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Hortitherapie Sensorielle - Stefano Marinaz


In 2010 StefanoMarinaz’s project ‘Hortitherapie Sensorielle’ was selected for the edition ‘Jardins corps et âme’ of the Chaumont sur Loire Garden Design Festival. The proposal is a series of healing gardens where plants elevate the senses and inspire a state of well-being in the body and mind of visitors.

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

The sculpture of a woman in the centre of the garden represents the idea of relaxation when immersed in nature. The project was conceived in collaboration with Francesca Vacirca and Daniela Tonegatti.

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Stefano Marinaz — Hortitherapie Sensorielle

Premio Lynx - Associazione Culturale Il Sestante


Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla prima edizione del Premio Lynx, il concorso internazionale d’arte contemporanea che espone le 60 opere finaliste in prestigiose sedi a Trieste, Livorno e Aidussina (Slovenia). Pittura, fotografia e digital art sono le tre categorie a cui gli artisti potranno iscriversi fino all’11 luglio 2015, senza limiti d’età o nazionalità.

Associazione Culturale Il Sestante — Premio Lynx

Premio Lynx 2015

I 20 vincitori accederanno ad una selezione speciale di artisti internazionali. Verranno inoltre assegnati 6 premi fiera e 6 contratti espositivi di un anno. I tre vincitori assoluti riceveranno un premio del valore complessivo di € 8000. In più una speciale sezione è stata creata anche per gli artisti under 21.

Associazione Culturale Il Sestante — Premio Lynx

Bando e promo su Premio Lynx Iscriviti ora.

Gate House - Stefano Marinaz


Set in a pristine woodland of pines, ferns and rhododendrons in Buckinghamshire this gatehouse is currently being refurbished by Paolo Cossu architects. As part of the redevelopment of this family countryside house a new extension will be introduced and it will be inspired by shou-sugi-ban or burnt sugi boards. This traditional Japanese cladding technique uses carbonised Cedar boards which are resistant to rot and fire: the result are blackened boards with a silver sheen. The landscape proposal consists of a courtyard garden with a Japanese influence as far as the palette of plants is concerned and a frame of pleached crab apple trees. A more naturalistic setting is created around the house with the introduction of a wildflower meadow and a native hedgerow to blur the boundaries between the domestic garden and the woodland around it.

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Stefano Marinaz — Gate House

Mazzoni - +studio architetti associati


Lo spazio espositivo e commerciale di Mazzoni, negozio multibrand ad Alba, si sviluppa in profondità attraverso un intero isolato, con doppi ingressi in affaccio sulla principale via pedonale della città.

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Vista piano terreno

Il progetto deriva dall’ampliamento di uno store preesistente: l’area di vendita e magazzino al piano terra si connette ad un piano interrato. Attraverso la neutralità degli ambienti si valorizzano marchi dai mood differenti. La profondità del bianco crea sottili paradossi visivi, negando enfatizza: linee di luce a soffitto tagliano il volume e ne esaltano la lunghezza; una scala – che conduce al livello inferiore – scava nella monocromia, magnetica perché quasi invisibile; vetri trasparenti estetizzano il ritrovamento di un antico muro di epoca romana perché impalpabili.

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Vista del banco cassa

Divisori satinati grigi, unica deroga cromatica, oscurano le ombre dei dressing. I mobili espositori sono un progetto nel progetto, interamente realizzati in vetro incollato ed elementi in acciaio inox lucidato, entro cui alloggiano cablaggi miniaturizzati per l’illuminazione a led. Tecnologia ed eleganza essenziale.

