessed through a large sliding gate that leads to the top terrace of the very compact arrangement. An open-air staircase along the side facade takes the visitor 3 meters below. On this level the main terrace open to the Old Danube, and the double-height, main living room can seamlessly connect to the outdoor space through a sliding facade. Inside, a suspended gallery offering wonderful views over the water is used as a sleeping deck. Under the gallery there is place for the bathroom and the adjacent open kitchen. In the rear of the house under the overlying top terrace place was found for storage. A wooden floating deck, illuminated at night, offers the possibility of a boat mooring.

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

SHARE architects — Bathing Hut

Town Hall Ossiach - SHARE architects


The new design for the Town Hall Ossiach is based on the pavilion typology. Public functions have been physically separated from the administration.

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

The design generated a new kind of multifunctional hall for tourist information as well as other necessary events of the community. A big terrace surrounding the hall will bring the best lake views to the users.

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

SHARE architects — Town Hall Ossiach

Party Hall Kortrijk - Compagnie O


A party hall is all about fun and freedom. It is a social landscape filled with intimate moments and exciting energy. Therefore, a party is treated as an event, an intense experience of stimulating music, rhythmic lighting, misty smoke and dark boundaries. Mixed with the ecstasy of self release, a party vibrates with the energy of the people.

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Exterior view on arrival

For the youth, parties are a form of self expression, an imitation of who they are and what they represent. It is this search and development of our youth that justifies the communal aspect of a party hall. It represents a meeting point within the city – a shell separating outside from inside where you are sheltered to be with your community. As you enter, you acknowledge your presence in relation to place which can be comforting as a transition from outside to inside. And as you are inside, you are allowed to explore, move, consume, and socialize in your own space in your own terms.

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Entrance space

The objective of this project is to create a venue for expression, ecstasy and excitement. But on the other hand a responsible building which regulates itself with minimal intervention; visible and present. Architecture itself is not the experience, it is the catalyst for the experience – it mediates between discharge and expression, control and authority – a complex balance to achieve.

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Ticket booth with stairs to the foyer

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Party venue

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Foyer space

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Roof terrace

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Model foyer and roof terrace view

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

zoom in foyer

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

ground floor

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

first floor

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

roof terrace

Compagnie O — Party Hall Kortrijk

Design evolution

29 social housing - atelier PO&PO


We tried to define an individual living environment in a collective universe. We favored, in a project of grouped housing environment, the elements which characterize the well-being, of the individual housing, such as: no common areas(parts), entered personalized and housing recognizable, individual terraces with rooms(parts,plays) to be lived sunny and housing crossing. It is the idea of the in town individual, isolated house, on the roof.

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

Then, while keeping(preserving), the scale(ladder) of the project in the dimension(size) of an urban collective, we worked the volumes on the dimension(size) and according to the shape of a house of our collective unconscious. We added to it, a harmony of colors and materials. At least two reasons, in it: the first one(night) is a necessity, to re-decompose

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

Then, there is here a will, more than to look, but to find in us this child’s share, which makes that as adult we feel good and our children also. Our city is playful, cheerful, colored and brightened up. It is an attempt of redefining of the everyday life(daily paper) of the urban. We try to develop, elements necessary for the fact that has to be the shared city.

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

cyril sancereau

atelier PO&PO — 29 social housing

swimming pool - atelier PO&PO


By opting for the reconstruction of the swimming pool Auguste-Delaune, the city of Tremblay-en-France wished to offer to the users a contemporary sports equipment.

atelier PO&PO — swimming pool

Situated in a very wooded district, the swimming pool is organized around spaces dedicated to the aquatic activities and according to the route(course) of the sun.

atelier PO&PO — swimming pool

The natural light penetrates widely through the wide windows of both rows of sheds back to back.

atelier PO&PO — swimming pool

This composition offers to the pond of 25 meter competition, with five corridors(lanes) of swimming, a homogeneous north lighting, without reflections.

atelier PO&PO — swimming pool

The playful pond and in the paddling pool benefit from a light of south, more intense and hotter for the children.

atelier PO&PO — swimming pool

The equipment also possesses a space well-being, hammam and sauna. Outside, in the shade of trees, mineral beaches(ranges)

Museum of Vucedol Culture - Radionica Arhitekture


Vucedol is located on the right bank of the Danube River , 4.5 km downstream from the center of Vukovar. Culture that bears its name , the Vučedol culture ( 3000- 2400.g.pr.Kr .) , is contemporary with Sumerian period in Mesopotamia , the Old Kingdom in Egypt and the beginnings of Troy. In its initial phase its located in Srijem and Eastern Slavonia , and in the late stage it spread over the whole of Croatia and parts of 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

First archaeological findings, on the site, made the family Streim in the late 19th century, who was the owner of Vučedol site and whose reconstructed house still stands in the archaeological park. This prompted further research, of which the most notable was the one made in 1938. when a German archaeologist, Robert R. Schmidt excavated Megaron and found the world-famous Vucedol Dove.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

All of Gradac was a casting center, and because of casting and the poisonous gases released from that process, Gradac was separated from the rest of the village, and was as a kind of acropolis and religious center of the village. The Vučedol houses had numerous cylindrical tombs that were used for storage room, and sometimes as the tombs for ritually sacrificed animals and humans. Vučedol houses are characterized by rounded corners and walls of wicker, coated with clay, with a large fireplace in the center.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Systematic research of Vučedol began in 1984. and already at the beginning of the excavations , there was the idea of an archeological and a museum on the site of the excavations. The research stopped in the early 90’s because of the war and resumed in 2000 after the de-mining of the area.
The archaeological site extends to just over 6 acres and is mostly covered with woods and vineyards. The terrain rises from about +90 m AMSL where the entrance to the museum is, to approximately 110 m AMSL where the Gradac site is located. The main buildings in the park are: the museum, restored Villa Streim (which will serve as a research center for the archaeologists), old crafts workshops (for demonstrations of crafts from Vučedol culture), underground building on the site of Gradac and reconstructed building of Megaron above it.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