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Sbarco della scala al piano inferiore con resti del muro romano

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Mobile espositore in vetro

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Camerini in vetro satinato

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Vista interno

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Parete espositiva accessori

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Dettagli scala

+studio architetti associati — Mazzoni

Dettaglio mancorrente

A garden in Chelsea - Stefano Marinaz


Visitors to this newly built family house in Chelsea are greeted by impressive sentinels of clipped Quercus ilex. As they approach the front door they can’t fail to notice the scent of Sarcococca confusa in winter and that of Pittosporum tobira nanum in summer. This evergreen theme continues behind the house, a space framed by the expansive glass door of the kitchen. Here a vibrant green wall encloses one side of the courtyard and Trachelospermum jasminoides covers the other walls. The contours are softened further by the extension of existing planting beds to merge with the paving, and the scent of jasmine combines with the sound of moving water to evoke images of ancient Arabic gardens. Rills flow down the walls into horizontal channels that eventually intersect, linking the vertical and horizontal planes of the garden, while specially designed bronze-finish strip lights softly illuminate the space at night, creating another visual link between the vertical surfaces of the walls.

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Stefano Marinaz — A garden in Chelsea

Microhouse - supercake


L’intervento di ristrutturazione mira a convertire un micro appartamento di 28 mq. in una casa atelier per una curatrice d’arte. Il progetto analizza una serie di necessità specifiche dell’utente cercando di ottimizzare al meglio gli spazi attraverso logiche di flessibilità e interazione. Il risultato è un ambiente efficiente, integrato, e interattivo, contraddistinto da una semplicità formale e una particolare cura per i dettagli. Dal punto di vista planimetrico il layout risulta suddiviso in 3 ambienti principali : soggiorno, cucina e camera studio. Il blocco centrale della cucina, identificato matericamente dall’utilizzo del legno di betulla e dal Pral, è un filtro vero e proprio tra la zona giorno e la zona notte, in grado di gestire la permeabilità tra i vari ambienti attraverso la chiusura e l’apertura di porte scorrevoli a scomparsa. Al suo interno sono concentrate le funzioni di cucina e stoccaggio di vestiti, elettrodomestici, materiali e accessori per la pulizia della casa. E’ possibile, a seconda delle necessità, utilizzare e attivare selettivamente i vari ambienti escludendone altri dalla vista, per integrare attività quali ‘lavorare’, ‘mangiare’, ‘dormire’, ‘esporre’. E’ cosi’, che all’occorrenza, è possibile chiudere totalmente l’ambiente della cucina, farlo interagire con quello dello studio o del soggiorno, o rendere totalmente permeabile la casa per attivarla come ‘Atelier’, in occasione di piccoli eventi espositivi. Semplici cavetti in acciaio tesati alle pareti, consentono infatti di appendere ogni tipo di supporto in maniera temporanea. Sopra il blocco cucina, affacciato sullo studio, vi è un soppalco per il letto, che consente di svincolare la superficie sottostante dove è importante avere la massima flessibilità e disponibilità degli spazi per funzioni legate allo svago e al lavoro.

supercake — Microhouse

vista dal soggiorno verso la cucina e il deposito in quota

supercake — Microhouse

vista dallo studio verso il soppalco e il blocco cucina

supercake — Microhouse

vista dal soggiorno verso la cucina e il deposito in quota

supercake — Microhouse


supercake — Microhouse

camera / studio

supercake — Microhouse

scaletta metallica mobile

supercake — Microhouse

vista dal soggiorno verso la cucina attraverso l’oblò

supercake — Microhouse

scaletta metallica mobile, dettaglio dell’incastro della pedata in legno di betulla

supercake — Microhouse

armadiature e piano cucina in Pral

supercake — Microhouse

vista sulla cucina in legno di Betulla e Pral

MEDICAL LAB - FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene


Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un struttura sanitaria finalizzata all’esercizio di poliambulario specialistico, centro di medicina dello sport e recupero e riabilitazione funzionale.

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

FORM_A Architetti Associati , Annalisa Casalegno, Daniela Dabene — MEDICAL LAB

Mimetizzare_Mostrare - CMO, Marco Olgiati, Paolo Citelli, Mirco Monti


Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un nuovo ingresso pedonale/carrabile alla proprietà ed all’abitazione e la nuova pavimentazione dell’area esterna. L’accesso carraio e pedonale, realizzato con una struttura in cemento a sbalzo e lamiere metalliche, richiama compositivamente il ritmo dei pannelli cementizi della cinta che cinge la proprietà e nella quale si inserisce.

CMO, Marco Olgiati, Paolo Citelli, Mirco Monti — Mimetizzare_Mostrare

Ingresso Pedonale/Carrabile Pedestrian/vehicles Entrance

La nuova pavimentazione, gettata in opera, crea una superficie bianca uniforme intervallata dalle cordolonatura in ciotoli bianchi, dal disegno geometrico delle fughe e dalle aree a giardino.

CMO, Marco Olgiati, Paolo Citelli, Mirco Monti — Mimetizzare_Mostrare

L’entrata alla casa è pensata come un volume ben visibile addossato all’edificio che crea uno spazio coperto inaspettato, per pranzare all’aperto o fare attività domestiche, diventando al contempo diaframma tra lo spazio intimo della casa e lo spazio aperto del giardino.

CMO, Marco Olgiati, Paolo Citelli, Mirco Monti — Mimetizzare_Mostrare

Il profilo della scala in aggetto che conduce alla casa, illuminato durante la sera da faretti incassati che ne segnano le alzate, è avvolto da una balaustra in lamiera microforata che gira tutto intono al volume dell’ingresso suggerendo grande apertura e trasparenza verso il contesto urbano che lo circonda.

CMO, Marco Olgiati, Paolo Citelli, Mirco Monti — Mimetizzare_Mostrare

The work aims to renovate a 1950s private house surrounded by a garden. The project concerns especially outside spaces of building with creation of a new pedestrian/vehicles entrance and a new outside paving. The main entry to estate, realized with concrete structures and metal pannels, searches a reference to the texture of concrete panels fence getting back his horizontal rytm. The new concrete paving makes a white uniform surface playing with garden areas, pubbles edge and geometric paving cavities. The entrance to the house become a visible volume added to the old building creating a covered outside space for eating or making activities, as a diaphragm between inside and outside spaces. The cantilever stairs of this unexpected space is enclosed by microperforated metallic fence opening to the context and showing itself.

Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera - NG-STUDIO Interior Design


This interior is situated in the picturesque residence in Ospedaletti, on the shores of the Ligurian Sea. Residencial building is surrounded by greenery of private garden, and has well-organized entry into the territory and the corresponding main entrance and terrace. Extending the idea of the high quality life, expressed in a representative residence on the Italian Riviera – NG-studio created and implemented the interior of this apartment in an certain manner – through combination of classical architecture and traditions of interior styles of Italian Riviera and Сote d’Azur – with modern notes and tendencies distinctive for the interiors of premium level. Classial lines of cornices and elegant white plaster decoration – combined with bright exotic wood veneer. Soft shades of suede and nubuck are in contrast to the sharp glare glass and warm bronze. Curtains, textiles and carpets made from natural materials – gives the interior softness. Overall scheme of the interior is formed mostly from warm tones – which alloyed to combine materials, to harmonize all interior and to create a solid image of this residence. The Client, as a connoisseur of modern art – set in the interior some samples of modern artwork and sculptures from his collection – which refreshes the interior, add a bright contrasts and completeness. The interior was created in full accordance with the concept, which was agreed by the Client. Therefore, to a design of a built-in furniture and shkaps, was given a special position – as to an integral part of the architecture of the interior. All types of built-in furniture, include shkaps, kitchen, living room furniture, but also doors and sliding walls of glass – were designed and implemented in accordance with the interior project of the studio, specially for this interior. The whole interior was c design and implemented by NG studio interior design.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

NG-STUDIO Interior Design — Interior design of apartment on Italian Riviera

© NG-STUDIO snc. Photo by Rosa Amato. All rights reserved.