The basic idea behind the concept of the museum was integration into the terrain, which is achieved with the museum design which is mostly buried in the ground and only the façade is open to the landscape. Its shape, as serpentine, follows terrain, and on whose green roof you can reach the archaeological sites over the museum. Integration into the terrain is achieved, except with serpentine form, by selecting materials, and so was brick selected for the outer coating, a natural material that most resembles the ground at the site.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

The interior of the museum is divided into different sections. Ground floor contents, such as coffee shop and dressing rooms, are designed for visitors. Offices and storage are accessible from the ground and are partially placed in the basement. The rest of the interior exhibition space is divided into several levels, interconnected with ramps. On separate levels of exhibition space it’s possible to exit the museum, and continue touring on the roof surface. Due to the fact that the building is mostly buried, but also because of the depth of space, atriums were made to further illuminate the interior space.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

The entire structure of the museum is made of reinforced concrete. It consists of a foundation slab and the longitudinal walls between each serpentine, transverse trapezoidal walls, longitudinal and transverse beams and roof slabs. Treatment of the interior is simple; the walls were left as bare concrete, finally painted in black, and on the floor light oak was placed. 
As part of the future park, tourist and recreational activities are planned, as well as a large parking lot for cars and buses, and a pier for tourist boats.

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Radionica Arhitekture — Museum of Vucedol Culture

Narona Archaeological Museum - Radionica Arhitekture


The ancient forum of the Roman city of Narona was buried for more than a thousand years. Barbarians came down the valley, destroying temples and decapitating statues. Then the river that descends from the high mountains piled up the sand and buried the ruins. On the site of the civic centre of the once sizeable ancient city, village houses were built, fields were sown and olive groves planted.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

The memory of that city, first mentioned in documents dating from the 4th century BC and believed to have covered an area of 25 hectares at its peak, was passed down in folk tales about insane emperors and in history textbooks for primary school. The first archaeological excavations of the site were initiated by Viennese archaeologists at the beginning of the last century, but it was not until the end of the Second World War that archaeologists from the Archaeological Museum of Split started to excavate the forum. In the early 1990s a team from the museum, led by archaeologists Emilio Marin, discovered the remains of the Temple of Augustus including sixteen Roman statues.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

In 2001 the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the City of Metković launched an open architectural competition for an on-site archaeological museum, above the ruins of the temple. The winner was coincidentally the architect proposing the smallest structure, Goran Rako. His project reactivates the archaeological site, not only by validating the historical testimony of a great culture, but also by responding sensitively to the complexities of the current situation. Rako’s architecture integrates the regional “architecture without architects” that has been built for over a thousand years, into a complex suburban landscape of private homes and apartment buildings and public infrastructure.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

The “mimicry grammar”, as Rako has described his museum design, was not easy in such a sensitive situation. Construction machinery and archaeological brushes worked interchangeably. To make the situation even more complicated, a mosaic was discovered on a neighbouring site of ongoing archaeological research. The mosaic extended into the museum site, so the neighbouring plot had to be purchased, a house demolished and the museum structure altered to curve around the mosaic. Another challenge was to fit all the required auxiliary spaces of the museum onto no more than a sixth of the surface area that was free of archaeological findings. There was also a groundwater issue owing to the porosity of the limestone bedrock and the proximity of the River Norin.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Construction finally started in 2004 and the restored statues – some of them complete with rediscovered heads – were put back where they logically belong: on the place where they had been excavated. On 18 May 2007, the museum was officially opened by the Prime Minister. The museum s interior is determined by the scale of the excavated Roman artefacts and statues, while its exterior is determined by the scale of the temple and the forum, the scale of the surrounding ordinary houses and by the green masses of olive groves and vineyards climbing up from the square to the church on the hill. But above all, the building is determined by the scale of everyday life; its roof, a system of publicly accessible flat surfaces and ramps, connect two levels of public space.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Another intelligent invention by the architect is the museum s austere materiality. The construction uses a combination of reinforced concrete and exposed steel; the facades are faced with narrow plastic panels positioned so as to allow a diffuse light to penetrate the interior. The horizontal surfaces and ramps are paved with irregularly shaped stone slabs laid in cement mortar, which is a common feature of contemporary Dalmatian construction. A harmonious encounter between old and new has been accomplished here at every level – exhibits, museum building and the surroundings.

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Rako is said to have claimed that the greatest collective achievement of the Croats – apart from the construction of Dubrovnik – was the transformation of the Roman Emperor Diocletian s Palace into the City of Split. Now, in the run-down village of Vid, on the outskirts of Metković, he has succeeded in turning the whill of history backwards by creating a geometry that has turned the ancient temple of Narona into a living museum, and in so doing, bringing archaeology alive.

text: Krunoslav Ivanišin

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Radionica Arhitekture — Narona Archaeological Museum

Ristrutturazione Bagno - Alessandro Matteu, Maria Aurora Cocco


Progetto di ristrutturazione di un bagno per un committente privato. Il progetto presentava diverse difficoltà in quanto si doveva intervenire in un ambiente preesistente di dimensioni molto ridotte.

Alessandro Matteu, Maria Aurora Cocco — Ristrutturazione Bagno

Visione d'insieme

Alessandro Matteu, Maria Aurora Cocco — Ristrutturazione Bagno

Alessandro Matteu, Maria Aurora Cocco — Ristrutturazione Bagno

Alessandro Matteu, Maria Aurora Cocco — Ristrutturazione Bagno

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