Ristorante "LA FASSA" - Moreno Zurlo

DISCOTECA _ RISTORANTE VICEVERSA - Roberto Di Pizio, Giampaolo Esposto


il progetto prevede, attraverso opere sia interne che esterne, la ristrutturazione edilizia del fabbricato ad uso discoteca e ristorante. Le lavorazioni in oggetto inducono trasformazioni edilizie tali che si avrà una nuova figurazione sia dello spazio che della distribuzione interna. Tra le opere interne, quella di maggiore rilevanza attiene alla realizzazione del soppalco el ristorante. Lo stesso, inserito al di sotto di una delle due volte a botte, modifica la percezione dell’ intero spazio interno, diventa esso stesso, insieme alle scale, elemento architettonico preminente sull’intera composizione figurativa. Lo spazio interno è diviso, dando origine a micro funzioni, da cilindri trasparenti e|o opachi.

Roberto Di Pizio, Giampaolo Esposto — DISCOTECA  _ RISTORANTE VICEVERSA

Le intenzioni progettuali, oltre a quelle già rivelate, sono anche quelle di riqualificazione e rifacimento di elementi di finitura interni e l’inserimento di elementi d’arredo fissi. Le opere esterne che invece caratterizzano il progetto riguardano essenzialmente la riqualificazione del fronte est, che rappresenta l’alzato principale.

Roberto Di Pizio, Giampaolo Esposto — DISCOTECA  _ RISTORANTE VICEVERSA

La ridefinizione figurativa del fronte, nelle intenzioni progettuali, avviene attraverso sia la realizzazione di una pensilina, a segnare l’ingresso al locale, che di un telo verticale per la proiezione di immagini.

Roberto Di Pizio, Giampaolo Esposto — DISCOTECA  _ RISTORANTE VICEVERSA

Roberto Di Pizio, Giampaolo Esposto — DISCOTECA  _ RISTORANTE VICEVERSA

Interni Valgatara - Moreno Zurlo


Ozadi hotel - Pedro Campos Costa


Rehabilitation is a medical term that refers to the dynamic global process oriented to physical and psychological regeneration of the human being. In architecture is associated with the critical process to find the essential elements which are to remain, those that must be removed and new ones, prostheses, which may be added. Here there isn’t a dreamlike inspiration. The process is little linear and the final design is the result of several moments of the project with several intersections with the client.

Pedro Campos Costa — Ozadi hotel

This intervention follows two options: the archaeological recovery by mimesis with the past and the contemporary statement by comparison with present realities. The goal was to search for a balance between existing and contemporary. The building was designed in the 70s and has features that I was interested in keeping and which influenced the design of the new elements. I perceive the buildings not as static elements but as living structures that interact over us and that are part of the experience both at the program level or its aesthetic expression.

The fundamental aspect of the new structure is the concern for comfort, both on the terrace and lounge space. The wood was a material that emerged from the very first moment, very attached to a search for a relationship with the nearby surroundings, even with the tree that is located on your side. The building seeks to find the land and the surrounding in a balanced and harmonious way while asserting his personality and his character, creating an innovative space proposal. That was the key challenge to affirm the architectural effectiveness in finding a new value for the tourism product. In the 20s and 30s, the industry was thrilled with the architect and with the possibilities that could build together. Today the industry is back to back, uninterested in innovative solutions and more interested in the repetition of standard ones. This situation forces the architects to be constantly faced with catalogs, standard choices and unable to draw solutions. Whenever we can, we try to build bridges with industry, with contractors, with the carpenters, locksmiths or masons, to create solutions together. In this case the roof is a hyperboloid made in wood, a geometry that allows great spans with less material, and where the joints are all at different distances. The shading grids were designed specifically for this building. Concrete allows the console 6 meters towards the pool.

Pedro Campos Costa — Ozadi hotel

We always tried to be very, very careful with the choice of materials. The spatial distribution and comfort of the environment is designed in such a way that the light has great importance, and the materials are essential to this idea of space. Another example of this approach is the Extension of the Lisbon Oceanarium, where the ceramic tile of the facade, which was designed and developed specially for this building, has a fundamental role in the light design and ambiance both in the interior and exterior.

PASSALACQUA - Moreno Zurlo, AcMe Studio

Villa La Piscopia - stefania fasanotti architetto

Lotto 15 - stefania fasanotti architetto

Sailing School in Sotogrande - Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez


The sailing school for the Sotogrande´s Royal Maritime Club is located in an ideal position, between the marina and the catamarans´ beach.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

The project is linked to the stone jetty spanning longitudinally over the promenade in the north side of the beach. The structure seemingly levitates from the ground, standing gently in the sand, as if it were a catamaran. Due to the limited dimensions of the school and its facilities it is necessary the interposing of a larger element to create more visibility for the building. The pergola, constructed in front of the school, unifies all the project elements while also creating a shaded threshold, covering the exterior from direct sun exposure, stretching towards the southern end of the building. Seen from a distance, the school becomes a landmark near the port entrance.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

The building presents different properties in its front and rear sides. At the same time, it encompasses two distinct parts beginning with the built volume that organizes the school´s office, classroom, changing rooms and the sails warehouse in its main interior. Facing south, the pergola extends from the building to create an open-air room allowing for views of the landscape underneath the shade.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

The building, in a dominant position towards the beach while gently elevated from the sand, delineates a marked nautical character with its lightness and appearance. The club member´s classroom consists of a double-sided space that links visually the beach and the marina. The ocean breeze enters into the interior providing for a fresh and shaded space that extends to the outside.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

The school is accessible from different points. The warehouse, the changing rooms and the offices have independent access from the rear and both flanks of the building, meanwhile the access to the club is located at the front in continuity with the platform and the porch.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

The school is constructed with galvanized steel and bolted connections as the primary structure. The organization of the structural elements creates a series of rhythms in the façades strengthening its nautical and weightless character. The member´s room opens to the north and south sides by means of operable glass walls, accessible from the beach, allowing spatial continuity and cross ventilation. All the other enclosure elements in the walls, floors and ceiling are made in wood-cement fiber panels that ensure both structural durability and performance against the harsh climates from the sea and inclement weather. In the same way, the pergola in the south is built with a galvanized steel structure and a tensile system that holds up a willow reed cover that echoes its context.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Under the pergola or from the inside of the classroom, the sea and the Rock of Gibraltar become, framed by the architecture, main characters of the space.

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

Héctor Fernández Elorza, Carlos Garcia Fernandez — Sailing School in Sotogrande

MMMMMS House - Anna & Eugeni Bach


The MMMMMS house is placed at the outskirts of Camallera, in a recent development area facing the village. Due to the location, the house is openly visible from the village.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The local building regulations are straightforward, specifying mere general characteristics for the new houses, such as stone cladding, or sloped roofs with “arab” tiles. The main aim of these regulations is to lead new buildings to look like old rural houses, the so called Catalan “masias”.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The aim of the project was not to think of the “masia” as an isolated building, but as one that makes sense in a rural landscape and on the agricultural land. The traditional Catalan house would not make sense without its true agricultural context; even less when there are 20 similar houses in an area of just 10 hectares.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Therefore, rather than portraying a traditional rural house, the project looks for another type of a relationship to the countryside, making a connection to the farm storages around this area.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The spatial organisation of the house follows the logic of a warehouse, generating a large volume within which smaller units are placed, to offer intimacy. Bedrooms, kitchen and bathrooms are placed in “boxes” inside the “storage”. Between these, crossed views and circulations offer direct relationships to the landscape around the house.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The circulation space inside the house can be understood almost as an exterior space, while the boxes, are places for being “inside”. The height of the common spaces, and their direct relationship with the outside, make you feel as if you were in an open space all the time, enjoying the surrounding landscape and nature.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Following these ideas, the house vanishes at one end. Here the exterior space is under a canopy, which offers shade, views, and a central space for the house, again, outside.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The house has been designed to be a low energy building. For the hot seasons we have planned a system for crossed ventilation via small openings in the façades and north-oriented skylights, which allow very comfortable temperatures without any need for air conditioning. For the winter, the house has increased wall thickness and insulation, and the heating is provided by a high performance wood-chip heater, which is connected to solar panels, also supplying hot water. The rainwater is collected under an underground water tank, which provides “grey” water for the garden and toilets. All the materials for the construction are sourced from local producers and suppliers.

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

Anna & Eugeni Bach — MMMMMS House

The Chinese Condition - TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun


‘Chinese architects account for 1% of the world total, but the turnover from building work is 1/10 of the world total. In other words, one hundredth of the world’s architects must design 33% of all buildings and they must do this for just 1/10 of the profit. How does this condition effect architecture?’

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

This is the question that motivates The Chinese Condition, the exposition that TCA ThinkTank displayed within the Chinese Pavilion at this year’s Venice Biennale 2014. The exposition highlights issues regarding the perception and research of the reality of the architecture in China. The exhibition is a collection of historical and contemporary information that provide basics for the understanding of the condition of architecture in China, and the situation in which way its actors must operate.

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

The contemporary reality is studied through the big numbers of the growth, size, quantity of projects, the issue of demolition, the relationship between the project and the context (or non-context), the definition of the numbers of Chinese phenomenon, the condition that determines its architecture. The research of the identity goes back when all this started with the first contacts with the West and the expression of the national changing. They are developed through examples of Baroque, Beaux Art, Eclecticism, Chinese Revival, Soviet Architecture, Modernism, American Postmodernism, Mega-structural Modernism and New Vernacular Architecture and the latest generation. The historical research focuses on the major nowadays-architectural trends, illustrating mega-structural objects, symbolic and iconic buildings, traditional appearance and architecture with Vernacular characteristics.

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

The exposition consists of three parts: ‘Conversations’ with Chinese Architects, ‘Architectural Report’ of the architectures of the new generation, ‘Issues’ of designing in China; meanwhile the ‘Case Cards’ are located in the Chinese Pavilion, in Magazzino delle Cisterne in Arsenale. The exhibition displays the conversation with those ones who build and who want to create architectural thoughts. The latest generation of architects talks and describes their experiences, their design philosophy through the most important works and their positions about the main contemporary issues: the research of architectural identity, the possibilities and contradictions of the present historical moment, the understanding of the non-context, the speed of architectural creation, the traces of the past in new architectures and the condition of uncertainty as integral part of the Chinese society. One can visit the places, buildings and architecture, studies and listens to the stories behind the representative works that most represent their philosophy in architecture.

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

“The world looks at China to see how it deals with the big numbers of Asian development using the latest experimentation in architecture, trying to understand what the enormous and exceptional architectural production in recent years can teach to the rest of the world.”

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

The Chinese Condition – 14th Venice Biennale – Fundamentals

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

Architects: Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun In Collaboration: Duoxiang Studio多相工作室 State: Built Area: 9 sqm Location: Venice, Italy Year: 2014 Program: Exhibition Photographer:  Marco Cappelletti Video Editing: Andrea Vertone, Roberto Ortu Text editing: Edna gee Media Partners: ArchDaily, l’ARCA International, Ordine degli Architetti Milano,  Ordine degli Architetti di Torino, ASSOCINA, Fondazione Italia Cina, STUDIO Architecture and Urbanism Magazine, Gizmoweb, Conceptbook.

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

Press contacts & Inquiries TCA Think Tank   info@tcathinktank.com  

TCA Think Tank, Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun — The Chinese Condition

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